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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Ransom

    My word

    And there's even a monkey!
  2. "Sae, it's you back again, is it? Well, I'm in nae mind tae offer you any of my good Port this time, sae be off!" I smiled at Professor Trilby, then put my booted foot in the doorway. "I'm not here for the Port." "Then get your dirty boot off of mae doorstep." He attempted to slam the door on my foot. I thrust out both hands, blocking it, thus sparing myself a broken toe. "Belay that, man, and let me speak." I pushed the door back. "I need your help." "As if I would help the likes of you! Putting innocents adrift tae die." "Yes, I put those men adrift. But you must admit, that was kinder than putting them to the sword, or leaving them marooned on some spit of sand." "A good Christian would hae taken them aboard and brought them tae safety, not fired their ship and set them adrift with narry one water skin between the five of them." I shrugged. "I never said I was a good Christian." In his agitation, the turban, like a layered cake left in the sun, began to lean. When he paused to redjust it, I took the opportunity presented to shove the door back and enter his house. "Yea have the devil's own nerve!" he sputtered. Once again I shook my head at his bizarre speech, shifting from wild Scot to mannered Oxford Don and back to wild Scot. "What I have need of is a doctor. When I was last a guest here, I noticed your anatomy charts. Can you treat the injured?" "I'll nae treat any of your thieving crew. If they die, then good riddance tae them." "The man is not a member of my crew. Nor did my crew cause his injuries. He is a nobleman, and will no doubt pay you quite handsomely for your services." I wondered just how long I could prevaricate. I had to get Trilby to the Rakehell before revealing the identity of his patient. But if Trilby had the nature of most men trained in healing, I suspected that when he saw the brand on Killingsworht's chest, his hatred for the man would be put aside. At least until Killingsworth was well enough to hang. Trilby's sharp blue eyes bored into mine. "This had better be nae trick." "I promise you, it's not a trick. The man has been beaten and clubbed in the head. And...he has another, more serious injury that needs tending. Will you come?" "If I do, you'll promise nae tae shanghai me nor my servant boy?" Inwardly I shivered at the thought of Professor Trilby pressed into service aboard the Rakehell. It would be like making the devil a crew member. "I promise. Once you have treated the man, you and your servant will be free to go." He studied me a moment, then nodded. "Very well, then. Give me a minute tae collect mae things." He turned abruptly and headed for the room I knew to be his study. "Souris! God's teeth, where are you? Get mae medical case, blast you. We've a paying customer waiting."
  3. 22. The women's costumes make them all look like Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke.
  4. You are all such a handome lot, but...doesn't Mr. March ever smile? He always looks so intense.
  5. My husband and I received the Pirate Dice game from his sister as a gift. So far we haven't played it yet. Is it fun for just two people, or is it more of a challenge with four? We're heading for the coast and four days on our boat, and will take the game with us, so I was just curious. I kinda like the idea of sitting out on the back (cockpit?), sipping rum, playing liars dice and listening to the seagulls screaming at each other over by the fish packing plant.
  6. If you decide you want to upload photos, it's pretty simple for your avatar and personal photos. Go into "My controls" and select "Edit Avatar Settings" to change your avatar or "Change Personal Photo" to do that. Once inside those widows, you can pull them right off your computer by navigating to the file location using the Browse button. It's just like opening a Word processing document, only you're looking for a picture document. I've found it's best to pick a square photo with minimal details for your avatar. Putting photos inside of a post response is more advanced. The photos must be out there somewhere on the web and you must know the URL of the location. A lot of people use photobucket or similar free photo posting sites and then copy the URL out of their address bar on their browser into a post using the IMG button. Thanks for the lesson. On a day when I'm feeling in a Zen mode, I'll give it a try! Otherwise, if it doesn't work, I'll get so frustrated, I'm liable to throw my Mac out the window—and it's not the poor Mac's fault. BTW Jill, I was wondering the same thing. Where are that girl's nipples? Her spoobs look like two ostrich eggs.
  7. I take in the breathtakingly romantic scene and listen to the lovely music as the tantalising aroma of coconut shrimp fills the Pub. I look at Jacky in amazment. "Pinch me , luv, 'cause I think I've died and gone to heaven." ***OOC*** Thanks Jacky, and you too Striker. Also Killingsworth and Silky. I've needed distraction and a good laugh lately. A person I knew briefly, but thought one of the nicest guys I'd ever met, commited suicide last week. He was only 38. I was stunned. He'd been in my kitchen, drinking rootbeer and joking, just a week before he died. Yesterday my husband and I went to his memorial service. I've been in a real funk and this thread has helped take my mind off the sadness. Thanks.
