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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Ahoy, mate....We'll be prowlin' your waters in October, so..best be keepin' a weather eye to the horizon for a large, black RR Jolly flyin' from the mizzen.................
  2. ARRRRRRGH!!!...We're here in Cleveland, maytees!!...It'll take us a tuff week to put 'er back together again, but She ain't Humpty-Dumpty, so...With a few repairs, and some fresh paint, the Pyrat Ship Royaliste will be prowlin' the water's of Lake Eerie until mid-July....Freshwater in the bilges; wot be this world 'a comin' to, anyhoo?? 65 M.P.H. to Windward....
  3. Ahoy, maytees!..To the best 'o my knowledge, the feature is 'True Carribean Pirates'...Should be great, and it was RR first real decent pirate type film...We're in Cleveland now, and we'll watch it here somewheres.... ROYALISTE Raidin' Lake Eerie with Renewed Vigor......
  4. .... "It's a Wrap"!!!!!......(At least for us!)..Yep, RR parrrt in "The Pirating" is complete, after going to sea last eve on a gorgeous sunset to get some closing scenes that just wouldn't have worked otherwise...Once again, it was a pleasure to work with and see a few well known pirates in these waters, and we aboard ship wish the filmakers from 'Open Road Productions' well on the finish and completion of this fun, interesting little gem. We're now in full decomissioning mode, having dropped all the yards,gaffs, and sails in preparation for the haulout to ship Her to Ohio next week...Thanks, 'Pearl...If we get time, we'll try to post a few photos from the filming.....Aye! ROYALISTE Soon to be 65 M.P.H. to Windward...........
  5. Aye!..We'll be a headin' to sea on the mornin' tide for RR part in a documentary entitled 'The Pirating',and.....It also hit us like a hogshead 'o rum that these three days will be the true last Ca. and Mare Pacific sails of the Royaliste!!..We'll try an' make a few posts, but you know how them movie fellas are...
  6. Ahoy and Avast There, Maytees!!....It be that time; in three short weeks we ship the Royaliste, truely one wicked Pyrate Ship, to Cleveland, and rig her in ready for action!..I 'aven't a clue as to how many 'pirate ships' you usually have around,but....this one will sooon be cruising your waters, preying on shipping, and generally terrorizing the citizenry!!!...We'll be in the area for over a month 'afore the Tallships Challenge,so...for the month of June, whether it be for fun, a birthday, special occaision, or just general skullduggery, think about that black and gold gunboat sportin' six carronades, and lookin' for booking's..Aye! ROYALISTE Terrorizin' a Location Near You Soon!!
  7. the Royaliste


    Hmm, This be interestin', indeed!.....Tallship Royaliste will be intransit in May, headed to Cleveland, and myself and some of the crew will be in South Dakota swappin' out some ships' gear at my house in N.E. South Dakota...Then we'll be transitin' between the two several times, so perhaps we can time it with this event.....We'll see, eh?
  8. Most armed ships were purpose-built; cutlass racks and weapons lockers came stock from the factory, pirates stole ships...no reason not to use the lockers and racks. Whether somebody was in charge or not would be speculative on my part.We individually care for ours stored in common racks. ROYALISTE Headed East in 30 Days....
  9. ..*Large Grin*.....Easy question....The Orange store doesn't sell anything hard enuff or big enuff to build a ship....All junk wood in a shipwright's world...fireplace fodder..Now, if you were to shop at Handloggers or Edensaw Woods (two hardwood suppliers), and invite the Coast Guard over to watch every fastener you install in the event you care to invite anyone aboard with you, you might stand a chance. People build ships every day, it just takes huge amounts of cash,skill, and regulations. Bear in mind that we use woods that run upwards of 14 dollars a board foot in many cases. Also, the wood necessary for structural knees and futtocks are large and THICK,so..they are made from specific parts of a tree. I make an excursion every once in a while to the Northern Plains (Minnesota and the Dakotas) to hack out parts with a chainsaw, store them properly for several years, and then use them...Are you ready for some wierd long range planning?..Then I say go for it, just don't believe in a myth...Now, if'n ye make it, and your ship's complete, you still need to watch the horizon, 'cuz we're out here, loaded for bear, and keepin' a weather eye open!! .....and Blackjohn, We'll be sendin' a round RR two over to the Sultana this October on RR way down the ICW, and we've already scheduled a raid for the 400th at Jamestown, so we're glad for another new 'target'!(That'll coincide with Tallships Challenge 2007 northbound)..
