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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I'll buy, young sir. We're alway up for a good story. What say you, Siren? Want another Plunder me Cherry while Mr. Flint here tells us his life story? Tab is on me.
  2. "I wouldn't know luv, the crew named her." "I'm sorry, I intended no insult. I just assumed you were her captain. Or, if you are, and the crew named the ship, then I still meant no disrespect. I like the name Relentless, so only thought to offer you a compliment."
  3. Ioan hadn't paid much attention to the ruckus in the hallway—too intent on the Lady before him— until the pistol went off. He spun around and opened the door just enough to peer out. Gunpowder clouded the narrow space of the hall. Before he could decide whether to check further, a second round went off, echoing like thunder in the confined space. Having no desire to be struck dead in the cause of someone else's problem, he backed away and shut the door. Turning to Miss Saint Claire, he shrugged. "Interesting place you've chosen to take lodging. However, you might want to step to the back of the room, just in case a ball comes through the wall."
  4. After seeing the new James Bond naked in Tomb Raider, I'd walk over hot coals to see Casino Royal.
  5. Bald Headed...I've never heard that before! No, no, that's not a proper description of the Rakehell. Sleek, sexy, fast...beautiful she is. Scoons with the best of them. So, tell me about the Relentless. Seems to me her name describes her Captain. Be that true?"
  6. The midshipman looked up with a sigh of relief. He waited as the newcomer finished scolding the others, then ducked inside under the younger man's arm. "Tis about bloody time," Mr. Merriweather the elder mumbled under his breath. With reluctance, I let the boy go. No point in causing more of a ruckus than we already had. Yet, it was strange. Why would he toss a violin case through the window? This shop of books, was becoming more and more a shop of mysteries. "Let's go," I said to Trilby. He stood staring at the broken window. "Now, I wonder what that was all about?" "Maybe this strange captain didn't like his latest volume?" I looked once more at the shop. Shadows drifted behind the windows, but I could see no clear face. I picked up my volume of Peppys, that excentric Englishman, which I had dropped during the altercation with the young boy. "Do you wish to persue the boy?" Trilby asked, suddenly as curious as I was. "No. Let's wait for Andre's message. It is a meeting I look forward too." Trilby huffed. "Yea may change your mind, once yea do. Andre'...Andre' is like a shadow. Yea never see beyond the darkness." "I've dealt with a lot of darkness. Andre' will be no different."
  7. "A lovely two masted schooner, masts raked, gaff rigged. Some might call it a...dare I say...sexy ship. But she has a bite—six eight pounders and four swivel guns. Right now, she's moored in Port Royal harbor. Maybe you should pay her a visit, eh? It's a lively town, who knows what could happen. Why, just ask Captain Sterling how exciting Port Royal can be."
  8. "He's alive, he's alive!" Winks at Siren. "Well, guess the fun isn't over after all." Then glares at Elvira. "Hands off, missy. You've drained the lad enough for one night." Looks at the mark on Flint's arm. "Just exactly what is that?"
  9. Sly grin. "Oh, I'm Captain of the Rakehell, make no mistake. And I only released my first mate because he's more trouble than he's worth. Tess is welcome to him, although she may find him a pain in the arse after too long." Shrugs. "As for religion, I've found it causes more problems than it solves. I believe in myself, for good or bad. So, how can I divorce myself?"
  10. I grinned at the boy. "I wouldn't advise reaching for that pistol, lad, or you'll likely end up losing an eye to this long pointy blade of mine. To be sure, you're loyal, and that's a fine trait, but stupidity is not. If you weren't in such a hurry to bolt off, I'd have thought nothing of it, but you've piqued my curiosity, and that's never a good thing. I'm also running out of patience, and that's much worse."
  11. "My descretion says stay, and let's continue our walk...and our talk. Who knows where either may lead?"
  12. Inwardly, I admired the boy's bravado. "You still haven't answered my question. Who is your Captain, and if you're running an errand for him, why mustn't I tell him you are being dutiful to his order?" I also had the uncomfortable feeling that those within the shop were watching the exchange. Why this bothered me, I couldn't exactly say, but after Trilby's description of Andre', I didn't altogether trust this benighn looking book shop or its proprietors. I grabbed the boy's other sleeve and gave him a shake. "Last chance. Who is your captain, or I drag you to the house of this gentleman and let him perform archane experiments on you!" Trilby snorted.
  13. "Oh yes, you're free to play with Ioan for as long as I like. As for Jacky, yes, time will tell."
  14. I grabbed the boy's sleeve. "I can hardly tell him if I don't know who he is. Maybe you better enlighten me." Trilby, still fussing with his wayward turban, groused, "What's it matter tae yea? Probably no more than a powder monkey running some errand." Still holding the boy's sleeve, I snapped at Trilby. "Yes, and most powder monkeys can't read, so why is this whelp visiting a book shop, and doesn't want me to tell his Captain about it." I turned back to the boy. "Speak up. Who is your captain?"
