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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. People who interrupt you when your talking to someone, or who cut you off in mid-sentence when you're talking to them, so they can talk. I have a friend who does this all the time. I'll start to say something, and they barge right over me. I've even tested this person by continuing to go on with what I was trying to say, and they will just keep talking over the top of me. Obviously, this person prefers the sound of their own voice, to any real conversation. To me, it's just rude.
  2. Why do I suddenly have a visual of the Black Night fight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail? "Come on, it's only a flesh wound!"
  3. I LOVE the black with black lace outfit I purchased from Cheeky. Her workmanship is awesome. However, Chain Shot did have to cinch that corset for me REALLY tight. LOL If you think they will fit you, I recommend Cheeky's work highly. You won't be disappointed, and they are worth every dime.
  4. I had the crew keep the Rakehell running in a wide circle around the two ships. Nothing was happening. The Scot appeared to be willing to talk, but so far Jacky had made no reply. I hoped they'd get this little plaver over with soon, or myself and my crew were going to get dizzy from the constant circling.
  5. Oh, I don't know. Ronin and the twins might get along famously. Oh, and Lady B, I went ahead and started a new thread for PR. It just seemed easier to make a fresh start, as so many of the old characters would probably not be coming back. We can refer to them, but as stated in the new intro, we just can't play them. I bumped the story up by six months. Anything that was going on before could be resolved within that amount of time, clearing the way for new adventures. Now, those that have signed on for the new PR............GET TO POSTING!
  6. I just had this at an Easter brunch. They were calling it oven-baked French toast, but it sure tasted like a type of bread pudding to me. It was killer good!!! Which was why I asked for, and got, the recipe. OVEN FRENCH TOAST 1 12 oz loaf of thick sliced French bread 8 large eggs 2 cups milk 2 cups half & half 2 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp mace Heavily butter a 13x9x2 pan. Fill pan with bread slices within 1 inch from top. Set aside. In a blender, mix eggs, milk, half & half, vanilla and spices. Pour over bread. cover, and refrigerate over night. Just before baking, make the topping and spread over the top of pudding. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 50 minutes, or until puffed up a bit. TOPPING 3/4 cup soft butter 1 1/2 cups brown sugar 3 T dark corn syrup 1 1/2 cups chopped pecans (You could add a bit of rum to this, and it would be yummy! Just not too much, or it would make the topping runny)
  7. Let's say it's been six months since PR Part One left off. We're heading into hurricane season, just to make things interesting. We can refer to old players, but obviously, we can't play their parts. I suggest we still use the Joint Thread for questions, etc. And it would be nice if new characters posted a brief bio in the Bio Thread, but it's not mandatory. Just makes it a bit easier for others to get a better visual of what your character looks like, age, etc. So, anyone, hop in whenever you want.
  8. Okay folks, here is the new Port Royal. Some characters from the old story may come back, and many new characters will be added. Let's play!
  9. That's fine with me. I don't care how we re-start it, I just want to get it going again. I will probably use many of my old characters, but I also may bring in new ones. I'll start a new thread.....Port Royal, Chapter Two........A new beginning.
  10. The Port Royal story ran for over two years, with a lot of great writing. However, many of the original players have, for various reasons, dropped out of the story, and it has been stagnant for many many months. I would like to kick-start it back to life. To do that, it needs new players to create new adventures. If any of you have ever wanted to hop into one of the on-going stories running on the Pub, now is your chance. PR is basically a land-based story(although ships came in and out regularly), and we've had people playing everything from smugglers, murderers, tavern keeps, actresses, pirates, pirate hunters, eccentric professors, and wealthy sugar plantation owners, and more. So you see, you can come into the story as pretty much any type of period character you want. If you want to read some of the back story before coming in, that's fine, but it's not a requirement. This is PR before the big quake, so it is a thriving city filled with many interesting people from all over the world. Come join in the fun.....
