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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. No, eet's worse. I farted een here, and the suit is recirculating eet! I take five quick steps backwards. Joaquin is weaving and stumbling around, his bubble head totally fogged. A strong funk is starting to eminate from his suit. "Better get back everyone, I think he's about to burst!"
  2. "Sqeeking like a mouse?" I reach into the bag by the bar and pull out a cheesehead hat. "Here, will this help? It's the latest thing from Wisconsin." I cock an eye at Inigo, and point to his hook. "You know, you could put an eye out with that thing." "Jacky, is that Joaquin making those gasping noises? I think someone pulled out his air hose."
  3. An hour later, and with several glasses of champagne under my belt, I leave the Pub to return to the Rakehell. Almost without thinking, I look to the Relentless. I looked for a familier face, but didn't see it. "Just you wait, Mr. Tar," I whispered into the darkness. "I'm not giving up on us. Not yet."
  4. You first. If nothing goes missing, I'll think about it.
  5. Walks up to Jacky with newly filled champagne glass. "That wasn't funny. What with all those wires and tubes coming out of Joaquin, you get him wet again, and you might short circut something. Blow every fuse in the Pub." Peers at the face smiling behind the bubble, which is starting to fog up. I knock on the plastic. "You okay in there?"
  6. "Oh, don't worry about that. By next year the pirate fad will have passed, and all the little powder monky's will be dressed like something from Matrix Four-or is it five? Reloaded, Revamped, Regurgitated? I've lost track. Besides, you're not going to let a little thing like hanging put you off, are you?" Returns to the bar to see if there are any leftovers in the giant sea shell. Most of the ice has melted, so I opt for another glass of champagne-no orange juice this time.
  7. I decided to visit the Pub before returning to the Rakehell. As I walked along, I thought about Mr. Tar. Maybe things had gone a little too fast. Had I scared him away? No, I could not have been mistaken about the look in his eyes. I grinned to myself. "There's no saying that slowing things down a bit, might be just the way to heat them up again later. Besides, I like a good challenge. Some people are worth it. With a lighter heart, I enter the pub and order my usual.
  8. I choke on my mimosa at the sight of Inigo and his brother, blowing champagne and orange juice all over Joaquin's bubble head. When I can get my breath, I look to Inigo. "I don't know how to break it to you guys, but you missed the party by a day. The is the after the party breakfast...er, I guess by now, dinner." Looks at Silkie and then at Joaquin. "You know, for some crazy reason, your costumes kinda go together." I lift the corner of Jacky's coat. "You can come out now, Red Cat. It's only the Montoya brothers. Just don't bring up the subject of sheep."
  9. No! that's another reason why mine is red.
  10. I stood on the quarterdeck of the Rakehell, watching the smoke from Port Royal as it was caught by the wind and carried out to sea. I couldn't actually see the town, as the ship had rounded the island, heading, per Sebastian's directions, for the secret cove. An unusual nervousness griped me, more than what I knew to be normal before such a nefarious business arrangement. Not nerves due to fear, but more due to caution. Those in my line of work could easily be preyed upon, with no recourse for justice. Sebastian could be setting a trap, and I would sail the Rakehell to our deaths. The shoreline passed by. A few small fishing boats bobbed in the swells. A flock of gulls hovered above them, screeching like bedlam. I drummed my fingers on the rail, while my eyes scanned the sea for any sign of treachery.
  11. Professor Trilby sat slumped in one of the remaining rooftop chairs. Every bone in his body ached, and his lungs burned from all the smoke he'd inhaled. His singed and soot-stained turban lay in a soggy heap on the tiles, amid the ash and burned thatch. It was only now, when he could finally rest, that he noticed the angry blisters on his hands, and the new burn-holes in his tattered robe. But the fire had not burned his house, and for that he could almost bring himself to believe in the divine. He also realised he owed Ransom a great deal of thanks. He wondered how she would want that thanks repaid. "Souris, God rot yea, bring me another bottle of Port." When the dust-covered bottle was set in front of him, Trilby filled the only goblet that did not lay in glittering shards on the floor, raised it heavenward, and toasted an almighty he rarely had faith in.
