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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "You're wrong, Frenchman, I look like a chimney sweep!" Hiding my dissappointment that Sebastian had elected not to sail with us, I ordered Africa and Tunny to row to the Rakehell. They must have sensed my foul mood, as both remained silent during the crossing of the bay. Once on board, I gave orders to set canvas and take the ship out to sea. Africa approached, his faced showing conern. "Who dat man, Captain?" "If you're refering to the peacock on the pier, that is Sebastian Devareaux. He and his family are going to relieve us of this burdensom cargo and trade for either provisions or gold." "You trust him?" "About as far as I could throw him. But we need him and his family. At least until the holds of the Rakehell are empty." Africa gave me a different look, then raised an eybrow. "You like dat man." Anger flared again, mainly because I knew he spoke the trueth. "We have a business arrangement. That's all!" Then I pushed past him, marched to my cabin, slammed the door shut, and flounced into a chair, blushing like any silly school girl. "Business. That's all." I reconfirmed to myself. "That's all."
  2. That sounds good. I like the snack idea. I've got a few to add to the list. Jacky Tar, Aurora Devareaux, Captain Striker, CrazyCholeBlack...actually, anyone from Port Royal willing to risk a night with a bloodsucker—no offence. Got an invitation design in mind? Better warn Ray to stock the bar.
  3. I was tired, I was covered in soot from two hours of fighting the blaze at Trilby's, and I looked like something dragged from the fireplace. I had a ship that, if one cinder landed in the wrong place, would blow us all to hell. I was not in the mood to bandy words with Sebastian. The smirk on his handsome face was not helping. Knowing my temper, Africa looked worried, as if he feared I would just shoot the Frenchman where he sat, dangling graceful legs over the pier. I gritted my teeth. "No, I won't pitch you overboard, although at this moment the idea does have appeal. I have already promised you safe passage on my ship. I will not go back on my word. But don't push your luck too far, Frenchman." Africa jerked his head in Sebastian's direction. "Don say he commin' wif us!" With hands fisted on hips, I tilted my chin up, blue eyes flashing. "I don't know. Are you coming with us, Sebastian? Better decide quick, because I'm leaving, and you'll be left to flaunt your charms to one less bystander."
  4. Okay, so who we gonna invite? Or...er...hope you can keep off people's necks for one night, otherwise the party is gonna end up a little....dead!
  5. I have two more things to add to my list. Rolaids and Imodium—'cause you know that food aint gonna be fresh!
  6. At the sound of the familier, taunting voice behind me, I spun around to find Sabastian sitting astride his black horse. With a snarl of frustration, I snapped back, "Why not just announce to the whole harbor what the cargo is? I've managed to keep it a secret for over two weeks, but if you think making it common knowledge is going to help my situation, then please, go ahead." I turned back to Africa, who eyed Sebastian with suspicion. Tunny sat in the boat, holding on to a mooring line. "Get those oars in the water, and get me to the Rakehell," I ordered the two men. Africa stepped from the pier and onto the boat. Tunny still held the line, waiting for my word. I stood defiantly in the rocking boat, and glared back at the Frenchman. "Are you just going to sit there looking attractive, or are you going to be our guide for the evening?"
  7. Okay, here are mine. 1 I was an artist model for five years. 2 I was sold at a wench auction. 3 I trod where Johnny Depp trod—also Olando Bloom.
  8. I'm thinking if you were in Korea, then number 2 & 3 are true, and number one is the lie?
  9. Hey, Elivra, isn't this your time of year? I can't believe you're not throwing a halloween party. Shouldn't there be drinks all round—I mean wine or beer or rum, not your favorite vintage. What say you? We can all dress like vampire pirates. At least, for one night anyway.
  10. With fickle suddeness, the wind shifted, blowing sparks and ash toward the harbor. With barely a nod to Trilby, I abandoned the rescue of his house, now that it was no longer in danger, and ran to the wharf. Africa and Tunny were waiting with the boat. Africa said, "Soon as we saw dat smoke, we put da boat in the water, knowin' you would be wantin' ta be back on board." "Quick thinking," I replied. "I'd have been back sooner, but I was helping the Professor save his house. It's out of danger, I think, but we need to move the Rakehell further out. I can't risk even the remotest possiblility of a fire." "Africa had us hoist the main anchor before we came ta get ya." Tunny grinned. "We be all set ta go, waitin' only on yurself." Once on board, I would give orders to put to sea. I'd take the Rakehell to the secret cove described by Sebastian. She could wait there safe from the flames of Port Royal, until the Devareaux's could take possession of her explosive cargo. "Good ta be away from dat port," Africa commented. "Yes, it is. Unfortunately, we may have to go back." It would depend, I thought, on how the Devareaux's wanted to work the trade—goods, or gold.
  11. "I prefer puppies, don't most fellas?" Not sure. Does that mean you're a "touchy feely" kinda guy?
  12. Canary...Is that where the feathers come back into it?
  13. Sounds like your packing to start a war, mate!
  14. Arhhh! The sound you make when you give up!
  15. "Arrr ye talkin' about verve or feathers?" Can I take my pick?
  16. Jacky, Jacky, Jacky. Be nice, he's new. Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  17. I already have the Rakehell, but I kinda like the name Diamond Dance—for the way sunlight sparkles on the water. I used the name in a short-story I wrote, and really liked it.
  18. I wear ink, but it's not piratical. Just above my left ankle. A symbol that means something special to me.
  19. Yahoo! The sound you make when someone asks you to rock & roll all nite!
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