  10. One has to be a 'realist' in the arena of Tallships, mate.....'Tis a real ocean poundin' on the hull, and real batteries goin' dead, and real new diesels quittin' at the wrong time (i.e. Irving Johnson in the harbor where we reside), and all of that is during a 'good days' sail'.... ..as for that, with six carronades mounted, we have one more pirate film next month, I have an elbow replacement, then we tear Royaliste apart and ship her to Cleveland for the Tallships Challenge and the Eastern Voyage....To all you midwesterners, here's your chance, mates!...(we're just finishing up the new 8'X10' Royaliste black 'jolly' for the summer, so you'll know it be us from a long way off,eh?)
  11. Coastie...We didn't get the Jones Act waiver, so under our attraction vessel status and our passenger allowance, we operate as OUIPV, formerly known as a six pack.Licensed capt., No bucks, but hell, we're still sailin'...Rumba, 'what he said'..we're built on the Canadian side of the St. Lawrence... ..the rest of ye....All of us out here are doing a hard slog to windward to stay afloat..Lynx, the Lady, Spirit of Dana Point, we're all chasing a very elusive dollar with humongus overhead( the ins. amt. for our upcoming Chicago appearance is 5 million dollars in coverage!..our agent is havin' a ruff time with the rider)...there is no 'corporate anybody' out here helping us sail, just mostly youngsters and oldesters with a gleam in their eye and the wind in their hair with a dream.....And we are all out here in the dark night as well as the day,transiting our ships to help all of those who wish to appreciate the great age of sail, in heavy seas, and crappy storms, just like homeland security, but without the budgets!!!...I've always heard the 'big non profit to avoid taxes line, but hell, you have to have made money to owe money, mates....My overhead in repairs and maintainance are also astronomical, 10 K average the last three years, and that's without the upgrades to help you stand against the sea( 7K in new eletrics and electronics)....Spare change, anyone??..(click the Paypal button on my website)
  12. I don't 'surf' this site much, and seldom post in the bilge here,but I saw this and decided to add some.....Don't look at foreign built vessels with any aspirations of corporate or financial gain, nor any purpose other than sailing,as...The Jones Act enforced by the coasties prohibits any coastwise trade with one, I know as mine is. That said, if you have any teaching or learning plans with said ship, the only feasible route is brand new construction to meet all the subchapters the CG requires for said ventures. that'd be around 4 to 7 million roughed out and certified. Forget all that 'corporate sponsorship' stuff, as it ain't real. Ships are built by raising tons of funds, and launching them.A good example is Lynx, or Kalmar Nyckle. Most left coast foundations are basically in the 'get the grants' business. If a few students actually learn something in an afternoon or morning daysail, I'd be impressed. Gray's Harbor got a good deal on the 'Chieftian, but she needs a ton of work, and she's a steel shallow draft vessel. Used ships are out there, a list includes Bill of Rights, American Pride, Kai'luani, hell, I'm all ears if you've a lot of cash as I'm tryin' to raise 3 mill for the same type purpose. There's a great debate amongst sail-trainers whether daysailing or weeks at sea train the best. I'm up for finding out. As far as the stlye we set as pirates, well..since we can't do 'charter daysails' by law (altho we never wanted to), we do Tallship events, reenactments, and all the fun stuff, 'cuz..not all treasure is silver and gold, eh?....We are taking trainees on all legs of the Tallships Challenge 2006, and the few we take surely leave the deck as beginning sailors.....Our 'dome' over our head as it be,is 'Privateer!'..a 501 © (3) non profit organisation teaching history through period sailtraining and maritime reenactments and events....
  13. Hmmm, methinks ya best be stealin' a wagon, and headin' to Cleveland for the Tallships Challenge in July, just after the opening 'o POTC II....Aye!
  14. Chicago is the largest one we're signed on for this summer and fall. Seven days of Tallships Click 'ere Also Green Bay, Bay City, and Cleveland.....
