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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ The kind that, after you drink it, eats it's way through your system, so you end up looking like Barbosa when he drinks the wine? Uh, that's what I've heard, anyway. < Fell in love with an Italian wine they serve at the Olive Garden - found it at a local store, then a month later, they quite carrying it. Can't find it anywhere local now. V How far are you willing to go to get your favorite libation?
  2. hug **gives one to Jacky for the compliment on me jeans**
  3. Me usual morning tea A deer outside my kitchen window. He was eating the wild lilac. My cats - Rheba, Phantom, Sabine, Domino, and Celeste. We were discussing the dichotomy of good and evil - and whether crunchy frogs taste better than crunchy mice. CBIL
  4. I thought the cat wore bucket boots and talked like Antonio Banderas - didn't he?
  5. To attract a man. (Victoria's secret?)
  6. After some quick, serious thought, I made my decision. "Let's keep heading toward shore. So far the other boat hasn't attacked us, they appear to be just watching. We can make shore before they take us, if they decide to. Once on land, if they still appear hostile, we fire a shot to warn the Rakehell. Africa will come with some of the crew. There's also the chance that Jacky will hear the shot and know we've arrived. What say you all?"
  7. Sewing? **Looks at pin-pricks on fingers, and bruises on top of the feet from crawling around on a tile floor laying out and cutting patterns** Why would you think I've been sewing?
  8. **Big grin** Yup, Mad Jack is back, better than ever. Glad ta see you've returned. Missed you and your unique sense of humor, that I did. So, I'm feeling quite cheerful this morning, despite the 3/4 finished coat hanging in the doorway giving me a guilt complex. Ah well, back to sewing. Cheers, Jack!
  9. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ The price! < Also, I live in a sort of no-man's land when it comes to clothes. The nearest mall is 35 min away, and although the stores are nice, they are referred to as "third stores." Which basically means they get the fashions that were current three years ago. At least, that's what it looks like. LOL Thank God for the Gap, and the net. The Gap makes the only jeans that fit me, and I can get most anything else from the net. V Live in a fashion challenged town - or can you get anything from designer to Target?
  10. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I dress for the mood I'm in, and mostly for myself. < Will go out of the house with no make-up, but never without jewelry. I'd feel naked. I have two silver bracelets on my left wrist that haven't come off my person in 25+ years. V Got something you always wear, not counting wedding rings?
  11. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Pretty comfortable, but smart enough to know what not to lay bare to the world. < I gringe when I see young girls with fat belly's wearing midriff-baring tops and low-slung jeans - just because that is the fad of the moment. V Follow fashion, or go your own way?
  12. Add vodka, and ya got a smelly bloody mary.
  13. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ My Gap jeans worn with heels. Add a T-shirt, and I'm good to go. < Most of the time, if I'm at home and no one is coming over, I look like a transient - or a reject from the Good Will store. V What are you most comfy in when you know no one will see you?
  14. Honestly, Patrick, is there anything you CAN'T make? I don't think so. Very nice knives indeed. Lucky Red-Handed Jill.
  15. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ If I have them, they're well hidden. < Maybe I'll find latent acting talent at Port Washington. V What inspires you to do anything creative. A certain place, music, etc?....
  16. I nearly dropped my oars. "He's with a what!" Silkie merely reaffirmed her statement. Gritting my teeth, I picked up the rythm of the oars again, all the while muttering under my breath, "A woman, by God. Damn and blast the man, where the hell did he pick up a woman?" Behind me, Roberts whistled a chanty tune, while Silkie continued to trail her hand in the water and hum. Red Cat had her back to me, so I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I thought I heard her snicker, but couldn't be sure. As we continued to row toward the island, I thought to myself, "You better have a bloody good explination for this, Jacky, or I swear, I'll take this oar to your thick head." Then Red Cat called out, "Hold your sweeps, I hear summin!"
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Too many things to list. < Late night for me. Up writing a new story. V What inspires you to write - besides the Pub?
  18. Mango and peach salsa with corn chips, glass of wine. Two racoons fighting over the outdoor cat's food. Jacky Tar - we laughed a lot. Chole - 'cause she seems so stressed out.
  19. Oooo, let's not even go there!
  20. "Ma'am, the fire's gone out!" Jimmy called from the top. "I saw it," I snapped. We were as close to shore as I dared go, so ordered the anchor dropped. As soon as I was sure it would hold, I ordered Tunny and Ludo to lower the jolly boat that Roberts had arrived on. When all was ready, I turned to Africa. "Stay on the ship and keep watch. If we haven't returned by morning, then stand the Rakehell out to sea until you see a signal fire. You don't hear or see anything in three days, you can decide whether to stay or go." The big man replied, "I wait till you come. You don come, I go look for you." "The Rakehell's in your care now, my friend." Then Roberts, Red Cat, Silkie and I jumped into the jolly boat and rowed toward where we had last seen Jacky's fire. All of us wore weapons, and were ready to deal with whatever — or whomever — we might find.
  21. You forgot to add to your kit, one religious medal for good luck, an aging tank, and what appears to be old US army castoff fatigues. Interesting that so many guys like to play in military reinactment groups, but don't like to join the military. Guess the fun goes out of it when you might actually get shot. I've also seen guys dressed up in either Green Baret kit, or German Nazi uniforms, that you know would barely qualify for the Boy Scouts. Mostly I see these guys at gun shows. The idea of these wannabees with a gun, I find very scary.
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I'm not a big chocolate fan, and I don't drink a ton of rum, so I could give up either. Although I'd miss the rum first. < Still trying to get my garb togethr for PW. Almost there. Maybe two more days of sewing left and coat and breeches will be done. V Are you better with a deadline, or do your procrastinate without one?
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