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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. :) ...But spoken like a true seadog,mate!....
  2. Kewl! and, keep 'em coming, need to start on the link soon....
  3. :) Ye can keep on shootin' that 'lock till ye pilfer one, I do 'ave a deck full 'o cannons....Now where'd that powder go??.....
  4. Anytime, mate..Darkmalkin's carryin' the distance record so far, 1700 each way, but she ain't snivelin' a bit....methinks I'd best be makin' more charges..where'd that powder keg go ????
  5. :) My pleasure,matey..Ye've the makin's of a fine pirate, and besides, it's us 'locals' wot grace the decks as regulars...the crew list be growin',for sure.....
  6. Jeesh! living and working-all states, 40 some countries, all of Pacific(well, Malaysia to Alaska's North Slope, but thats most of it), Sailed most of the way around, Ship at the head of my harbor, Lord Jim, on 5th time around, they just came back from 25 years at sea, just long enough to retrofit. Never have taken a vacation to anywhere, too busy. Doing a delivery(yacht from Mexico soon,) and may head south myself after,if'n the whim strikes. Last responsibilities locally October, but my Dr. could very well screw up another winter for me...He's a sailor,too. Left me alone for most of the San Francisco sailing season....Central America whenever they get done with me, and I get at least halfway done on the Ship. If one waits till everything is ready, you'll never go...sail on....
  7. :) Wot'd ye think we been firin'?.. divorce agreements, SBC bills, rent statements......beat a shredder all to hell!..
  8. :) Aye, ye got 'em all right! Must be why we made ye the Quartermaster...
  9. Signing on for Friday. The Royaliste, Lynx, Hawaiian Chieftain,and possibly the Ka'iulani....leaving harbor around 14:30..lookin' like a duck shoot..So Many Targets, So Little Time......Oughta sound hella loud under the Golden Gate...RR..
  10. :) Most likely from the booty raided from merchant ships. Largest percentage of booty was goods, textiles, commodities. Beat up behind a car? Wot kinda pirate is that? Send it to us, we'll fly it a while, and depending on construction, well, you know the rest. Not a calm day on my mainmast....
  11. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to that, mates!! Pyracy pays out in memories as well as dubloons....A hearty thanks to the crew, and 'Welcome aboard' officially as crew of the Royaliste, Lucky Penny...
  12. :) Leaving the harbor, 0800 Saturday...Any interested locals, not many weekends left, you can watch t.v. all winter......
  13. :) Methinks I've got ye'ere iron......
  14. .....adding potion to Bess' rum glass... 'ere lass, surely ye kin down one more.....
  15. :) Aye prefer me rum, but the damn threds a marguerita!........
  16. :) Just the Tequila, cold..straight...keep the glass....
  17. :) Bows deeply....me appologies,lass all in the interpretation, I guess
  18. Hung? Wuz you 'Iron Bart' at one time??? Methinks I smell trouble ahead........
  19. :) Ye'ere throat's gotta be dry from alla that laffin',Sage!..'ave one on me, mate
  20. Legal height is under 14 foot, doubt it drove as pictured
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