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Iron Bess

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Posts posted by Iron Bess

  1. Nonsense...

    Nothin at all *Unhealthy* about it.

    unless yer the victim. ;)

    Welcome aboard mate.... haul up a keg, sit ya down and spend some time. Most take a finacy to us right quickly.

    And yer buyin....

    Mai Tai if'n you please...

  2. It could have been so much worse...

    The fact that we are all here blathering about it WITH you and Kate makes it good news after all.

    Your Car.... not so good news but it is just a car. I lost a good friend to a drunk driver and I would have so much rather she'd just lost the car.


    Glad yer safe mate. Glad fer all of us.

  3. Recently started learnin' a whole ton of new instruments (in addition the guitar, bass (electric & upright), keys, 'n' vox)


    -Jaw Harp





    -French Horn




    -Turntables (Scratchin' and whatnot)

    Now how many of these I'm actually GOOD at is another story :huh:

    My, my.... you ARE a busy Pirate! B)

  4. (Hug)

    So many of my fur babes are waiting for me at the Bridge... a few more Blessed to me then the others (and they know why) but each and every one just as loved.

    And be on the look out... most often they send you someone else. Not to replace them, but to look after you and for you to love until the time is right.

    Healing thoughts m'dear....

  5. Since I will not be about here on the day, Phoebe and I just wanted to wish everyone all the candy they can eat!

    Okay, and rum too. :(

    And Phoebe as you can see, is not fond of Black Jelly Beans.


    A Happy day to ya all!

  6. now...I know Iron Bess doesn't "work and tell" ...but they left it 'hanging out there'...any chance they could change their minds on the new film plot?

    Well, ya never know.

    I know that *idea's* have been bandied about and that a storyline is in the *pipeline*. What it may end up being is anyones gues as it will morph in and out quite a bit I would guess. And it is still years off as Depp is booked for some time. Now, if he wants to do it bad enough and changes his schedule well.....

    And no, Orlando Bloom is not on the schedule to be back. (Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!) <_<

  7. During the Summer, this Pirate lives, eats and breathes Baseball.

    This morning, the starting pitcher for last nights game for the Anaheim Angels, was killed in an accident with a hit and run driver.

    Hours earlier, he had pitched 6 scoreless innings in his first start for the Angels. He was considered one of the top prospects in the major leagues

    Yeah, they caught the guy but...

    2 other people were also killed.

    Nick Adenhart was only 22 years old and had a limitless future ahead of him.

    I am so bummed. <_<

  8. Here in the Midwest we have a 'retro' tv station. Nothing but shows from the 50s, 60s and 70s. There are a few that I escaped my memory were...

    Alias Smith and Jones



    I do remember westerns, but not these.

    You're allot younger then me then...

    I even remember the Rifleman, Have Gun will Travel, Sugarfoot, Maverick... not to mention vaguely recalling the premier of I love Lucy!

    As for the BBC... I adore Lovejoy, Hamish MacBeth, Vicor of Dibly, Ballykissangel.. so MANY great shows on the BBC.

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