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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, wheteher it is to sail or to watch it, we are going back from whence we came. -John F. Kennedy
  2. Brings up a question..shipboard pirates, or 'in town' pirates....Onboard, any and all that would fit in a seabag..chests were mainly for them with swag......in town, 'eck, wot ever the plunder, the sky bein' the limit......
  3. Aye, Pirata, We've an alliance, for sure,mate..Coastie, If'n thar be sumpin' Aye ain't doin', its jumpin'!..do that enuff in life already..Where's the Rum???...*sniffin'*...'Whiskey?..D'you say Whiskey, Scupper?????
  4. :) Wow!..Really impressive,mate..space restrictions onboard dont allow much leeway for wot ye don't use, but, given the space, Aye'd be right there with ye!..Spot on!....
  5. Aye,aye Commodore...'Tis wot makes the love stronger....indeed!
  6. ..'Tis been an interestin' weekend indeed!...The tracks are everywhere, needn't go there again, but, after choosing to commit cybersuicide last week, an overwhelming (and heartwarmin', thanks) amount 'o chatter by friends an' management has convinced me to stay up here, posting for the Forum, and just stay outta trouble, in general. Aye've always enjoyed a bit 'o sharin' 'o things nautical, and pyratical.. So, if you want to listen, do by all means. This is what a forum should be... If you care to be disruptive, fine, I'll no longer rise to the bait, We've parlee'd on this an' the Pyrate's hangin'...Lets go about havin' fun, raisin' caine, and bein' pirates in general!...RRR!!! Bring on the Rum, Mateys!.........
  7. No,maam, I thoroughly understand and comply. I'm simply pointing out your Golen Rule to another friend.I wasn't in 'that' loop you mentioned.. 'Tis dead and gone. Zero, zip, Nada....
  8. Are we there yet? Lotsa milage, and its hardly left the driveway..
  9. Aye, mateys, don't 'afta read 'em if'n ye don't want, but 'eres a nautical thought or quip for the day...'A sailing ship is an exceedingly complex,sensitive, and capricious creation- quite as much so as most human beings. Her coquetry and exasperating deviltry have been the delight and despair of seamen's hearts, at least since the days when the wise, though much-married, Solomon declared that among the things that were too wonderful for him andwhich he knew not, was " the way of a ship in the midst of the sea."..Capt. Arthur H. Clark
  10. :) Aye, Cap'n William, carryin' alla the blades wot'll fit in..couple 'o dirks, a dagger, riggin' knive wif' fid, an' an officer's sword w/ belt, an' 'o course me cutlass..alll come off when riggin' or or runnin' the guns..Sittin' be a bit noisy too, but, wot the 'eck, eh wot?......
  11. :) Just wanted to bring this to the top, as 'tis an important issue, and the fun starts Saturday...This thread jumped to my mind as we extinguished a nasty little fire in a friend's engine room last week..."Cmon out, have some fun in the October sun, an' party like a pirate!..Anything new, Bully??......wonder if'n the Gendarmes should be notified 'bout the cannon fire?.....Hmm......
  12. :) Them be some dady ideas, Cap'n Roberts.....an' we've 'ad some excellent pirate cup cakes..they sell the skull as a sugar dingus, and you frost the cross bones.......
  13. .. A mix for me too. French colonial Captains hat with Macaw feathers, Militia naval coat & waistcoat, sailors white shirt 'n breeches, boots and footwear vary, shipboard,eh?..1807 'lock, War 'o 1812 buckle, various blades..USN officers, French Naval cutlass, various dirks, daggers, knives..Gotta leave the mugs and period stuff on the Ship,not me..always want more pirate stuff.(more cannons)....
  14. Aye, Cap'n Grey!!!...Twas a real deal today for the finale!!...Best Aye've seen in 35 years here,mate..You'll love it..Enjoy, all tell ye'ere friends!!.. ....Hella boat traffic, worst ever, tho..Aye be bouncin' like a flippin' cork, eh?
  15. Damn thing won't open another browser, Scupper, but I'll get to it, Aye trust ye, mate..!........ ......Wait a minute! ..I hadda 'nuff 'o that...Jeesh!........
  16. 'Bloody 'eck, lass, the Cap'n's proud 'o ye! A right fine bit 'o research, indeed..*bowing*..........
  17. Zephyr, An addendum. I'm clearing out images of my vessel covered by copyright from this site. Quill's site http://www.TalesoftheSevenSeas.com or mine are available for images,should you require any in the future. Thanks, Gary....
  18. :) Aye,mateys, 'twas a truely great airshow..A spectacle, methunks, that be for sure..Incredible flyin' by both the Angels and the Canadians, and quite an impressive fireworks display to enjoy from me deck all night...they use more gunpowder 'n me!......
  19. :) Aye, there, lass...even a huge tat only 'hurts' once...Don't even come accross as pain after a while, eh wot?.......
  20. :) An' Aye wouldn't be a spendin' a whole lotta tyme on the stitchin'...A Pyrate might jest sneak on up, stick the tip 'o a dirk under the first stitch, and , Voila!.....got the visual????...need I say more?...
  21. Ahoy mates! ,,Aye've 'ealed up, an' Aye be back!.. Dorrian!..good to see ya, bucko!............
  22. :) well, if'n the last two days 'o practice are any indication, the Blue Angels airshow'll be the best ever! Helps also when the Canadian Airforce lends some wings....I ain't even leavin' harbor this year, 'tis too good right in the slip..Alla ye locals, 'comon down, the weathers here, and the sky's alive!......
  23. My mistake, Zephyr, I was under the impression that you were in the South Bay, hence the not in Kansas quip. I'm no longer posting on the forum, but your post was lingering before I bailed. 'tear the bone out 'o it'.. a blue collar catch phrase for doing something with gusto...in this case, being piratical whether we sail or not... Don't know what coast you are referring to, but last weekends trip north yielded magnificent beach and shore..just where you hang, I guess..thanks, Gary
  24. A similar note, mate..Me father in law, now deceased was a mason before the Navy in WWII..Had five ships shot out from under him.. crews used to survive on his knowledge 'o makin' cement wif' coral and birdshit... the firepits would turn to fine china in the heat...Ah, them tropics,eh?...
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