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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I grinned at Jacky's wobbly bow, and shook my head. "Dance? When Roberts is still smothered in native womanly love and needing...manly rescue? I think you laced that corset too tight and it's cutting off the blood supply to your brain." I restraightened his bonnet, then gave his cheek an affectionate pat. "We'll save that dance for when this adventure is over. I'd love to see the reaction of the gang back at the pub when you waltz in dressed like that." Aftrica still stood next to me, and I addressed him. "Roust up Goose and get him dressed as a lady as well. If he gives any fuss, hold him down and have Jimmy shave him." Africa's eyes lit up, and he stode toward the galley. Then I turned back to a frowning Jacky. "Don't worry. When cornered, that scrawny old man can put up a fight. If the women capture him, they'll get sick of his whining within an hour, and toss him back on the beach. As for me, I believe letting my hair down is about as lady-like as I'm willing to get" I pulled the cord lose that tied my hair back, and let it flow in a red tangle across my shoulders. "How's that?"
  2. I have a time question. I may be misinterpreting this, and if I am, let me know, but it appears there are letters flying from Port Royal to England with airmail delivery speed. In real time, how many weeks/months would it take a letter to travel back across the Atlantic?, and then for a reply to be sent? In the story as it is running, do we need to fudge this time, so that the action doesn't get bogged down waiting for letters or information to go back and forth? Thanks... R
  3. With a wide grin on my face I walked around Jacky, checking out the lace and satin attire. "You know, I think you could stroll down the high street and every young buck would stop dead in his tracts when he saw you. 'Course, it might be from fright, but I could be wrong." I peered closer. "There's just something about a damsel with a beard shadow that some might find alluring." I staightened Jacky's bonnet, tied the ribbons under his chin, and stood back. "Oh my, luv. I'm gong to remember this moment for the rest of my life." Then I broke down in whoops of laughter. Through the tears running down my cheeks, and bluring my vision, I could see Jacky scowling and pointing his pistol at me. That made me laugh harder. Behind me, Africa huffed, muttered something in his native language, then made strange anti-hex motions with his hands, directed at Jacky in the fancy dress.
  4. Guess that's why you're the Captain? Gotta confess, I REALLY liked my hot shower and soft bed at the motel.
  5. Ransom

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    ^ Since my 15th anniversary, where I ate too much Chinese food, and drank one too many martinis - then spent the rest of the night chumming off the side of our boat. NOT fun. < I am much more careful since then. It was the first - and ONLY time I have had the dry-heaves. Never again!!!!! V Pass the question on.
  6. Does this help? Actually, no, I was thinking more along the teeth in this photo... now you can really tell them apart... Oh, yes. I remember those teeth! Funny, by Saturday night, they had gone through a miraculous cure! No black in sight! I remembered them by - one sold bits, one sold bread. Both were a hoot, and fun to hang out with.
  7. Ham, diced sweet potato stir-fried with onions and a little orange juice, and steamed Brussle sprouts. Eaten while watching the DVD, Rome - the first season part one. (We don't have TV, so we have to rent this stuff!)
  8. Enjoying a glass of wine after working in the garden all day, fighting with my computer trying to download pictures to send to 'Bastian and Flintlock, and working on my artist journal inbetween times, so I can send it on its way on Friday. Also, stalling answering my other half's question of, "When do I get a coat?"
  9. No, Lady B, I live in the dullest part of the world! Great pics, Cheeky. If only Southern Oregon had such a fine crew to hang out with! **sigh**
  10. Just had two more thoughts! (Scary, I know) 1. Remember to put your name in your journal. That way, if someone wants to put something in a specific person's journal, they will know they've got the right one. (Okay, so Patrick's will be easy to spot, being a work of art to start with, but for the rest of us....) 2. Sign, initial, or make your mark on each page you do in every journal. When the exchange is over, and the rotation order long forgotton, each artist will be able to see who did what pages in their book. If anyone else has ideas to share, feel free! R
  11. As I listened to the various plans, and the idea of dressing the men like women, I wondered, like Silkie, if the native women would fall for it. Even with dresses on, men did not move, or act like woman, and the deception would be discovered in the end. Could we get Roberts off the island before the ruse was found out? "Aye, there are a few women's dresses in the hold, stowed there for trading, not for wearing by the crew. How to you propose the pass the men off as ladies with all that facial hair sprouting from their chins and chests?" I gave Jacky an appraising look. "You gonna shave face, chest and arms? This I gotta see." "Not on me, you don," Africa huffed behind me. "I don put on ladies clothes for no one." He stood, arms crossed over his big chest, glaring at Jacky. At the thought of Africa dressed in frills and lace, I burst out laughing.
  12. Ha! At last! Did anyone notice that I finally remembered to box my feet? What a great shot -- this is my personal favorite (mostly because I am actually in this one. I realize I posed for hundreds of tourists' cameras, but for very few fellow pirates. I rue the oversight). It is worth noting that this photo was taken after the storm, and the entire set was dripping wet. The cushions on the chairs are saturated. Those seated threw a plank of wood over the seats to avoid wetting their backsides. This is also my personal favorite, and I feel privileged to have been included in it. It should be entitled "After the Tornado." I think it's great we all look so laid-back, considering we'd just spent about 35-40 min in the basement of various building, waiting to see if we were going to be sucked up to Oz.
  13. The fifteenth is the day they are to be mailed. Hopefully, the postal service won't mess anyone up by taking forever for a book to get from point A to point B. Addresses should be PMed. Since you will always be forwarding the books to the same person, you only need the one address. For example, I'll always be sending books to Boots, and receiving books from Silkie. Ack, I've just started my journal, but only roughed in some pages. So, now I know what I'll be working on this weekend.
