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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Aye! The rum 'n whiskey will flow, and so will the scuppers!!!.........Good on ye, mates....'tis a plunderin' we'll be goin', eh?
  2. ups works for me, mate.....put something in the touch hole, and ship away........
  3. Just a heads up, but...Bloody Bloomin' 'eck if'n it ain't the last big Battle Sail of the summer, eh?...We'll be rafted up in two five-boat raft ups, so the party's on!..Royaliste will be the outside end 'o one raft up, rubbin' quarters with the fine folks on the Argus, with whom we've shared crew this tour, and snuck up on at Catalina earlier in the summer....Last call for a right-on time of it!!.....See you there, me bucko's!!! ROYALISTE Raidin' the Southland, and Doin' a Fine Job of it, eh?
  4. Ahoy and avast!!.........It's been most excellent meetin' up with many 'o the scallywags from the Pub on RR downstream run, hopin' to see more 'o ye at Dana Point!!...So far, the Royaliste has been in fine form, doin' justice to her reputation as a fast gunboat....We've been averaging six cannon blasts per guest, so next time, you'll know wot ship to sail on durin' a Battle Sail!! :) ..Also, as far as the ASTA Tallships Challange, she's been first in each leg in the unofficial division...Impressed the judges enought hat they awarded her 'overall third' in San Diego when the Challenge ended....Dana Point next, then.....Tallships 2006 on the Great Lakes mateys................
  5. Bully, We'll be doing the local Battle Sails with the Lynx Thurs thru Sunday, then leave with the flotilla on Monday for Oxnard....We may do the East Coast enroute to the Great Lakes for Tallships Challenge 2006
  6. :) Well, at long last, after much refitting to both myself and the Ship, 'tis time to weigh anchor and head on out into the Bloody Blue Briney as planned!!!...It's been good, and we'll try to keep ye all posted thru internet cafes and such..Fair Winds and a Following Sea, Your Truely Piratical Son, Gary Bergman, Capt., the Tallship Royaliste And Really Bad Eggs, Eh?
  7. If any of you have a line to the organizers, I'd be happy to bring a batterty of carronades to this event as we've done in Ojai...
  8. Avast ye scurvy dogs!!..It be time ta be loadin' up ye'r seabags and headin' to the Bay Area for the Tallships Festival we've all been waitin' for!!...Battle Sails twice daily, dockside tours, and pirates runnin' a-muck most everywhere you look! Be there, or we'll be huntin' you down next, eh? 'ere's a schedule so far 'X' Marks the Spot ROYALISTE Already on the Loose, so Stay in at Night!..........Aye!
  9. Alas! I missed this 'n a while back...Privateer from this forum is crewing, Possibly Localolita and Miscreant Robert....My first mate Raul will be in form just as in Ojai....(packin' plenty 'o powder, and a smile!)..Desert Pyrate is in for the adventure, and Conneticut Ben is makin' plans......Also Andelew, potentially a new topman in the making..Anyone interested in crewing, sent up a flare, eh?......... ROYALISTE Locked, Cocked, and already Rockin' in the Sealanes..........'Sail San Francisco, July 28-31' Battle Sails Twice daily with the Privateer Lynx
  10. That's all right by me; we'll still be lookin' out for a few of you familiar scallyuwags during the festivities.....Regardless of how each festival is booking the Battle Sails, feel free to stop on by (costumed 'o course, it's the Royaliste, eh?)
  11. No Ma'am, zero replies, but...The L.A. Maritime Museum has parking, so I'll be looking for another spot downstream for San Diego, etc.....
  12. Tooo bad 'tis inland, as my ship will still be in the waters nearby..... :unsure
  13. ..........Ahoy, Matey's!!!....Anyone in the So. Cal area with a spot we could stash our chase truck for the Royaliste, carryin' spare stuff and a way for provisioning the ship as we travel, give me a shout by email, as we need a few pirates jumpin' in as she sails south.....Fair Winds... ROYALISTE Headin' into the Sea Lanes.....Soon Enuff
  14. Ahoy!...Sorry for late answerin', but we've been hauled out for emergency repairs to the rudder and prop...all done, fine as ever! ..Royaliste will be in Oxnard battling the Lynx on August 5-8, then in L.A. doin' the same, and down to San Diego...Also at the Tallships Festival in Dana Point in Sept.....Fresh paint, new sails, lotsa gunpowder!!!.....
