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Barbados Sam

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Everything posted by Barbados Sam

  1. Petee had been drinking at his local pub all day and most of the night with his buddies. Ray the bartender says, "You'll not be drinkin' anymore tonight Petee" Petee replies "Aye Ray, I'll be on me way then." Petee spins around on his stool and steps off. He falls flat on his face. "Shite" says Petee and pulls himself up by the stool and dusts himself off. He takes a step towards the door and falls flat on his face. "Shite, Shite!" He looks to the doorway and thinks to himself that if he can just get to the door and some fresh air he'll be fine. He belly crawls to the door and shimmies up to the door frame. He sticks his head outside and takes a deep breath of fresh air, feels much better and takes a step out onto the sidewalk and falls flat on his face. "Bi'Jesus... I'm fockin' frocked," He can see his house just a few doors down, and crawls to the door, hauls himself up the door frame, opens the door and shimmies inside. He takes a look up the stairs and says "No fockin' way". He crawls up the stairs to his bedroom door and says "I can make it to the bed." He takes a step into the room and falls flat on his face. He says "Fock it" and falls into bed. The next morning, his wife, comes into the room carrying a cup of coffee and says, "Get up Petee. I see you had a bit too much to drink last night” Petee says, "I did lass. I was fockin' pissed. But how'd you know?" "Ray phoned, . . . You left your wheelchair at the pub again."
  2. Aye Diego, me feels ta' same 'bout ye. Twer a pleasure indeed ta' see ye a workin' the mundanes as they approached ta' portal ta' the faire, not ta' mention singin' DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY at processional. An thanks ta' ye fer sharin' a sip o' yer fine Tattoo lad. It were fillin' me flask the next day indeed. As fer the wenches, I can't imagine ye wantin' ta share time wit' anyone other than yer fine lass, Rummy, but perhaps we can work sumptin' out ta' next time we meet Can 't wait ta' get me hand stamped again, ifn' ye catch me drift.....Gramercy fer the drink...it'd be me honor ta' buy the next round fer ye, Monsenior....cheers
  3. Puerile endeavors? Mick me lad, I be but a humble pirate and such fancy words are wasted on the likes o' me. Perhaps ye may be takin' them there fancy words an' usin' them ta' a more fittin' use such as yer attempts at woo'n the ladies o' the pub lad As fer Scarlet, she were jes as lovely as i remembered her bein' as I hugged her today. An' I might add, me lovely mate were right there next ta' me at the time, an I introduced her ta Scarlet as well. So ye see Mick me lad, there be nothin' more t' it than that. Childish an' juvinile endeavors? Me thinks not lad........
  4. I just saw Diego & Rummy during set-up at the Escondido Faire earlier tonight, and Diego passed me his flask filled with Tattoo. I really liked it! On the way home I stopped and bought a bottle. Nice sippin' rum.....
  5. First I look at a woman's legs, then check to see if she's wearing sexy shoes, and then to the eyes, and then to the breasts (small or large, it doesn't matter to me), and then back to whichever of the three features I liked the most!!!
  6. Aye Mick, ye needn't worry about me bein' big enough ta' fill yer boots. I do hopes it nay be comin' ta that lad. Scarlet is a fine lass an I be sure ta' put in a good word fer ye as I hold her in me arms at the Faire Sunday
  7. HUZZAH I be SHIP'S MASTER Ray, a round o' drinks fer all in the pub! CHEERS ME HEARTIES
  8. That's the problem with ordering thru the mail. When it got here it just didn't fit the way I hoped it would. Plus, I don't know what I was thinking when I selected leather. Too hot for me to wear but maybe once a year. I havn't figured out how to post a picture on this site yet (a little help Killian?). In the meantime Callenish, email me at mcornish@cox.net and I'll send you a photo that way. I'll be at Escondido Faire Friday thru Sunday, but I'll get the photo to you on Monday.
