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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Watch out fer Claire's website...it's fulla heavily armed wenches wif' big cannons
  2. Redhand! What a coincedence, mine's actually Monday too RRRR
  3. Aye, mate, here's to ye. Mine's thie weekend
  4. It was alla 'bout touch holesand black powder. Like I'm gonna blow up abuildin' wif me cannons(me balls be big enough, but not me guns)!! Anyways, the new ones will be hella nicer, 17/8 bores; speak loudly, feel the thunder.
  5. Ahoy there, alla ye socal'ers! Ye oughtta jump in a carriage an' scurry uup coast for a sail, the weather is definitely here! Gary, Capt., the Royaliste
  6. Ahoy Claire! Do I hear a challenge to yer colors? Rule sof engagement require him to lower his colors,Drop his mains'l, and take a lee tack, or face the consequences; in this case, a full broadside from Claire's vessel, the Royaliste
  7. Had three o' them munks. Cute, but too much monkey shit. Sorta like lubber wimmen on deck. stick to parrot, mate. Mines a better pyrate to talk to than most civilians.
  8. Aye Cap'n Lassiter, she's a fine vessel sure enough. She's a Great Lakes vet alrighty, couple o' three wars, alla the time killin' lobsterbacks. Before she left Canada, she was a six gun, four swivel, gunboat. That'd be 10 in all.Due to 9/11, all but two were confiscated at the border, yep, damn redcoats! I'm waiting delivery on three new carronades, any day now,as the carriages are done and waitin. A group of reenactors may anny up one, my first mate's springing for one in August, so,(whew!) I'll be sportin' six 3/4 six pound carronades(gunnades to be correct as there are no rings on the cascabels, correct for the period) and a couple o' 2 pound swivels). Some snitches have already leaked this information, but I'm tryin' to keep the element of suprise for the West Coast ships I encounter. A hellofalotta powder on deck nowadays!! the Royaliste....gettin' even in the 18th century
  9. I put this one as a kinda pyrate poll, if you will. I've hunted out several groups to liven up the deck this summer, and after quite a bit o' sea miles, it's brought me ta question the crews, as an active imagination hasn't held a candle to a quick hand on a belaying pin. Sorta testin' the waters, so it be
  10. Three brace,cutlass,boardin' axe, and a snogger full o' the sauce!
  11. Aye, I'm a wonderin', how many among ya use their sealegs, or be ye a landlubber?
  12. Ahoy Duchess, I just docked, checked the ASTA website, and there's only a couple of stops left on the Lakes. http://tallships.sailtraining.org/ Gary, the Royaliste
  13. Nuttin' to do wif' me, mates. I'm just in harbor for some repair to me ship and meself. Back at sea soon, and then very little time, so takin' advantage o' the chat as of late...
  14. Ahoy Duchess I read your post earlier, and wuz thinkin'(yep, that's smoke ye be smellin') that ya shouldn't sell Wisconsin short on pyrates. I've been in Bayfield with my ship, the Royaliste, and this summer, tall ships 2003 is all over the Great Lakes..... More a matter of lookin' in the right places
  15. Aye, Mate.Welcome to the bilge. What be yer homeport? ,
  16. Aye, aye,mate. We Brethren of the Barbary Coast are tight knit,loose wound bunch o'scallywags
  17. RRRRRR, so 's why can't we start sellin' our own skivies? Real pyrate skivies oughtta stand on their own merits, hardy-har,har
  18. See my reply in yer other post,mate. Yer worries are over , you've cum top the rite place
  19. Ahoy there Scarlet, Let me lure you to my ship, heh,heh, heh!
  20. Here's to ya I'm cleanin' gunpowder off the decks now, as we attacked the Nippon Maru, Japan, 371' yesterday. Ye could hear te volleys of'n hear hull Double the thunder thataway!
  21. Aye, mate! Yer lookin' in the wrong places then http://talesofthesevenseas.com They're homeported in Boulder Creek. Hell, ya kin hobble that far on a wooden leg. As you will see, they crew on my ship at times. Yer timing might jest be purrrrfect. Tell 'em the Royaliste sent ya
  22. What pyrate worth his salt isn't sailin' his own vessel??? Sump'n musta flew right by me,by the devil....
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