  11. Add my prayers to the many others, Syren.
  12. Spent an exhaustive afternoon trying to make a banner for my Esty account. You will remember my issues with PhotoShop trying to make business cards? I finally got that resolved by having a friend come over and help me, and give me a quick tutorial on the program. Still pretty much blundering around, though. I want to have a banner, profile, and photos ready before I open the account. Etsy (www.etsy.com) seems a pretty good way to dip my toe into the waters of internet sales, as I have NO desire to mess with Ebay. It also appears to be cheaper. Then I can post a link to my Etsy store in my Pub signature, and on the other forums I play in. How are all the rest of you doing? The coffee house has been awfully quite lately.
  13. Isn't it about time we posted some pictures? You know, to get everyone all fired up again. A few teasers never hurts! LOL Anyone?
  14. They stay in your heart forever, BriarRose. Over my lifetime, all of my little furbies that have passed still bring fond memories, and I miss them just as much now, as I did when they passed. It becomes a sweet tug at the heart when you think of them.
  15. Sorry I missed this BriarRose. Hope your day was grand, and not too sad because of the recent passing of your dear little cat.
  16. Welcome to the Pub, mate. A nicer place to hang your tricorn, you'll never find. 'Course, you may never find your tricorn again. Seems hats have a way of disappearing around here.....however, I'll have a glass of French bubbly, if you please.
  17. Nope. Just pray it's not Tim Burton. How about George Lucas? The last movie suffered from way to much plot and not enough special effects. George can fix that. ROTDLMAO (Sprays tea into the computer keyboard)
  18. MacTavish, still erked that he'd missed his chance to shoot a Spaniard, watched the other brig come to anchor just off the Flodden's bow. "Doesna want us flying off," he muttered, then walked to the rail and hailed the other ship, his voice deep, raspy, and heavily accented. "I'd like tae ken why ye hae all ye'r guns primed, when we havena done anything tae provoke such a fine show a temper? Mae business is with yon Spaniards." MacTavish gestured toward the spit of sand the Spaniards were still stranded on. "And I've nae need o' assistance, if that's what brought ye scootin' over here in such a tizzy."
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ There is no ideal size. I have to go anywhere from a size 4/6 on the bottom, to a size 8-10 on top, because I have wide shoulders (not because I have big boobs, alas). I buy a lot of my stuff in the men's department. < I just spent an hour going through clothes at a local high end department store that is going out of business (Gotchalks). Couldn't find anything I liked, cause it all looked like old lady clothes. I came home with a candle. V Besides the size thing, does shopping frustrate you?
  20. The main reason I didn't ask for money in the first round, is that I didn't want to turn potential players off, since ATCs hadn't been done on the Pub before. Also, since I included the little goody bags, I wasn't sure how much it would cost to mail out each packet. I think when all was said and done, it cost me about $25 for the mailing, not counting the mailing envelopes, which I already had. So a small fee of $2 should cover most of that expense, and I know that it's normal to ask for a small fee to cover mailing costs in most other ATC rounds.
  21. Oh yeah. They made themselves right at home. Hung out all day. This evening, the two males got into "flaunt it" mode, and I got lots of pictures. Then all three rested on the front deck, right under the living room picture window, which was where I was taking the pictures. They wandered back to the hill behind the house when Chain Shot started mowing the lawn. I kinda hope they come back, and as we're one of the few places with no dogs, they might feel safe here.
  22. Sore! I've been doing major landscaping and maintenance in the yard and garden for the last three days, 'cause it's been in the high 60s and 70s. Trying to beat the rain and snow predicted for the next five days.
  23. Oh yeah, and now they have moved to the front of the house, and are eating bugs from the potted plants on the deck, and eating weed seeds out in my driveway. Very strange, but......kinda kewl.
  24. I use one all the time. Have for years. Don't have any recipes though. I just toss whatever meat I happen to have, along with veggies, maybe rice or potatoes, a little broth, herbs & spices, and shove it in the oven. I think it's kinda like making stew or soup only you do it slow in the oven instead of on top of the stove. Maybe think Crock Pot, only a few hours instead of an all day thing?
  25. Went to get another cup of tea, looked out my dinning room slider and saw two peacocks and a peahen staring back at me with little beady eyes, they're beaks touching the glass! I don't know whose they are, or where they came from! The boys are quite handsome! Wonder if they'll hang around?
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