  15. The door opening distracted Ioan from continuing down the hall. He turned to face the Lady Saint Claire, for it could be no other. She had the stamp of spoiled nobility all over her. He had dallied with her type before, and gave her his best, dark-eyed Welsh smile. "I was told you were wanting information about a certain Mr. Killingsworth. I've since then learned he is dead, so my information is too late. But, as I'm in need of a bit of coin, I wondered if you might be needing any other services."
  16. "Watch what you're doing, yea ruffian," Professor Trilby shouted, trying to put his turban to rights. "Dinna yea hae any respect for your elders?" I laughed, sure the young man meant no harm. "Come on, Professor. The lad didn't do it on purpose." Pulling the professor out of the way, I nodded to the startled boy. "Pay him no heed. His bark is far worse than his bite."
  17. Ioan ignored the sounds coming from down the hall, and knocked on the door again. Maybe the Lady was out for the evening. Before the door was answered, Wally lerched back through the narrow hallway, his eyes wild. "What the hell happene?" Ioan asked, as the big man pushed past him. "Private room. No business of mine," he gushed, then dove down the stairs to the common room. Ioan turned and stode toward the third door from the street.
  18. No worries mate. Twill be a strange vintage when someone finally opens that barrel! And, Chole, glad you decided to "jump in", there are a lot of us new to this role-playing game. We're learning from each other as we go.
  19. All places of books have a unique aroma and this shop was no different. Essence of vellum, parchment, glue and leather bindings sent my memory back to childhood and my father's library. I had thought it a magical place, where adventure was as close as the next shelf. That he forbade me to go there never stopped me from sneaking in whenever he was away. Professor Trilby nodded to the elderly man who greeted us. "Afternoon Mr. Stockton. I've brought yea a new customer." Mr. Stockton said nothing, merely raised an eyebrow and waited. "She's an unusual request," Trilby continued. "One that I think Andre' or Sebastian might be interested in." While Trilby and Stockton talked, I let my gaze wander around the room. Gold leaf and fine dyed calves skin graced books locked with silver clasps. Older tomes with tattered covers and ancient languages leaned against rolled maps and smaller folios. It was a place I could spend hours in, if only I had the time. Then a small chuckle escaped my lips as I picked up a worn copy of Peppy's diary. "Ransom?" Trilby touched my arm then gestured toward the shop keeper. "Mr. Stockton, this is Miss Ransom. Though you'd nae believe it, she is the Captain of the schooner Rakehell, and has something for trade." Mr. Stockton looked me over critically, then turned to Trilby. "You vouch for her?" Trilby nodded. "Then I will let Andre' know you wish to see him. I will send a message to your house if he agrees to a meeting." "Thank you, sir." Trilby replied, then turned to go. I held up the copy of Peppys. "I'll take this, if it's not too expensive." Mr. Stockton took the book, looked at the title and shook his head. "No, it is not expensive. There is little call for Peppys in Port Royal." He quoted me a price, I paid him, and then Trilby and I left the shop to return to Trilby's strange house and await Andre's decision. "You think Andre' will see me?" I asked Trilby. "Oh, like as not, he's already seen yea. For all I ken, he listened tae the whole conversation from some hidey-hole. The Devereaux's be a cautious lot." I grinned. "This Andre' sounds more and more interesting."
  20. To Lady Saint Claire, Oh come now, Tess. I'm about to hand you my rebellious first mate on a platter to do with as you will—to a point. Besides, I'm sure, in your long and...interesting...life, you've had worse things tossed at you than Creme Brulee. Say, a certain Lord Darnley? I'm in no fear of my back. Regards, Ransom I hand the note and a coin to a nearby sailor, with instructions on where to deliver it. I give Jacky a puzzled look. "I wonder how Tess throws her voice that way? After all, we've walked quite a ways from the Pub, and I can hear her just like she's standing next to us. Must be something they teach you in court."
  21. "Oh, that's an old tale, oft told at the Pub. Surely we can find something more interesting to talk about. Yourself, perhaps? I know nothing about you, other than you have a flare for fine dining, flattery, and have a wicked sense of humor (The set direction for Raggin' Robbi comes to mind). What else should I know that you'd care to tell me?" I snuggle into Jacky's coat, take another breath of clean sea air, and let him lead me where he will.
  22. Asking quick directions from the bar keep, Ioan climbed the stairs to the Lady Saint Claire's room. He hesitated in front of her door, not sure he wanted to involve himself with another domineering woman, but the emptiness of his purse spurred him to knock. From down the hall could be heard shouting and the crashing of furniture. Ioan smiled. Apparently Wally was doing his duty.
  23. "Oh, Miss Saint Claire is quite charming, I'm sure. But she does have a bit of a darker side you may not be familier with. But I am grateful for your concern about my wellfare." As we walk, the brisk clean air clears my head. The moon hangs in the night sky like a new-minted silver coin, laying bright ribbons of light over the water. I take Jacky's arm. "It's a long way to where my ship is birthed. What shall we talk about?"
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