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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "You look like an English judge. Sorta like somone who would order the pirate Jacky to be hanged." While secretly thinking he looks quite handsome. Not everyone can pull off a rococo wig. I pass around the plate of ghost cookies. As Reggie takes one, I comment, "I see you couldn't get rid of the brand, either. It does lend your...er...costume a nice grewesome effect." The fog machine is working great, and the Pub is knee-deep in a thick white mist. The skull-head patio lights are the twinkling kind, and blink on and off, lighting up their red eyes. There are so many people milling around, the plastic tombstone is constantly screaming. Actually, it's getting a bit annoying. The band strikes up "Superstition."
  2. Welcome, Black Edward. Tis a fine thing you do, teaching the little powder monkeys pirate ways. Seeing as how you're buying, I'll have a little French bubbly with a shot of Tattoo, if you don't mind. Cheers.
  3. "Ah, Reggie, I knew you'd turn up for The Day of the Dead! Have some cake and ghost cookies." Turns to Rumba. "You look marvelous!!!" Hands her a spidy drink. "I think the little arachnids are on the outside of the glass." At this moment the Crypt Kicker Five start off a set with "Monster Mash."
  4. Wow, Silkie. Awesome costume. But, how do you keep from tripping over your...er...tentacles? Oh, and just in case you'd like one, there are cheesehead hats for everyone, thanks to Jacky Tar. They're in a sack by the bar."
  5. A brief peek under me kilt should confirm same
  6. "Come on, let's sample some of the treats at the bar. But don't get too close to the candles, or you'll set your cheesehead on fire." I look over to Striker. "Hey, Striker, that cheesehead hat looks kinda strange impaled on those devil horns of yours."
  7. "Jacky Tar! Now who's being a cheese head!" I can clean up real purdy when I choose to!
  8. The warmth of Jacky's lips on my hand makes my pulse race. I take a deep breath, "Then, let's make it the evening after All Saints Day. Tsunami Kate's is busy with a Halloween party until then."
  9. The Pub restroom is so small I feel something like a super hero in a phone booth. I quickly strip off my pirate garb and pull my costume from its box. I wrap the pale blue cloth around myself, pleating and tucking as I go. Then I add the pretty gold chain belt, and slip on the little gold leather sandles-I've painted my toenails pink just for this occation. I pull my hair up and twist it into a chignon, letting a few curls trail down the side. Lastly I place the crown of gilded laural leaves on my head. Looking in the fly-specked mirror, I smile. "Perfect." I open the door and return to the party.
  10. Every sentence the pirates say ends with, "Arrrr, me hearties!" as they wave a rubber cutlass.
  11. "Well, let's see. You've treated me to an excellent dinner, and a nice breakfast. Seems only fitting I should return the favor. What about dinner on board the Rakehell? I'll get Tsunami Kates to cater, as Goose's cooking would spoil the ambiance." I step closer to Jacky and give a little grin. "And, except for one lookout who will be assigned to the fighting top, I'll give the crew shore leave. What say you to that, Captain?"
  12. "Huzzah, William. I'll try one of those Black Widow drinks and a Pub cake!" Takes a sip of the drink and a quick bite of cake, then turns to Elvira. "I've got to change into my costume for the day. Promise not to "sample" anyone while I'm in the Lady's room. If you're nice, I'll fix you a Bloody Mary when I get back." I start to leave, then realize what I've just said. "I did NOT mean you could drink from the barmaid again!" As I walk toward the restroom, the plastic tombstone screams at me.
  13. Well, er, no, I meant you could just wear your usual pirate garb, if you didn't want to dress up as something or someone else. Party is just getting started. Come on by!
  14. Looks puzzled. "You mean, on yourself?" Turns to Elvira, "So, what do we have for snacks? Pretzels, peanuts, chips and guacamole. Do you think we need a tub and apples for bobbing? Oh, no, sorry, never mind, I forgot about vampires and water. Ummmm...how about cheese fondue?"
  15. I give Jacky a gentle smile. "So, where do the winds take you this time? Do we have days, or only a few hours to continue enjoying each others company?"
  16. Something tells me I should be afraid to ask!
  17. Jacky walks in to drop off some party favors, he sets down his bundle, and sees Striker with stake in hand, "Aye, so yer arr a year older and wiser!" He smiles and exits the pub. Blows Jacky a kiss goodby. "Thanks for the party favors, luv."
  18. Checks out the newcomer. "So, are you regulation under that kilt?" Then I drape the spider webbing over the bagpipes. "There, that's better. We were wondering about the music for the evening. What can ya play on those things?"
  19. Elvira and I are hosting a Halloween party. All PR players are invited. Costumes optional. Go to Initiation Rites, and click into The Pirate Hunters Smarter Brother. Go to the last few pages of posts to get in the mood. Striker is already there. Oh, and due to Elvira's bloodsucking nature, make sure you don't have any open wounds! Regards, R
  20. "NO, NO, Elvira, I told you, no snacking on the guests!" I smile at Striker, "Nice costume. I haven't decided on mine yet, but I'll come up with something. Help yourself at the bar. Ray is setting up theme appropriate cocktails. Then you can help me drape these glow-in-the-dark spider webs around."
  21. Re-enters the Pub and sets a stack of packages on the nearest table. "Okay, it's a little picked over in the stores, but here's what I could scrounge in the Halloween section. I got a fog machine, a big package of glow-in-the-dark spider webbing, three strings of skull-head patio lights, and a plastic tombstone that screams when you trip the motion detector." I scratch my head, "We need music. I wonder if the old Crypt Kicker Five are still around?"
  22. Welcome, and cheers mate. Here's hoping I never need your services. I'll have me usual, French bubbly with a tot of Tattoo.
  23. Very nice work, Patrick. (Note to self: Need more practice!)
  24. Ioan had been standing at the rail of the La Maligna, watching as the smoke billowed above Port Royal. None of the Danes on board had left the ship to help fight the fire, but had stood at the rail as he did now. Since he couldn't understand their language, he had no idea what they were saying about it, but they did appear concerned, especially when the wind changed and ash started to fall on the deck. Striker and Jane returned. Striker, pale as milk, went directly to his cabin, refusing Ioan's offer of assistance. Jane had said nothing either, merely followed the captain. Ioan shrugged and went back to the rail. His attention was caught by the sight of Ransom jogging to the wharf, where Africa and Tunny waited with a boat. The arrival of the man on the black horse peeked Ioan's interest even more, since it was obvious the man and Ransom knew each other. He was surprised even further when the stranger dismounted, sat on the edge of the wharf and gave Ransom a smirking smile. "Now what, do ya suppose, is that all about?" he mumbled to himself, continuing to watch until the stranger remounted and rode away, and Ransom was rowed to the Rakehell.
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