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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. I agree: follow the beer! Oh, and Arthur, I believe the quote is... beer... helping ugly menget lucky for 792 years!
  2. I went to Lee Island Pirate Days and was hooked. Did a search that took me to NQG, and thence to here.
  3. Patrick, you are a sick man. That, of course is what I like about you. Now you know that I can't show that to my 4-year-old. Pyrate fan or not I don't think he's ready for a tarred and iron-bound Pooh...
  4. Now that is what I call a succinct, informative and altogether usefull answer. Not only that, but it informs us all of yet another aspect of Kass's designs.
  5. Ooooh! Suspense and foreshadowing! I'm just all atingle!
  6. Consider it done. Looking forward to meeting all of you as well.
  7. Thanks once again for a great resource.
  8. So (or sew, if you're pun crazy), are ya'll hand sewing these wonderfull clothes, and you're still able to finish in about 40 hours time? And, are there "shortcuts" (if you will excuse the affrontery of one who is time challenged) where machine sewing will save time but not be visible?
  9. I struck out with the group I was pointed to as far as being a cast member; they had already filled out their group. Anyone else need an experienced sailor/black powder/cannon person? I'll be goin' at any rate, but it's much more fun to be a part of the pillagin', as opposed to just watchin'.
  10. Right. Hawkyns, the powder and the ghosts can have a bang-up good time.
  11. Was that Stripes that you are speaking of? Hawkins! Royal artillary? Commanding Pyrates? Oh, the horror! I didn't witness any bad gun handling, but I wasn't on cannon duty. Something to think on: who was in charge of the cannon/black powder last year? Do the organizers already have someone? William, any thoughts/information?
  12. Now, ye see? No one can write movies better than that. Why,oh, why can't anyone just wite the Blackbeard/Bonnet/assorted aquaintances story the way it happened?
  13. Aye, it's becoming plain who the older members of the Pub are. I'm also glad I'm not the only one flashing back to Pat Paulson.
  14. Having lots of guns is never a bad thing (within the capacity of the ship to carry them.) All the better to take out the riggin' with chain shot and to defend yourself if the hunted takes it into his head to become the hunter. And you never know when you might meet up with a Navy ship. Meanwhile, small sloops carried 6-10 main guns, and swivels as they could. This is of course a generalization, as bigger ships carried more and suplements changed the number from time to time on most vessels.
  15. Well, the fort itself is OOP having been finished in 1866, but we'll let that slide. As for our being inside, we took the fort. Last year. Twice, as I recall. I have period etchin's of you in the attacking force. Serioulsly, though, some islands were friendly/tolerant of the trade in pyrated goods, so the story could be that this is one of those islands. Or we could state that we simply took the fort as part of a land raid, as pyrates did terrorize cities as well.
  16. Tiger striped walnut! Nice piece of wood. Does the idio..., I mean the generous individual you got this from have any other pieces to sell?
  17. Perhaps you could get off more than two shots, but you won't be reloading during the battle, as most fights don't last that long. So you carry as many pistols as you feel comfortable with or can find. Also, "distance" in a fight can change. Example: you clamber aboard the ship, fire a pistol at the onrushing crew and then they are upon you, hand and sword. You dispatch your opposite and more room, distance opens up and another pistol shot is called for at someone further away. Of course you can always fire away at point-blank range: hard to miss that way. However, carrying too many pistols might be a bad thing. At close killing range, the pistol in your belt is handy to your opponent as well. And the opposite is also true: don't neglect to borrow your opponent's belt knife or axe or gun if it comes to hand.
  18. Cap guns?! Hugh, Hugh, Huuuugh.... They are pretty, though...
  19. Remember, in the example my opposite still had a loaded pistol and distance. Hanging on to an empty in that case would leave me standing there hoping for a misfire. But lets say I have several pistols left. Why simply drop an empty when it can be a 3 pound irregularly shaped fastball? Yes, keep the last for parry work when that is the best use, otherwise do what you can. Where did this thread begin? Gone astray again...
  20. Blackjohn has it about right, ending the battle soon so as not to damage the goods, etc. Failing that the weapon order is also good. One thing that most forget when carrying a lot of pistols in that you can also throw the empties at your adversary. For instance: I fire my last pistol and my opposite draws a fresh one; I throw the empty at his head; he ducks and I close the distance and take him with a cutlass draw-stroke. Might not work but it beats just standing there. Of course another ploy is to duck behind one of yer own shipmates...
  21. The lass and I will be in attendance, perhaps as part of the cast.
  22. Hugh is a god. Not the God, but anyone who can supply a hot shower rates fairly high in the pantheon... Mind you, I will be in a hotel (the wench doesn't camp in this fashion), but the rest o' you scallywags should fall down and worship...
  23. So, if this guy gets it wrong so often, why do people give him money to do this stuff? What are his credentials? Don't we here have people who could do better, such as the Historical Maritime Combat Association? I'll watch and then critique as all who are interested should. Take the good, pitch the rest. Write letters to the producers.
  24. The History International Channel (HInt) has this in its programming. Don't know any more about it. Almanac Pirate Weapons. Tune In: Monday, May 22 @ 11:30pm ET/PT Peter Woodward sweeps over the sea in the guise of a 17th-century Caribbean pirate, teaching the Conquest Team the dos and don'ts of close-quarter pirate warfare. As the blaze of cannons announces the attack's start, the team uses terror as its primary weapon, the cutlass and pistol as its second and third. The team learns that in a fast-paced pirate battle in search of booty, bare feet and rags not only instill fear, but also allow for the quickest movement in the fierce storming of a merchant ship. TVPG The complete listing of times: Mon, May 22, 11:30-12am; Tue, May 23, 3:30-4am; Sun, May 28, 2:30-3pm; Sun, May 28, 7:30-8pm; Mon, May 29, 4:30-5am..
  25. Aye ye have to do the Mallory sqare bit at least once, but if you go in garb and fully armed folks seem to be less pushy. I wonder why... A few of us should go every night to promote the event, hand out fliers etc., as always in conjunction with the organizers.
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