  12. Something had changed. It was a subtle thing-a small withdrawal. With a sad sigh, I nod my head. "You're right. Ships and crew come first." I handed my empty coffee cup to him, then turned and left the Relentless.
  13. It took me a year to decide on an Avatar design. I wanted my character to mature a little before I posted one. It's a horse skull with a black heart under it. I chose a red background because everyone else was using black! The meaning? Well, since it is a pirate flag, it means "Your worst, blackhearted nightmare come true."
  14. I carefully pour champagne into a pretty cut-glass flute, then add the orange juice. "Here you go, luv." I touch the rim of my glass to his. "Cheers."
  15. "Fried Jelly Fish? And here I thought I'd tried just about everything from the sea." Looks at the shell of seafood. "But, I'd love a few crab cakes." I look at my empty tea cup. "I better exchange this for something a bit stronger. Maybe a Mimosa? That would go nicely with the Pub cake." Looks over at Jacky and smiles, picturing him in the Rococo wig. "Morning, Luv. Care for a Mimosa?"
  16. Back in my piratical garb, I re-enter the Pub to help Ray clean up after the party. Just inside the door I trip over one of Silkies tentacles. "Oh, sorry luv, didn't know you were still here." I grab a broom and start sweeping up cake crumbs, trod on rum balls, and the occational passed out drunk. Silkie politely lifts her numerous appendages so I can sweep under her chair. When that's finished, I wipe down all the tables, since they're sticky with spilled ale and rum, then stand on a chair and remove the skull-head patio lights. I leave the glow-in-the-dark spider webbing, as I think it lends a nice ambiance to the Pub. When I finish, Ray hands me a cup of hot tea, and I take a seat next to Silkie. "You look like you could use some food. Do you want me to have Tsunami Kate's send over a crab omelet?"
  17. With all the firearms and ammo being packed, I think some of yas are going to need a tractor-trailer combo to be sent back with ya, just to hold all your gear!
  18. I sit next to Jacky, and pull off my laurel crown, which was a little crooked and wilted by now. "I don't know about you, but my feet are killing me. It's been a long day. I think the party went well, don't you? And, thanks for playing host for me, while I was out taking a break." The fog machine has run out of mist, someone has kicked the tombstone over, and the skull-head lights are blinking out. Most of the cheesehead hats have been taken for souveneers. The band is packing up. Ray is dead on his feet. I reach for one last rum ball, and offer it to Jacky. "What say we call it a night?"
  19. "Sorry I've been gone so long, but I was clearing my head of the fog, and giving my ears a rest. That tombstone may have been a mistake. I see more guests have arrived. Where's Elvira? It's way past sundown and she should be helping make the guests welcome." While nibbling on a rum ball, I turn to Jacky. "You haven't seen Elvira, have you?" "Welcome Mr. Blackfoot. I'm sure you know everyone. Drinks are on the house, no need for you to dig into your coin." "Gee, if we get any more fishy costumes, the Pub is going to start looking like an aquarium! Maybe I should trade my sandels in for some swim fins?" After taking a short break, the Crypt Kicker Five returns and starts up with "Witchy Woman."
  20. I live out in the boonies. Trick or treaters are too scared to hike up to the house. So, I'll be staying home, with a nice fire in the fireplace, snuggled on the couch with my husband and cats, and sipping some hot chocolate laced with Tattoo. Maybe watch a movie.
  21. You look lovely! And there is plenty of ale, so grab a stein from behnd the bar, and fill er up! I bet if you asked Striker, he'd get one for you." Suddenly feels grit under my sandals. Follows the trail and see's it's OderlessEye covered in sand. "No worries, mate, the sand will just lend more atmosphere. Help yourself to the goodies...er, snacks."
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