  15. Simple sailin' dynamics, mate....Mizzen sails, i.e. lateen, spanker, or whatever, they appy pressure in the general vicinity of the rudder. Since they are fore and aft, they are effectively an 'opposite' plane to the rudder itself. Sheet hard, and the rudder receives the pressure. Ease off the sheets, and the 'weather helm' disappears and the rudder becomes more effective...
  16. Avast, ya scurvey dogs!....Keep an eye on the horizon if'n ye be a local!......Tallship Royaliste has done this event many a year, so....with 850 seamiles and 9 days to do them in after the Tallships events in Chicago, I'm pushin' the 'ole girl hard to make the weekend of the 19th....Hopefully, she'll make it in fine fashion, markin' the 10 year return of the Pyrat Ship la Royaliste to Alexandria Bay!!. ROYALISTE Haulin' Hell to Freshwater, eh?...
  17. Aye, Maria, Glad to 'ave ya aboard once again!..You're always a welcome scallywag, so drop in anywhere!.....Yep, the battle sails went beyond description, plenty 'o sea and saltwater, gunsmoke, and gRReat company!!..A fitting 'end' to RR 'California Logbook', the Lynx be underway for a short rest on Catalina, then off to Dana Point...Royaliste' crew be back to all points, and after the next movie, we'll be headed East..... Next Port 'o Call, Cleveland!......Load them guns, mates, we're 'eaded for a new horizon!........Aye! ROYALISTEAdios, Mare Pacifica.......For Now, Eh?
  18. Doug's not aboard, Jason is skipper at present, and Doug will take Lynx to Hawaii next month or so. These first sea battles were terrific, and altho' it be cold enuff to freeze the balls offa the brass monkey, we are lookin' forward to tomorrow and Sunday's engagements ....'ere be a shot 'o the new carronade and one 'o the old ones from last weekends battle sail..thanks to the pirate wot filmed it!....
  19. Doug's not aboard, Jason is skipper at present, and Doug will take Lynx to Hawaii next month or so. These first sea battles were terrific, and altho' it be cold enuff to freeze the balls offa the brass monkey, we are lookin' forward to tomorrow and Sunday's engagements ....'ere be a shot 'o the new carronade and one 'o the old ones from last weekends battle sail..thanks to the pirate wot filmed it!.... gements ....'ere be a shot 'o the new carronade and one 'o the old ones from last weekends battle sail..thanks to the pirate wot filmed it!....
  20. Ahoy, maytees!..Lynx is in harbor here a few days early, so...the party's on, the weather's wonderful, and the battle-royale will be on as scheduled!!.....We're stoked, all the guns are cleaned and oiled, slow match is dry, and we're smilin'!!
  21. Thanks for the offer, mate, but.....Due to the weather, and the number of events and crew handling them, we now only do sewn flags, design included...The wind and saltwater be rather tuff on 'em, eh?
  22. Ahoy and avast!!..We're scheduled to do a documentary film in April, supposedly with some 'well known' reenactors as principals..Anyone from this forum involved??...Should be interesting, just wondering if'n there might be a 'familiar face' in the crew....
  23. We are presently waiting on results from farming out our design for this years' Tallships events., So far, however, not too impressed, as one major outfit has lost our logo, and the other doesn't know where they put it!..I'll let you know when we have success. If you want a small one, there are several good makers here. Our issue is size, as we are looking for a ten by sixteen. Good luck, Gary
  24. Avast, ya scurvey seadogs!!.....Just got a post statin' that a Cleveland radio station will be giving away a 'Party Like a Pirate'! adventure aboard Royaliste whilst we are in their area!...Also, a couple has already inquired thru the festival organisers to get hitched during the event!..Cleveland will be the location we are near for the release of the next 'Pirates of the Carribean' episode in July.....Chicago is also getting wound up over the events, as their website is now up Chicago Tallships...Bay City and Green Bay RR warmin' up too, so..look to the horizon, maytees!
  25. The response and the advertising here has us really stoked for the Battle Sails, but....just off the horn with Lynx, and..Santa Barbara's Battle Sails are off, with a less than cooperative visit by said schooner today. Looks like Oxnard gets the two weeks of broadsides, eh????
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