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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. There are two more on the schedule. Trust me on this one.
  2. Iron Bess, Considering that you've been standing by the mouse through thick and thin this year, I be thinkin Will Turner be fittin yer character well. I can't be thinkin of anyone else who has shown honesty and loyalty as much as ye have this year. Come to think of it, that describes the dog with keys as well. So maybe ye are right, ye are the dog with the keys. Woof!!!!
  3. Now, now.... who said philosophical had to be dull? No harm meant, just piratical obervations 'tis all.... You go right on ahead with yer discussions.
  4. LOL!!!! With the price of gas these days lassie we would HAVE to be Pirates to set sail on the asphalt seas!!!!
  5. Yer all wrong.... 'tis the medallian that he canna take his eyes off!!
  6. Oh Good Gods, it tell me I am 100% British. News I'll be after keep'n from me own barbarian, Celtic tribe if'n you please!!!
  7. Aye, took it for an insult I did! M'Self?? Hmmmmmmm... I think I be...... the dog with the keys!! (Not the first time I've left the impression I was a Piratcal bitch! ) AYE! That's a good one, Bess!!! I can see that... bein' an sea dog... a mighty fine one... that ye have the keys to everything... & if anyone wants something, they have to beg before you but you stand undetered, holding fast... Huzzah! To Bess.. the sturdy ol' sea dog that can NEVER be shaken! Aye, that's me.... always *stirred* and NEVER shaken!
  8. Aye, took it for an insult I did! M'Self?? Hmmmmmmm... I think I be...... the dog with the keys!! (Not the first time I've left the impression I was a Piratcal bitch! )
  9. I do know he said he couldn't feel the warmth of a woman's flesh..but this, does this mean he'll eat her raw? Hmmm.... most likely not until she's raw.... but I have no doubt she'll be chafed a little. Ok, no more road trips for you with Red Maria....she's rubbing off. Oh Bess is like that normally! She doesn't need any help from me Zorg! HEY!!!!!!
  10. It's a lie!! It's a lie!!!.... it says I'm Will Turner!!!
  11. heh, heh... oh yeah, I saw this coming. You're the TRADITIONAL PIRATE. Stealing gold, backstabbing other pirates, being suspicious of everyone you meet, running from the law... you're the real thing. People don't like to mess with you because you always manage to get your way.
  12. Sadder still, according to our archives, the body was not even identifed as Driscoll for over a year. Cause of death was a drug over dose. A very unbefitting end for Peter Pan ,don't you think??
  13. I thought pr'haps I'd be askin' YE to pose fer me brush... 'Course, I ain't no arteest, so's ye might be posin' fer a long time... LOL!!! M'lad.... I have never been known to simply strike a *pose*. I never take a *stance*... that cannot be delivered upon. (Pose indeed!)
  14. The sad truth be that anyone who could provide the extras... .... is expired!! Yo Ho
  15. (chuckle) Well now, a proper placed dagger will serve just as rightly girl. A Wench such as m'self, says I, who has lived long and endured much, tends to live by a differnt creed: *Old age and treachery, will overcome youth and skill*
  16. Hmmmmm... We see's a *bodice ripper* in the make'n says I. Will you be after do'n appropriate cover art for us? :)
  17. Now you STOP THAT!!! You'll be after ruining the magic!!! :)
  18. Welcome Pirate.... however I suggests that you post a new introduction to yerself in the place where more people will rightly see it! Re write yer history and post yer coming to Initiation rites and Pub managment!! Then watch the Rum fly!!!
  19. Lady *V*??? (shrug) Has a nice ring.
  20. Hmmmmmmmmm..... Lady *P* perhaps???
  21. Expierence has taught me that 'tis only you that will be after know'n that lad. Seach around yer soul a mite.... she'll speak up and then you'll know.
  22. I'll be after drink'n to that.
  23. Now lad.... if'n you were of a mind to be after send'n spys to keep a watch on me.... you might have just spoken up. I would have invited you in. (Been a real life pro swordswoman since age 22, says I) (Well done lad, well done. We must compare putting down fights with bladed weaponry into words.)
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