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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Edited.... Sorry mates, never meant to post such a downer. Just a weak moment... all better now!
  2. Exhausted. Had a heart spell last night (a severe tacacardia event is what THEY call them…) and its left me drained. Most likely going home now. Best to be weary in your own bed.... (sigh) And get puppy kisses in the process. (Okay, so she's 105 lb pup but she's all mine.)
  3. The launch party at Pirates and Plunder was beyond our expectations... Sold something like 25 CDs and had them coming in off the streets to stay and listen. THIS party is in August so folks do have another chance and by the by... no, I did NOT miss the corn chowder since it was for ME that Bella Donna packed and toted a container full back to the Pirates and Plunder store!! Whoo Hoo!! Selchie chowder for ME!!!!!!!! Oh... sorry. got carried away.
  4. Port of New Providence CD Launch Part in Pasadena CA. "DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN" When: August 25th, 2007 Time: Starting at 6pm til... Where: Heart and Soul Healing Arts Center. 1167 North Lake Avenue Pasadena, Ca. 91104 626-798-8337 Come on out if you can and spend time with a few of your Pub singing mates! Also, we got notice that our new CD has been chosen as the featured CD this week on the Maritime history Network. (chuckle) Who would have guessed? Here’s the link if anyone has an interest…. http://www.maritimeheritage.net/music/default.asp
  5. Thanks lass... we had a CD launch party last Saturday at Pirates and Plunder and had quite the crowd.
  6. Looks like she has a crew of *Powder Bee's!*
  7. Hmmm... wonder if your fish will be press ganged??
  8. Well... I may be up to the eyeballs in weaponry but for that he's on his own!
  9. Whoo Hoo!! Yeah!! GREAT COAT!!!
  10. And the funny part is... my lapel pins, just above the Davy Jones pin is a Disneyland CLUB 33 pin!! No one EVER takes note!!
  11. I doubt he noticed the outfit... or my eyes. Not sure he looked at them more then once. Oh well, he brought me Ice Cream..... three times.
  12. (chuckle) thank you for that very kind exageration sir...
  13. The bloomers are *Summer wear* I adore them. If the shirt is long enough... it's all you need! And yes, the necklace is a full size replica and a bit too large to wear so high up on the neck. Live and learn.
  14. BACK SCRATCHER?????? I beg your pardon! That was the last whelp that tried!!
  15. Awe, thanks lass. See, when you get to be old like m'self it's all about being COMFY!! To HELL with sexy!!!
  16. Disney had a heads up about the original picture last year. The only thing shopped in was Depp's face. The rest is all that lad that wore it to conventions and such like.
  17. Oh well then... it would be all about the hose.
  18. I love the vest... and it looks WAY better with the breeches! Thanks lass
  19. Here be a few newer ones of m’self in me Barbossa-like duds. I was sans breeches that day because of the heat and opted for skirt and bloomers! Being hit on by that cute, ice cream toteing Fireman! (Hmmmm... stick him or pick him??) Just another face in the crowd.... (with a sword) I DO blame the Fish People! It's turned out to be a real comfortable outfit.
  20. Hey - thanks! (I did Iron Bess' sig file, also. It was a heck of a lot of fun.) That is just too funny Blackjohn! Yes she did do mine!! (Nominate it for what??)
  21. No. In fact I just sent you a question to your site (snicker)
  22. And I am SO sorry that part ending up on the cuttimg room floor... Well, there is hope for the DVD I suppose.
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