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KW Pirate

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Everything posted by KW Pirate

  1. DeadlyAim - a new 50 cal flintlock rifle & powder (yer better not use it against me!!!), Life Size Doll of any person your little heart desires to abuse, the whole crewe down for PIP 2005 (just so you won't get lonely). To Deadly Aim, a fancy aminal print top for when she goes out dancing.. woohooo! Thank you guys for the gifts! I have wheels!!! animal print tops, life size dolls, and a flintlock and powder. We have the greatest crew!!! I just got home from my dad's with my new (used) car. I have one thing I want to send to Everyone. It's 70 degrees down here while i'm writing this. it's suppose to cool down a bit (71 tomorrow) but I'll send everyone some of this wonderful Key West Weather!! Captain, I just got a chance to look at the Pyrates of the Coast website. Wonderful job with the pictures!!!!!! in honor of olaf, i would like everyone to know that the captain did indeed get some summer sausage for christmas from yours truely. :) Deadly Aim
  2. bravo captain! Deadly
  3. c'mon I could get kisses and a nibble out a ya without you wanting the scrunchie in return...just let ya go into Sloppy Joes for a little while.... :) you have a very good point there. I will not experiment. I will not experiment. I will not experiment.
  4. but sheila, you had Capt. Tony's writting and that counts for something. and if we're going for quantity, you definately win girl!!! Deadly
  5. Cascabel, good to hear from you mate. Great job on all the black powder!!!! Everyone wants a gun like yours - definately one of the stars of the demos!! Deadly Aim
  6. Thanks for the words of support Olaf. **hugs** Now that i'm going to have a car, i'll be able to make a few more trips to that mysterious place known as florida. Deadly
  7. hey guys, sorry to hear that Nigel isn't feeling well. must be a bad time from the leaving of key west. See you soon!! Deadly
  8. missing everyone like crazy, but throwing myself into next years events!! and looking forward to seeing some of the crew in Jan. still sunny and beautiful down here. about 83 degrees right now. wish i had some of the exlixer tho!!! THE OLAF rules! Deadly Aim
  9. bribes huh? this ought to be interesting. I have a feeling anything most of us can offer will not compete!!!! BTW, thanks for the pep talk last night sweetie! Hope the pics came thru ok. I'm gonna email you with my home phone. Deadly Aim
  10. Paisley, Guess who we finally found down here?!? Am I gonna have to be a good pirate and hold hostage so you'll come down and visit again??? Deadly Aim
  11. Okies, i'm gonna have to keep that straight. Sheila and I wrecked havoc and Paisley and Merry ran amok. What would we call what Nigel did, do you think? Deadly Aim
  12. He does love women....even tho he felt Studley up. But he really loves women and Studleys body that he works out to get.... BTW - Olaf - thaths a big thoward you have there!! Deadly Aim
  13. ok, i was really trying to FORGET about the teal bathing suit man!!!!!! Deadly Aim
  14. ok, If we're going to get all mushy i guess it's my turn. back to work down here and into civvys again..... bleck. Having to see everyone leave yesterday was hard, but I can't wait to see you all again. And you DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TILL PIP to come back down!! Sheila, I need to talk to you about a couple of pics. We have the best family out there and I better with you guys than I have in a long time. I wish I could have spent more time with you all. Email me with you're address at deadlyaim@bellsouth.net so i can get the photo CD's out to you. I already have some addys (you know who you are) but i need some others. Deadly
  15. Cinn, Nice to see ya on the pub. Hope you had a great time at PIP. Nice pictures and hope you get to be here next year! Deadly Aim
  16. Pictures have been updated again, and we have been drinking enough for the whole pub. Everyone who can't make it down are definately here in spirit. MerryDeath and Paisley arrived and have proceeded to wreck havock along with the rest of us. Deadly Aim
  17. More pictures have been added and more of the crew has arrived Deadly Aim
  18. sorry, the link doesn't seem to be working, i'm just gonna type it out. http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/deadlyaim/pip Deadly Aim
