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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Ahoy, Penny...Gettin' in a corner over me new Jolly..any chance 'o sewin' the background panels and edges so's I can start cuttin' the design pieces?.......
  2. Jeesh!! me hopes somebody's damn camera worked!....My first mate and I had a 'bang up' time, met quite a few from this forum, and many from elsewhere.....nice to have faces wif' the names...Iron Bess and Red Maria, ye're welcome on my gundeck any time, Touring Gentleman, me hat's off,......and Rumrunners, well mates, permission to board anytime!....Nuff said, any one talks to Dick, 'ave 'im email me about that slip in the Channel Islands.........
  3. :) Might just work,mate..remember to pack wot ye forgot so's ye can 'return' it....RR.....
  4. :) Aye, 'tis time to look towards the weekend with a weather eye...Woodenboat Magazine/ Master Mariners annual Drakes Bay offshore cruise and oyster feed be this weekend..leave harbor 07:30 Saturday, under the 'Golden Gate', a sail north to weather, anchor in Drakes Bay, fire a salute, row ashore, consume hundreds of fresh oysters furnished care of Wooden Boat magazine, party wif' the sailors(they all be sailors 'ere,mates), and row back to the Tallship. Breakfast in the a.m.,lookit all the wooden boats surrounding us, weigh anchor, and run downwind all the way back to San Francisco....It just don't get much better 'n this, folks...A Square-riggers offwind dream.....may have some bunk space for a few interested locals............
  5. :) Shoot it in black and white and you could probably do something palatable...lighting and other non controllable factors drive up the cost, B&W is a bit timeless.....
  6. .....Boat U.S. , a large supply/insurance/vessel complimentary organization tracks all modern pyracy for those of us who sail daily..constantly updated..........
  7. Aw, 'eck...alla the sailors around harbor said I never dress up any other times, why start now?..So, it's just another morning, wakin' up a pirate,I guess.......
  8. :) Keeping in mind that even corporate films go thru the roof tryin to film 'sea' shots...Ask the producers of waterworld......Informed sources tell me that's the reason sea epics are a rarity.....
  9. :) Not quite sure where to post anymore, as topics are flowing out of category all over the place,but, a very hearty thank ye to Dorrian, he stopped by whilst we were plannin' to head to Ojai, stuck around o'oer the weekend, and greatly assisted Raul and I at remounting the Royaliste portside guns, and hoisting my mains'l gaff,brailing, etc. to return the old girl to Shipeshape and Bristol Fashion........Permission to come aboard anytime,mate...........
  10. ... Hmmm, Back to sea soon, but not soon enough, methinks............... .....and, I realise there isn't much 'bout 8 reales 'ere, just a response.........modern means of communicating are failing rather quickly on my Ship for some strange reason; no big complaints, it all comes to that at sea....
  11. :) I'm quite sure ye are 'avin' a fine one at Disneyland, but 'ere's one for when you get home!!.
  12. :) Aye, I'm a wee bit jealous,lad. Ye must not be a West Coast pirate as shooting candy is no longer acceptable; liability over firing projectiles into a crowd.I've had a good time in the past,but, will no longer chance someone owning my ass over havin' fun with kids......
  13. :) Aye,Weaver..if'n ye'ere gonna pass it on , do it correctly. It's 'tops'l and spanker, not topsheet.Ain't even anything wif that name ona ship.Beds have topsheets,not ships. All sails have sheets for trim.
  14. Not this time, but mebbee next year!....
  15. :) Hmmm, let's see..'Parrots of the Carribean'.....dress up like macaws, steal treasure, talk piratey...
  16. .........'eck, now I'm startin' to think about dressin' up as a regular citizen..Me and a polyester three piece....RRRR.....
  17. :) Aye, Lass , a bang up tiime was had by all...the guns are back on deck, and, judging by our powder bill, we had a great time!!!.......RR, now wot?...
  18. :) Wouldn't that be like takin' sand to the beach? He's doin' all right wif' the flesh covered ones!!...
  19. :) Aye,Darkmalkin, it's lookin' to be a hoot.....pirates,witches, whatevers(it is California)...Ghosting past the cityfronts....need to start figurin' lights...
  20. Yahoo! ...the gunpowder's packed, the cutlasses are stowed, and the lanterns are lit......cannons down the highway early in the morning......do-da,.....
  21. Man, you are definitely hangin' wif' the wrong women............
  22. :) RRR, Hally ween 'll be a blast!!..Some dead scallywags hangin' from the yardarms,witchy junk all over the place...Zods!...a pirates life for me......
  23. RR, got them cannons in the truck, finally, and a keg 'o powder....hide your women and ru n for your lives!!!!!.............HOOO-RAHHH...
  24. :) If'n I wake up an' get dressed, I'll be a pirate....the Ghost cruise...RR, ye scallywags, beware 'o the dark........
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