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ For emergencies, fine, but don't walk around the grocery store asking the person on the other end what they want for dinner, or talk at the table when at a restaurant - I don't really need to hear about your latest date, your mother's birthday, or little Suzy's missing tooth, or your latest stock deal. Gimme a break! < Favorite sipping liquor? I'm in the Disaronno on the rocks fan club - have been since I was in my twenties. Otherwise, wine, or bone-dry gin martinis. Special treat once in a blue moon - Moet Chandon champagne. V I'll pass the cell phone question on, since I'm sure I'm in the monority concerning the use of those evil little things.
  15. The whole incident had happened so fast that I wasn't sure what to think. The island and it's strange inhabitants had me a bit spooked, which in turn made me angry. How dare they take a member of the crew! But with no idea who or what we were fighting, I couldn't risk all of us being taken. Not until I understood more about who was doing the taking. With a sympathetic look at the raging Red Cat, I answered Jacky. "Yes, there are extra sailor's clothes aboard, and the Cat is welcome to them. Let's get on board the Rakehell before any more of us are pulled into the water. Then we'll decide what to do." I turned to Silkie. "Can you tell us what we're up against? Are they more than human? Like you, do they have powers we don't? Before we charge back to that island and all be captured, I'd prefer to know more about who we are fighting." With a cocked brow I turned back to Jacky. "And, just why would Roberts not want to escape his captors?"
  16. An overview of the boardwalk and event area. That's St. Mary's Catholic church on the hill in the background. A more lovely site for an event you would be hard-pressed to find. And, foremost for a pirate, there is a pub or tavern literally on almost every corner!
  17. Evil Peaches and his remote control Black Pearl. That's Mary Diamond pretending not to notice the funny black ship zooming around the sidewalk!
  18. More pictures Flintlock Jack, smuggler
  19. Tea (as usual) My rain-soaked garden in full bloom. Perfect! No one, yet. Jacky Tar, whose call I missed yesterday because I was dealing with a plumber!
  20. Thank you to CrazyChole for presenting me with a handmade journal and real feather quill pen. It arrived home safe and sound, and I look forward to using it. Also, thank you to Mary Diamond for the little tin of page markers. What a kewl idea. It was grand to meet you both in Port Washington.
  21. That's it exactly, Patrick. You only get one book at a time, not 7. That would be WAY too much to ask of anyone. Each book goes in a circle until it gets back to it's original owner. Whew, back from PW, very tired, and with no voice (was fighting a cold all weekend). But, ready to get the books started. Your handmade book is awesome, Patrick. Is there anything you can't make? I know I've said it before, but I want to restate it again. This is not meant to be a period correct journal. It is for fun, and you can use photos, ink, pencile, clip art, stamps, stenciles, paint, crayons...literally anything you can glue or stick on a page - as long as it stays with the pirate theme. So, June 15th is the deadline. Here is the rotation order again. IF YOU WANT TO BACK OUT, NOW IS THE TIME. Ransom V Boots V Patrick V Lady Barbossa V Captain P.E.W. V Silkie V Ransom Let the fun begin!
  22. Didn't get home from PW until 3:00 am this morning! One very tired, but happy pirate. Port Washington was a blast. I met so many from the Pub, and had a very grand time. To Sebastian Devareau and Flintlock Jack, a very heartfelt thank you for putting me up for the night in Dallas, and letting me trail in your footsteps all weekend. Our quiet morning breakfasts at the motel where we talked of the previous days events was especially nice, and Sunday night's dinner at the small pizza place, which was invaded by the large teenage "dance troop" will remain a fun memory. LOL To all the crew of the Archangle, a HUGE thank-you for making me feel so welcome. And Andrew Marsh, my face is still hurting from laughing so hard Saturday afternoon. You, Rats and William could take that act on the road! To my Saturday night dancing partners - Merrydeath and Mary Diamond - we rocked! Lady Barbossa, it was wonderful to meet you at last. You have a joy and enthusiasm that is infectious, as is your great laugh. I also met Duchess, the other west-coastie. Most surreal moment: Sitting in the basement of a 100 yr old bank, with a bunch of people all dressed like pirates, waiting to see if a tornado is going to hit us or not. A thank you to William, who shared his Chinese lunch while we waited. Will post some pictures as soon as I get them downloaded into my computer. For those who didn't make the trip to Wisconsin - make the trip next year. It's worth every dime.
  23. Ransom

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    ^ Starting tonight - probably none until I get back from PW next Tuesday. < I knew there was no way I could finish everything for this event in three weeks. I decided not to stress out on the garb. I'm going to have fun and meet everyone. I'll just tell eveyone my tailor died before he could finish the buttonholes on my coat. LOL ! V Pass the question on.
  24. Getting sweaty palms, and airplane nerves. Leaving at 5:55 am tomorrow for Dallas, where I connect with CBIL. Never traveled this far without my husband along, so it's very weird for me to be packing, and he's not. I AM the disaster scenerio queen, and have run through my brain every conceivable problem, disaster, snaffoo, that could occure. If something does happen - I'm ready everything from getting on the wrong plane, to going down in flames! LOL Funny thing, once I get on the plane, I'm fine. It's just big commerical airlines I have issues with. I've flown with my Dad in bi-wing planes with open cockpits, where you wear the goggles like Snoopy. I flew to Oregon and back in my Dad's Cessna 180 and loved it. Even flew it for about an hour. But, big commerical jobs, when I don't know the guy in the cockpit - Ack!!!!
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