  9. Mick me lad....I were gonna give ye a spade ta' help ye dig that there hole, but ye don't seem ta' be needin' me help. Ye be puttin' yer foot in yer mout so much, ye musta be gettin' athlete's tongue I tip me tricor to ye lad....at least ye be puttin' it out there fer the ladies ta' behold. As fer Scarlet, yer on yer own there me hearty. I likes me head on me shoulders, an' I've seen her swing a scabbard mate. I don wanna be standin' next ta ye ifn' ye stir that McBayne fire much more. Ye best be bringin' out yer best spiced rum ifn' ye hopes ta' see those sexy baby blues a twinklin' again Good luck to ye, an' ifn' ye do bob when ye shoulda weaved, can I have yer boots?
  10. Christine & Mary....did yer slave-drivin' bosses give ye some time off ta' enjoy the faire this weekend?
  11. Glad yer feelin' better luv. As for the "task at hand", I be locked and loaded awaitin' me signal
  12. (pant, pant, pant) Aye Scarlet, I'll be glad ta' do some tricks fer ye'.....howz about I start wit' buryin' me bone?
  13. Barbados Sam and me lass, Experience Gibbs will be there both weekends along wit' me mates o' the HMS Stranglehold. HUZZAH!!!!
  14. Aye Scarlet, me chest can barely contain me heart a beatin' at the thought o' seein' ye on Sunday :)
  15. Arrrr, I been serchin' every port fer a nice acoustic bass, but either they be crap, or they be want'n way too much plunder fer them. Fer now, all I be havin' is the Edison style bass. Don't think me cord will be reachin Escondido from La Mesa I've been lookin' into a period instrument of some kind ta' be takin' ta faires tho'....a jam session sounds like a fittin' way ta' end the day.....especially ifn a certain skirt liftin' sisters be dancin' on the tables
  16. I had it last week. Sucks. Lots of Nyquil and Dayquil. Take an expectorant to loosen things up and you'll get over it quicker. Staying in bed and drinking lots of water is a great idea too. Hope you're feeling better by this weekend. Take care Rumba.....
  17. Scarlet luv, gramercy fer the invite ta' play wit ye and yer wicked sisters. Lurkin' in shadows be suitin' me jes fine....but I must admit, ye be a temptin' wench ta' be takin' fer a spin.....tho' me wife may not be appreciatin' that as much as I would HOWEVER, when I sees ye on the 23rd, ye won't be escapin' a big hug an' peck on the cheek from this ol' pirate (an I gets ta pick tha cheek!!!) Arrrrrrrr
  18. Gramercy fer the rum, Mick. Would be a pleasure ta' compare notes an' scars wit' ye lad. Will ye be sailin' down ta' Port Escondido fer the Faire either weekend? If so, I be lookin' forward to a chance ta' tip a mug wit' ye. Both o' the lovely lasses ye be chasin' will be there as well. Bottoms up!!! I'z talkin' bout' THE RUM lad...geez....get yer mind outa t' bilge fer a moment will ye??
  19. OOOOOPS!! Mick me lad....I jes realised me typo on me previous post....Freudian Slip no doubt.....me apologies lad........
  20. I am selling a brand new, black leather jerkin made by Ravenswood Leather. Waist 48" / Chest 48". It has laces on the front and both sides to allow for further adjustments. I am 6'2" with a long upper body, so I had them add 2" to their standard length. I paid $130, but I'll sell it to you for $80, plus shipping (from San Diego, CA). If you are interested, I can email you a photo. I'll also be at the Escondido Ren Faire both weekends and I can bring it with me for you to check out. Interested parties can email me at mcornish@cox.net.
  21. Since I be a Pirate in Training still, I'm definitely an entertainer, but do enjoy learning more and more about the history of pirates as I go. The group I joined up with, Stranglehold, is very much performance based, and that's what attracted me.
  22. Aye Durty Dick....ye be workin' yer magic on two lasses 'eh mate? Careful says I....me thinks they could both be quite a handful....what with skirt raisin' an' bitin' an all....tho' I agree 'twoud be worth tha' risk, after all, bites an' bruises heal lad.....memories are ferever!!!! Cheers to ya'
  23. It's funny Petee started this post, because I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Although I was thinking that it would be nice if HBO did a series about pirates. They have done such a amazing productions on Deadwood, Carnivale and now especially Rome, that I know they would do an excellent job of it.
  24. Aye Diego, tis a good ting I has me periscope what be pointin' up and guidin' me hands ta' tha treasure chest as it were.....
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