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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "Oh, there's plenty for everyone, surely? Well, except for Tess. I don't know if I'd trust her around food or not. And, whatever you do, if she offers you tea, DON'T DRINK IT! Looks toward the door as Captain Sterling sticks his head in, turns a bit green, and backs out. I tap Jacky on the arm. "Uh, Capt. Sterling doesn't look too good. Maybe we better check up on him. He's had it pretty rough lately, what with being shot and all." Eyes the creme brulee, which happens to be a favorite, with longing. "Or,....maybe we could send Striker. He looks like he could use some fresh air."
  2. I'd be afraid as I "drank it all down", the shot glass would come up and hit me in the nose, filling me nostrils with booze, causing me to choke to death! But I'd love to see someone else give it a go!
  3. As it is now harvest season, and I am buried in tomatoes and cukes, I was just curious as to who on the pub also likes to garden? What do you grow? Veggies, herbs, flowers or all three? What do you do with what you grow? Maybe toss in some of your gardening tips, or favorite varieties of plants.
  4. I can't believe I missed this post! Jack, the sentiments may be late, but I'm sorry you lost your good friend. I too lost my little arab gelding to colic when he was 19. It is gut-wrenching, yet you will always have your memories, and if you're anything like me, you'll have lots of pictures of Apollo to treasure.
  5. Okay, I am really re-hooked now. Spent four days on our boat, and started a log/journal, written in a small, cheap ringbound book. After a few more stays, I will bring home said book, correct and rewrite it to sound more in period, then start the "for real" ship's log/journal, taking the cheapy one back to the boat for the next installment. It's fun trying to put period wordage into modern situations. Our boat has canvas covers, but rather than say "We pulled off the canvas covers." I wrote "Reefed canvas." When we put it all back on, I log in "Set canvas." Thought this was sort of ironic, as it is backwards to the sequence a real sailing ship would use. Oh well. BTW, one of the books I mentioned had a technique for putting color wash on one page of your journal and then closing the pages so you get a double stain. I thought it would work admirable for Rats and his doctors journal. He could use a nice reddish brown and it would look like his journal accidentaly fell on the floor while he was working. Perhaps some poor mate thrashing around while losing a leg knocked it down?
  6. Not withstanding the fact that poor Striker is still a bit in his cups, I give a little snort. With a lip curled with distaste, I look at the offering. "Herring for dessert? I think not. What about you, Silkie? I then turn to Jacky. "I hope you can come up with something for dessert better than dead pickled fish."
  7. I leave for four days and look what happens! My ship raided, my hostage highjacked, crew injured, and... REGGIE DEAD! Shakes head. "I suppose I should be grateful you didn't sink the Rakehell and kill me off in my absence. And Jack dear, my apolgies. I see it was a conspiracy. But, you still better watch your back. No one raids the Rakehell and gets away with it! Glad to be back. A landlocked pirate needs a taste of the sea air once and awhile. And the seafood ain't bad neither!
  8. "What in bloody hell do you mean, he's been taken?" I yelled, furious at the turn of events. Goose, nursing a black eye and a knife slash on his arm, looked like he wished he could throw himself overboard. "It happened so fast. First thing I knowed, I was on the floor, strugglin' with that Jack fellow who came skulking on board earlier." "And just how did that 'Jack fellow' get on board in the first place?" I raked my gaze over the crew, who stood looking everywhere but at me. Africa finally stepped forward. "Found Jimmy out cold on da fore deck. He in his hammock now, but don member much. He be nursin' big bump on head." I swung my gaze to Ioan. "Where the hell were you? Collecting your silver, deal completed? Speak, blast you!" Ioan smirked. "Never saw or heard a thing. Wasn't my watch. I was asleep in my hammock." Before I could vent my fury further, I was interrupted. "Well, this is all very nice," Prfessor Tribly huffed. "Drag me away from mae house for nothing. If the man was as sick and injured as you described, then he couldn't hae got far." "He shouldn't have gotten off this ship at all." I paused, fighting to control my anger. This was a serious breach of security, and all the crew would be punished, one way or another. I turned to the professor. "It seems I've wasted your time. My apologies. I'll send you a bottle of Burgundy from my private stock to make amends." "I'll be off then, as I see yea have some private business tae take care of with your crew. Bring the bottle of Burgundy yourself, and we'll talk a bit more." The good professor and his servant left the ship. I turned again to my crew. "You're all confined to the ship until I say otherwise. No rum for three days." I directed the brunt of my fury at Ioan. "And, as you're still first mate and in charge while I'm away, I hold you responsible for this disaster. Africa, Tunny, take our negligent first mate and tie him to the main mast. Let's see if a dozen twitches of the cat's tail can remind him of his duties." Before Ioan could react, Africa and Tunny, the ships' carpenter, grabbed Ioan by the arms and were dragging him to his place of punishment. As they lashed his hands, I turned my thoughts to Jack, the interesting intruder. He'd be made to pay as well.
  9. Guess I should have added that these were not for cutsey-ootsy scrapbooks/photo albums. I am not into that at all. Actually, I hadn't looked at the books in a while, pulled them out to post the titles, and got all inspired again. Add that to all the above enthusiasm, and I'm re-hooked!
  10. Being lazy tonight, as we're leaving town tomorrow. Papa Murphy's take-and-bake pizza. But, it is the BEST pizza ever!
  11. Jacky turns to Ransom, "Somethin' about health and wealth t' ye all!" He sees she is about to bite the Smorrebrod, "Did I mention lips that touch pickled herrin' shall never touch mine?" I give Jacky a grin, and put down the herring snack. "Is ham okay, or should I stick to shrimp?" Look over Jacky's shoulder at Striker. "Maybe you should offer Silkie some smorrebrod, she looks hungry."
  12. I've kept art journals periodically, and loved it. I have two books on journal making that may help with ideas and technics.They would give you lots of ideas on the best inks, paints, type of paper, glue, etc. Making Journals by Hand by Jason Thompson The Decorated Page—Journals, Scrapbooks & Albums Made Simply Beautiful by Gwen Diehn Because I use paint, I tend to do the artwork, writing, etc on a seperate piece of paper, then glue it into the journal and blend the edges. That way, if you screw up a page, it's not already in the journal. I also use black-covered art sketch books for my journals. They're ring bound, but I like the idea that they will lay flat, and the paper is heavier than regualr journals. The covers are easily covered with just about anything, to make them look old—I've used strips of crinkled and scuffed brown paper bags, and it ends up looking like aged skin! Anyway, can't wait to see some pages posted.
  13. Ransom