  8. Cocks an eye. "Okay, play the coy one. But I know you're up to something." Takes a sip of Champagne. "I heard an awful lot of shouting from the galley. Does the Pub cook make pineapple dip? You know, that's good for lots of things other than seafood."
  9. Supermodel! Not even close! Sorry guys, no pictures. A girl likes to keep a bit of mystery about her. Besides, I still can't &%^#$@*& figure out how to post pictures, avatars, etc. I am totally computer challenged!
  10. "Not sure why cleavage is that important to slim gal. Consider the followin': Do ye have a flat stomach? Arr yer hips bigger than yer waist? Would ye say yer legs or yer torso is longer (probably legs)? If ye answered affirmative to these questions, then yer a supermodel! Most of them don't have much cleavage either." Let's put it this way. I'm 5' 6", weigh 116 lbs, which is what I weighed in high school. I wear a size 4 Gap jean. I gave up worring about cleavage a long time ago. On a brisk day, and if I'm standing up straight, I can still pass the pencil test (if you CAN'T hold a pencil under your "girls", then you can go without a bra—in theory). For someone of my age, that's achievement enough!
  11. I watch Jacky reseat himself after the trip to the galley. "Jacky, luv, why do you have that shite-eating grin on your face?"
  12. After Ioan had gone, I barely resisted the urge to throw something at the door. I wanted him off my ship, but knew he'd cause more trouble ashore than if confined on board. I was surprized that he hadn't left on his own when I made the offer. That he didn't told me there were still nasty plans brewing in that Welsh brain, and that I had better watch my step. I put my anger at Ioan aside and went below to check on the invalid. Goose stood by the hammock, a cup of water in his hand. "He been mumblin's a bit, Captain, but ain't said nuthin' a man could make sense of." Killingsworth looked like something found on a battle field. His body was bruised and bloody, and blood matted his short hair where the Reaper had clubbed him. But it was the brand that made me clench my jaw. Blistered, blackened, and raw, the crude outline of a bird stood out stark against his pale skin. Large enough to have branded a horse, it seemed to cover half his chest. I could not imagine having to wear a mark such as that for the rest of my life. "Keep him as comfortable as you can. Try to get him to drink at little when he wakes. I'm going to fetch someone who may be able to help him." Goose gestured toward the brand. "That's a powerful cruel thing to do to a body." "Yes, but then, Mr. Killingsworth was a cruel man. Fate has a way of paying us our due." "Still and all." Goose shrugged. "It's goin' ta be a foul blow when he's got his senses back and sees as what has been done to him." "We'll worry about that when the time comes. Right now, my main concern is keeping him alive. Watch him. Don't let him thrash about or fall out of the hammock. I'll be back as soon as I can." Goose nodded, and I returned to the deck. Ioan, standing by the foremast, cast me a black look, but I ignored him, and motioned for Africa to join me. "I'm going ashore to fetch a doctor for the prisoner. Don't let Ioan leave the ship. If he tries, you have my permission to put a ball between his eyes." Africa grinned. "Aye, Captain. But mehbe better ta put a blade between dos ribs, and keep it quiet like. Dat way, no one notice he gone." "Pistol or blade, just make sure he's dead." Then I turned, climbed down the side, and headed for the house of Professor Angus Trilby, wondering how I was going to talk him into saving a man he wished was already dead.
  13. Ioan followed Ransom to her cabin. He knew what was coming. She would either throw him off the ship, or render some form fof punishment. Neither prospect boded well for his plans. When the door was shut, she turned on him like a fury. "Do you, or do you not value your position on this ship?" "Depends on what my position is," he said, suddenly in a mood for a fight. "As of this moment, you don't have one. I don't abide crew members who cross me. We gave you safe passge from Charles Town. You proved yourself an able seaman. You have shared in what little bounty we have collected. What, exactly is your gripe?" "This ship has taken nothing worth selling for months. But for the gunpowder and shot we took from the Mariah, we'd have nothing. Your attempt to bribe Morgan has failed. The cannon sits in a stable collecting dust. We're on short rations and watered rum, not to mention harboring a killer in the hold. How long are we supposed to wait for the Rakehell to make us some shiny?" She shrugged, which infuriated him. "You don't like it here, your free to leave. There are plenty of ships in the harbor. Sign with one of them. To be honest, I'd just as soon be rid of you, rather than have to keep watching my back." "If I leave, your back still won't be safe." She turned, her blue eyes blazing like saphires. "Is that a threat?" "Concider it a warning." He hated that he could not goad her. No matter what he did, she refused to rant, or beg him to change his mind. And maybe, he thought, that was the crux of it. He held no sway over her at all. If he droped dead this moment, she would do no more than have his carcass thrown over the side. "I don't have time for your theatrics," she said. "Cross me again, and I'll gut you where you stand." "So, you can't bear to part with me after all." He smiled, thinking he may have won this round. His satisfaction was short-lived. "Don't leave the ship. If you attempt to go ashore, I will tell the crew to shoot you. Now, get out of my cabin." Stunned at the turn of events, Ioan's dark eyes flared, then he turned and left the cabin. As he returned to the deck, he swore there would be a reconing. Oh yes, he thought, there would be a reconing.
