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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. As Silkie and Red Cat both stomped off, I turned to Roberts. "I see you have a knack with woman. I'm not sure what that knack is, but at the moment, it doesn't seem to be working too well. So, if you could make yourself useful, we might get to Jacky a bit quicker." Roberts muttered something under his breath, knocked out over the side the burnt tobacco of his pipe, stuck it in his coat pocket, and went to help Tunny Burk and Ludovico Baglione. Ludo, rigging the squares'l, to be hauled up as soon as the broken top mast was replaced, rolled his eyes and made some kind of Italian hand gesture, which I assumed was his opinion on Roberts' effect on women, but could just as easily have been some kind of hex sign. Even with the repairs still ongoing, the Rakehell cut through the waves like a dolphin. It wouldn't be long before we sited the island. Jimmy Cox was still aloft, keeping an eye out for reefs or low cays, and he'd spot Jacky's small kingdom as soon as its profile showed on the horizon.
  2. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Summer! Winters here are wet and long. I like sun, a blooming garden, and hanging out on the deck in the evenings. Preferably - like last night - with a dry gin martini, fresh smoked salmon dip and crackers, and good company. < If I can't sleep I have a small collection of REALLY boring books. I select one of those and attempt to read it. Works 90 % of the time. V Where is your favorite place to hang out at home? Inside or outside your fav?
  3. Tea, Grapenuts with chopped sugared dates and half & half - nuked to warm. Yesterday saw the Lady Washington and the Hawiian Chieftan. Went on board the Chieftan. Awesome. No one but my cats - yet. J.T. Always the first to welcome me back, or say good moring. **hugs**
  4. After Robert's retelling of the mutiny, I was more furious than before. Spoons! No wonder the man had got me drunk that evening so long ago. His false act as the loyal cook and friend had me boiling. I very much looked forward to roasting him alive on a spit and tossing the carcass to the feral dogs of Port Royal. "Mr. Roberts. After you've enjoyed your pipe, and are through making moon eyes at Silkie, you can help with the repairs. Once we pick up Jacky, we'll know better how to retake the Relentless." I turned to Africa and snapped, "Put us back on course for the island, and get that work crew hussling. Once Captain Tar is on board, we may have to let the old girl fly. She can't do that with a broken wing." Africa nodded, then returned to the helm, barking out orders as he went.
  5. I know they aint period, but boots, bucket or otherwise, have a lot more panache than buckle shoes. 'Course, that's just MHO, but, as Patrick Hand would say... ......dang, they just do. (Yeah, I know, he doesn't wear boots, but he'd say it like that if he did. )
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Skinny dipping with my sister at Lake Mead. And laughing at my husband (now ex) who joined us, but then wouldn't/couldn't get out of the water until we'd put our suits back on, and he'd stood waist deep for awhile. We all paid big time for it, though. As the temps were about 118 and we got so sunburned that I spent the night - 105 - outside in a chair, with my feet in a bucket of water. < I pirate because the people and the clothes are kewl. V Pass the skinny dipping question on.
  7. And, just how might you have come by that little tid bit of information?
  8. When Norrington made his entrance in DMC, I was totally blown away. I couldn't believe what a transformation he'd gone through. I liked his character in the first movie, but I loved it in the second. He seems to be the only character to be plotting and thinking, instead of reacting. Although, I guess Jack always has some kind of convoluted plan going on in his brain. Bottom line, I am looking forword to seeing how Norrington fares in the third movie, and find myself rooting for him to get his career back and tell "Lizzy" to take a hike.
  9. With my fury over the mutiny that had overtaken the Relentless, I concintrated on the ship slowly getting closer. The Rakehell was fast, but I was surprised that the Relentless hadn't gotton further ahead of us during the storm. I hadn't expected to actually catch her before she made harbor in Cuba. What the devil was going on aboard that ship? Who had planned the mutiny? Surely not one of Jacky's long-time crew members. What had happened to those who stayed loyal to their Captain? As we got closer, Jimmy shouted out again. "Oi, there's a jolly boat in the water headin' our way." He took the spyglass and looked. "It appears ta be that Mr. Roberts." "Is he the only one in the boat?" "Yes ma'am," Jimmy called back. I shouted at Tunny, "Prepare to take him on board and secure the boat. But keep your wits about you. It could be a trap." As Red Cat came flying down the rigging to help Tunny at the starboard rail, I thought to myself, "All right, Mr. Roberts, let's just see what your story is."
  10. I thought Rosy said Eduardo was asleep? Oh, that was Silkie's post. Never mind. Seriously, I hope your starting to feel better, Silkie. Have you seen a Doctor? Maybe its more than just a cold and you need a little antibiotic boost to get you through it? Can't be to careful these days - never know what germs are lurking out there.
  11. It all depends on the guy and the occation, but...a little panache is always a good thing. Not so much that he becomes an egotistical cartoon, but just that little touch of Errol Flynn certainly doesn't hurt. And then there's leather...yeah, pirate leather. BTW, agree on the frock coat. Haven't seen one guy, or gal that it didn't look good on. Wish they'd come back into style. I'd wear one all the time.
  12. This is definately going to be worth the plane fare! LOL
  13. The mind boggles at the possibilities - doesn't it?
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ No contest - the Grand Canyon. Your brain goes flat line, 'cause the size just doesn't compute. < I didn't think anyone was as bad as Eduardo! V If you saw a situation where someone was abusing an animal, would you say somthing to the owners, or just stay silent?
  15. Oh, I got a pretty vivid imaginaton. Is he as...agile...as he looks?
  16. Wouldn't you like to have Surfer Joe hung up in your rigging?
  17. ^ I think she should set poor Eduardo free, so Miss. Rosey Palm can take a vacation. (I'm with you, Red Cat, Eduardo is killing me with laughter everywhere he posts! )
  18. ...his cooling tea, but...
  19. Humph...it's 3:30 am and not an insomniac in sight. Never around when you need one. I s'poze you're all in bed, drooling into your pillows.
  20. Cajun spiced sardines, crackers, with a glass of cheap merlot. LOL My garden starting to come into bloom - heaven Jacky Tar Silkie - hoping her cold is better.
  21. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Probably most of my family. My friends just shrug, and make a funny circle motion with their finger next to their head. Whot's that mean? < Do I care? Nah. V Pass the question on again.
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