  19. PIP has started! We were aboard the 'Wolf' Tonight. It rained all day, but thankfully cleared up for a beautiful sail tonight. Here's a link to a few pics. Pirates in Paradise, 2004 Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Deadly Aim
  20. Here is the Live Duval Street Cam, if you watch the nights during PIP, i'm sure you'll see some of us wandering around! http://www.liveduvalstreet.com/ and i'm proud to annouce that Southernmost Won Best Animated Float for Fantasy Fest This year!!!! whoo hooo!!! Here's a link to view our float, it was much more impressive in person. http://search.news.yahoo.com/search/news?c...&p=Fantasy+Fest Deadly Aim
  21. well, as it's Fantasy Fest, and PIP is coming up quickly, I have been working very hard to fulfill my position as rum wench for the Pirates of the Coast. :) I am pleased to announce that all the rum i have drunk... drank....drinked.... so far has been very good. Well, there was a barrel of bad rum, so I drank it so none of the crew would have to. That would be the reason that I haven't surfaced on the pub lately. Deadly Aim
  22. Animal, It's hard work bein in Key West during Fantasy Fest. I was out at the Carnival of Chaos last night (in garb, of course) they had free ghost tours for anyone in costume and a VIP room at the Hard Rock for all of us. Very Cool. Lots of Rum. I'm trying to make sure that i get a toast off to all the crew...each night. this requires drinking lots of rum, but i will unselfishly do me best. The cap'n got a drunken phone call last night Only a month to go till me vacation and it can't come soon enough! The Sloppy Joe Cam is great, their toga party is thursday at about 10pm. fantasyfest.net has some good info too. I'll also be in the parade on Saturday night. 70,000 people screaming for your attention. gotta love it. Maybe one year ye'll get to see it. I'm also sad to announce that it's now getting cold down here. Woke up to 78 degrees this morning..it's now only 84....brrrr. See everyone soon! Deadly Aim
  23. I can't believe that this high school student has to go thru this. Deadly Aim Teen Suspended Over Civil War Weapon Wed Oct 13, 9:46 AM ET Top Stories - AP PINE BUSH, N.Y. - A teen-age Civil War buff has been suspended from school and faces serious charges after his replica musket was found in his car trunk at school in the Orange County community of Pine Bush. Joshua Phelps had been at a re-enactment with his Civil War costume, including a musket last week. He threw the uniform and equipment into his truck and forgot about it. Yesterday a security guard at the Pine Bush High School saw it and called police. Phelps was sitting in study hall when the security guard told him to go to the assistant principal. When he was told they saw the rifle he wasn't concerned - thinking they would understand it's part of his costume. But it didn't happen that way. Town of Crawford Police were called and Phelps was cuffed and charged with a misdemeanor charge of criminal possession of a weapon. His mother, Valerie Michaels, is outraged, saying the school has blown this thing way out of proportion. She says also in the trunk was a costume, shoes, leather belt, powder keg, and a leather cartridge box. Phelps used the costume when taking part of the re-enactment of the Battle of Chancellorville which was staged by the 124th New York State Volunteers. The re-enactors say they are models of the unit that came from Orange County and fought in the Civil war. High School students were recruited to take part in the re-enactors club. Phelps' mother questions why give the students fake guns and then arrest them.
  24. Merry, I did some checking on Obitz, and the best rate i was able to come up with was about $287. That was flying from chicago to miami, then the return trip was from key west to chicago. You would have to rent a car to drive down the keys, but it's a beautiful drive, Then just turn the car in at key west and fly out of here. :) Deadly Aim
  25. Hey, I just thought I would just let everyone know that PIP is ABSOLUTELY A GO!!! Key West had little to no damage from the hurricanes. Fort Jefferson, which is the nearest hard hit area to us, is up and running, and everything is pretty much back to normal down here. Our hotel is sold out this weekend, and almost every weekend in October and November. It's all looking good down here, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! Deadly Aim Key West Pirate
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