  14. I turned to Africa. "See Mr. Roberts off the Rakehell. When the two men had gone, I turned burning eyes to Ioan. "In my cabin. Now!"
  15. Inwardly, I smiled. I bet she would. I'll bet a lot of people would pay to know where Mr. Killingsworth was at this moment. Hell, the Governor might even offer a heafty reward for his capture. Whatever money there was to be gained, sharing it was not part of my plan. But, this fellow might be useful. No need to put his back up. "Assuming I do hear of where this...Killingsworth, was it...is located, where might I reach you? We could certainly talk business then." My major concern at the moment was getting the said Killingsworth some medical attention. He'd be raving with fever soon, and that brand looked ugly. And since the soldiers were no doubt still on the lookout for him, I'd have to hunt up someone secretly, which led me to think of Prof. Trilby and his anatomy charts. This situation did not lend time to deal with an unknown bargainer. I lowered my rapier from the man's chest. "At what house or tavern do you stay?"
  16. Oh, we've done that. Pals, we are. Oops, mayhap I shouldn't have said that!
  17. Furious at the man's presence on the Rakehell, I glared at the newcomer, but spoke to the men of my crew. "How did this man get on board? Who the blazes was on watch?" Africa rolled his eyes. "T"were Goose's turn on watch, Captain." "That figures. I'll boil him alive in his own stew pot for this. Where is he?" All the while I kept my rapier pointed at the stranger. Jimmy laughed. "He's hidin', I'll bet. Don't want no steel threw his gizzard." "Then find the idiot and post a better guard. Anyone else tries to board, unless he's wearing a uniform, shoot them." Lauging still, Jimmy went back up on deck to look for the haples cook. I turned my attention to the intruder. There was no way anyone should know Killingsworth was on the Rakehell. The boat with the grim reaper was long gone by the time we got there. We'd pucked Killingsworth off that island at dawn, delivered him below and stowed him in a hammock. No one had been on shore since, so there was no possiblity gossip could have betrayed us. I had never heard of a Tess St. Clair. So, what did this man really want, and why did he feel he had to sneek aboard and make a propositions to Ioan, of all people? I had my own plans for the fop. They did not include this stranger, no matter what story he'd concocted. I shot a fierce glare at Ioan. "You know this man?" Ioan shook his head. "Never seen him before in my life." I looked back at the stranger. What game was he playing? Whatever it was, two could play. I decided to see how well the man could dance. I stepped closer and gave him a sweetly sardonic smile. "Killingsworth? Never heard of him."
  18. "Come, come now Jacky. Mr. Killingsworth can't help being what he is—whatever that may be. He's just been beaten, branded and left tied to a tree, so he's probably a little touchy. I'm sure he was just trying to prevent us dying of food poisoning." "And the lobster sounds fine. How about some coconut shrimp with pineapple dipping sauce as well? We can use Killingsworth as a "taster" just to be safe."
  19. Ioan looked at the stranger a moment, then laughed. "God's teeth, man, it's more than my life is worth right now to listen to anything you've got to say." With a quick shout, Africa and Jimmy were in the hold, blocking the man's retreat. "Who's dat?" Africa's deep voice penitrated the darkness, cutlass in hand. 'What's he doing on our ship?" "Just visiting, I'd say," Ioan replied, removing the man's knife from his hand. "Call the Captain." Jimmy dissapeared, to returen shortly with the Captain." "What have we here?" Ransom asked, inspecting the visitor. "Looking for someone, were you?" Ioan smirked. "Said he had a proposition for me." Ransom faced the intruder. "And just what would that proposition be, if you don't mind my asking? Make it quick. I'm not known for my patience." To enforce this statement, Ransom held a rapier point at the intruder's throat. With a grin, Ioan said to the guest, "Better tell her all, mate. Trust me, she'll slit your throat if you don't."
  20. Good God Woman...watch you're step! Killingsworth shouts as he orders another port for himself and Tess. ..."And stay away from the crabs!" Hey, I just saved you from becoming crab bait. A little gratitude would be nice. AND, I always watch my step! Don't want my boots smelling of doo doo.
  21. Killingsworth wrenching his hands of it..."Mawha..ha...ha..ha..! I'm trying to save your miserable branded hide, and this is the thanks I get. Humph!
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