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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. But didja float it o'er inna rum bottle????......... Spoken like a true Pirate! Okay folks, here it is..... There is NO official name for this strip of sand where Jack was marooned. In the script it was refered to only as an islat, a tiny strip of sand. However..... They did tell me that if you all would like a name for it... they will come up with one for you. Well?????
  2. I left a message, maybe they will call.
  3. I'll see if I can ask the writers if they come in today. If anyone ought to know.... they should!
  4. What makes a qualified Pirate ??? Heredity.
  5. Aye, Wolfy and Rumba.... the brighter the better. If they indeed send out a general casting call I'll post the info here. SHould be in a month or so. Shooting starts on May 15th
  6. All too true John Young.... As ever, in living up to their kind hearted way, Disney hath declared that since the *surprise* would be now lost, that Mr Richards will NOT be extended an invitation to appear. Of course... there is always movie three.
  7. Wow... I see my decision was a good one then. I founder in anything over 80 when I'm in my rig....!!!! (And even before then oft times!!)
  8. Hmmmmmmm.... :) Nice art work. Easy on the eyes. Oh, eye.
  9. They'll miss out on you but there are few of this scury lot that are interested (heh heh!!)
  10. Morning family, Okay, the TV pilot shooting in L.A. is now also looking for local belly dancers, Renaissance Faire entertainers and costumed folk for back grounds. Bright costumes a plus. Both SAG and non SAG will be considered and will be paid per contract at sale of pilot. If you're interested, email me and I'll get you in touch with the right people.
  11. Aye! Rumba!!... now did you be after have'n poor Gillian out thar in all that heat?? (SQUAAAAaaaaaK!!)
  12. Whoo Hoo!!.... and they thought POTC was a hit!! Bring on the popcorn!! You GO boy!!!
  13. There are few, if any, Pirates in the Pilot however they will figure more in the ongoing series. So..... yes. I guess. :)
  14. I can put you in touch with the producers lass if'n you've really an interest. PM me if you do! (anything for a lass what can survive me office!!)
  15. *What be yer favorite Piratical weapon t' be usin'?* (shrug) what else?? Me bed.
  16. (Ahem)... Get thee all to the MTV home site and vote!!!
  17. (chuckle) We all need to keep tabs on this... I'll be out there on May 2 (I think) with Red Maria Right? Maria????
  18. Gotta miss this weeks end Sister Pirate. I have commitments already but smooth sailing!! (And keep an eye out for hawks with the sweetie on your shoulder!)
  19. Nice rig lass.... Always a wise thing to be able to MOVE in your clothes. If... you should have to fight I mean.
  20. Nothing wrong with honest tears m'lad. And I can think of no better reason. Blessings on your son and may he be home soon. :)
  21. (Shrug) Sorry lass, that has nothing whatsoever to do with me. Don't you think I'd like to see a few skirts in there?? Keep your chin up though, if the pilot sells, an on going show WILL need woman fighters and wenches. Just a matter of timing 'tis all.
  22. Right kind you say?? Naw..... just good business sense. We need fighters who ALREADY know how to fight and know hand to hand. If I can find what they need AND Helpl out a few friends then that only makes it sweeter. Yo Ho lass and I'll see YOU next week!!
  23. Well, no... I thought it would be to far to come for no pay up front. They want locals who will still be around and get the first shot at reg roles if the pilot sells. Feel free to tell them if you like though. :)
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