    My word

    I'm also curious about the shield (?) at the bottom left, just under the shirtless bloke. There is a daggar laying on it. Is that a face depicted? Kinda looks like a demon face, but not clear enough to tell.
  14. I pause with a bit of herring snorrebrod inches from my mouth, and look at Striker. "What did they say?"
  15. As for sub-plots, I don't think we're that organised! Seems it has been mainly roll with the story, but I agree with the time of day suggestion. I have found myself going without food or sleep for days, 'cause the story sort of swept past me! Maybe we should elect an official "New Day" keeper. :)
  16. I don't think that narrows things down much! But thanks.
  17. Ransom

    My word

    No worry, I'm just not a very good joke teller!
  18. Ransom

    My word

    I was looking at those myself. Figured they were the caterers for the event! Cute... You see, it was rather typical in upper class houses not to do the cooking in the house but in a separate cookhouse. So servants would have to bring it in to the main house for dinner. Actually, I knew that, but was trying for a joke!
  19. This is to let my fellow Port Royals know I'll be out of town until late Monday, so won't be able to post until probably Tuesday. My husband and I are heading for the coast tomorrow, for some R&R and a lot of seafood! I promise you, Mr. Killingsworth will be left well tended—and well guarded! R
  20. Ransom

    My word

    I was looking at those myself. Figured they were the caterers for the event! Welcome back, Pete! Glad ta see your signature (it's still one of me favorites) and yerself among us again.
  21. That's the set we have, and yeah, I like the little barnacles. Thanks for the info. We may play it anyway, just to learn how it goes, then challenge an innocent bystander!
  22. With a champange glass in one hand, and a shrimp tail dripping pineapple sause in the other, I look toward the bar at Jacky and Striker. "Smorrebrod? What the heck is smorrebrod, and does it go well with shrimp?"
  23. Thanks to you all. It might be a strange group, but it's a great one.
  24. He is intense! And when he slips into his character, he's hard to budge out of it.... Since he acts as the captain's "bodyguard/blindside protector" he has a tendency to be "always on his guard" keeping an eye out for those that approach the captain or helping the captain when necessary. You see, being blind in one eye, causes one to lose their depth preception, judging actual distances can be a real nightmare, and although I do well enough, Mr. March is always a welcome addition when getting through the day I thought he had that "bodyguard" glare! And I stand chastised. As your first mate and back-guarder, he must be on duty 24/7. A daunting, yet commendable job, to be sure. My compliments to Mr. March. May he continue to keep any hurt from the good Captain.
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