  15. On a similar tack, the folks organizing the events at Oxnard during Tallships week want any and all pirate, Rev War, Civil War, etc. groups to please participate, they'll haul pirates all around the events and such. Seems to be the'sleeper' event of the year on the coast..from what I can deduce.....Michelle Gilmour is the contact person..........
  16. I just accepted an offer to appear at the Dana Point Tallships Festival, Sept. 9-11....So, besides the Tallships Challenge in August in a harbor near you, Be warned!!!!.... There'll be Pyrates in these waters, eh? ROYALISTE Aquirin' Swag Wherever We Can!
  17. Aye!..It be that time once again, pilgrims, so..if ye are near the SF Cityfront around noon on Saturday, May 28, thar'll be many a fine old wooden vessel doing the hundred and sumpteenth running...'o course the Tales of the Seven Seas Pirates'll be crewin' the Pyrate Ship, eh??
  18. Nice photos!...We're still bending on new sails, fitting generators, and some planks before leaving, so..we couldn't do the upsteam stuff this time...We'll make up for it on the downwind legs!
  19. Hmmm, while these are all nice hammocks, they dont address the question as they don't even resemble anything period, eh??...You might assemble your own, capt..pretty simple, but leave out the spreader board, definitely modern, mates....and yes, this has been covered in another thread.....'search engines, anyone?'
  20. Like they say, 'Kern County..Come on Vacation, Leave on Probation'.......
  21. Well, mate, you've quite a lot of parameters. The sea is different, it makes all the rules and you abide by them. Sailing skills are learned, not bought, and so...you can always end up in a not so friendly situation somewhere, but experience and sea miles keep you helmed clear of most trouble. That said, one doesn't aspire to a 'pirate ship' and then want a low profile lifestyle, they don't mix, savvy??..Also, it takes a lot of documentation for licenses and such....they arent necessary for a private vessel, unless you have commercial ideas, then, well...there's a long line of aspirants already doing it....It seems you are young, so..do it like the rest of us...start with a dink, learn to sail, work yourt way up in vessel size, or...take a trip on a similar ship to your ideas and see how you hold up, then, re-group, get a dink, learn to sail, blah blah....Not all treasure is silver and gold, eh??....I sailed in a tight harbor two weeks ago, 65 knots, bare poled, and during the blow, I didnt think one m inute about my treasure, swords, etc...but man was I working on my helming skills and thanking experience the next morning when we were still afloat...just finished repairs where one carronade decided to try and join old Flint........................Aye!
  22. I see..have fun!..Most everything I've done from Track has left me quite satisfied; the present longrifle I'm shooting is a joy......
  23. Simply put, you can buy, make and own a pre-modern muzzle loader, but attachments that can launch, silence, or modify take it out of gun law exemptions. If you are just making a kit gun, I recommend Track of the Wolf. Best quality. If you want to make that launcher, that's another story here. Clear enuff???...our laws allow copies or antiques, but not mods.....Just spend a few thou being 'guilty' of a black powder infraction, so I'm very familiar with current codes.........
  24. Good luck, mate!....I've built a few rifles from scratch...Looks fun, but on this side of the pond, making parts that fit the end of weapons crosses into several forms of Federal felony charges. The laws here are pretty clear on pre-1890's `muzzleloading replica's..
  25. well Bloomin' Bloody 'eck, Paul...dunno if ye are pullin' on my wooden leg or wot, but......My present ship's 72' of pirate ship, I've discussed the next one with the builder, and it'll run me a small 2 3/4 million for another a third larger than this. 'aven't a clue about your stash 'o dubloons, but that's today's prices.........email me if you have the cash, I know the builders... ROYALISTE Celebratin' Blackbeard's Wake, 05/07/05........
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