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Barbados Sam

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Everything posted by Barbados Sam

  1. Tis wonderful news I hopes that the Pyracy Pub crew will be meetin' somewhere like they did at Corona. T'woud be nice ta' put faces ta' a few more names.....includin' yers lass......
  2. Gramercy m' lady. I hope ta' finally meet ye at Escondido.
  3. HUZZAH I no longer be a Bidge Rat !!! Ray, might this new Deck Swabber buy a round fer' me mates? Cheers
  4. Scarlet, pay ye no never mind ta' Diego. Would be a pleasure ta' gaze across a casket full o' guinness at ye. Ray, commence ta' pourin' lad....it may take a bit o' time ta fill 'er up....and Diego, feel free ta give us a hand empty'n the vessel once it's filled.....will ye be sailin' down ta Escondido too?
  5. Aye Scarlett, I did meet ye at Corona. How could I fergit such a beautiful lass as yerself? Me crewmate Killian brought ye by ar humble camp fer a spell. Such beautiful eyes ye have lass. Hope ta be seein' ye again soon. Will ye be sailin' t' Escondido in October?
  6. Arrr....There be lots' o' green teeth in this 'ere pub....Green Teeth George don't be suitin' me....nor' do Green Tendon George, so me tinks me be stickin' wit Barbados Sam, but ye may be on t' sumptin' there mate.....
  7. Aye, it wer a pleasur ta meet ta likes o' Diego, Rhumba Rue an' Petee...in me mad rum soaked search o' shade n' breezes I fergot ta show at ta 4pm meet'n but ta pictures sur look like ye be hav'n a grand time. Hopes ta see some o' ya at Escondido in October...now 'scuze me whilst I tend ta me burns an' itches......
  8. Aye Killian...t'anks fer settin' me straight an' savin' me from suffer'n the ravagin' penance from ta Quartermaster o' the Stranglehold. Me thinks me best be checkin' ta charter wit'out tha fog o' the grog fillin' me head...
  9. Christine....beggin' yer pardon but could ye tell me where I might find a print o' the lovely photo ye be postin' wi' yer signature? Tis a beautiful scene ta be sure....
  10. Aye...tis true me minds not full o' ta purest o' thoughts...."shootin' his pistol", eh? So tha's wha ta yungin's be callin' it now days....fergive me naughty nature m' lady.....I be but a crude but humble pirate after all....
  11. Tree more days is it? Bein' dis be me first Faire, ay be as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room ful o' rockin' chairs, but me spirits be high in anticipation on gettin' ta show on de road! I'll be helpin' me crew mate Killian wit' ta set up on Friday. Me hopes ta' meet as many o' yooz as I can. Rum fer everyone! Bye the bye, ay be new here, an' be wonderin'....whut exactly is dis lit'l feller doin'???
  12. Aye, tis a fine group o' Privateers lurkin' in this here pub. Thanks be ye who be helpin' me get me sea legs. I be lookin' fer ye at Port Corona this weekend, mark me words. Cheers to the lot o' ya
  13. Black John, me thanks to ye fer the lingo link...much abliged mate ....Rhumba Rue, me apologies fer leavin' ya ina lurch regardin' me bio....it has been duly updated. I be a humble pirate newly pressed into service by the HMS Stranglehold, a cursed pirate ship docked here in sunny San Diego, CA. Piratin' err, I mean Privateerin' be new to me and I be proud to be knowin' ye. Me first voyage with the ship is to Port Corona next weekend......
  14. Aye, Killian...thanks to ya' fer the link....and aye to the twins fer postin' as well....I be lookin' forward to Corona......
  15. I just joined a pirate group and I'm doing my first Faire next weekend. Are there any websites, books, etc. that teach you some basic phrases so that I can talk like a pirate? Cheers, Barbados Sam
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