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William Blydes

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Everything posted by William Blydes

  1. It would have been good to meet you. It's hot work that festival. The crew spends most of the night keeping the drunken masses from boarding the vessel. And the 'pirates' that come about for the attack... their pump/level action black powder weapons are a site to see... not to mention a cacophony on the ears They still want me to come out and help them with Navigation training ("see that land there? you do? great! ... don't hit it").
  2. I got a call thursday night from a friend off the StLawrenceII that they needed some extra crew.... I got the message on saturday!!! Doh!!!
  3. Very nice... very nice indeed... A wanted poster would be great... Done as a Spanish one
  4. Really odd to see a Molson Canadian have 'Imported' attached..... But like some Aussy friends told me... "Fosters... Austraian for Export"
  5. Reminds me of the BBC TV series Lovejoy.... "Ah yes... late Saxon.... late last week"
  6. A friend of mine in our group has a pair of these... They are really well made and not bad for fencing in either. You can walk around all day in them and not feel too much pain
  7. My Cavalier re-enactment group uses Triplette for the many supplies (especially the 3 weapon mask) and some blades (Zamerano rapier blade is good for sidesword/cutting play and the flexidagger for daggers). We use Darkwood armouries for our main blades. Darkwood These weapons need to be tipped for safety. As well as participants wearing the protective clothing. We have the masks and gorgets as well. You may want to start with thrust only to begin with. The cutting play can get real dangerous with people who do not have the basics. You will need more armour (i.e. back of the head) and bags of control.
  8. It's a great game for sure!!!! My friends and I play it as a rum and tack game Wizkids are on the 2nd expansion but still no Dutch! Started off with Brits and Pirates which made sense. But then the French which wasn't all that bad. What's with Americans? The Dutch were the first in the Carrib! I guess you have to sell to your audience, no mater the accuracy
  9. Now... when you say 'Orphens" do you mean someone who has lost his parents or frequently? The big theater festival in Stratford Ontario did it a few years back. It started by the book.. extreamly classic Doily Cart. Part way though the first few numbers the director comes on stage.... A monical wearing, riding crop welding German 1920's type yelling 'Cut, Cut!! This vis be all vong!!!" Flooding onto the stage came all the cameras, makeup, and crew..... Herr Director yelled that is vas not 'Sexy enouff!!' He went up to the ladies and started ripping off dress parts... taking them down to their underwear... the Pirates got stripped too... He gave the Pirate King a whip... Brent Carver, the PK was all scared of it until he got a good crack out of it....then he changed into a real swashbuckler.... The play turned into a 1920's movie lot production of Pirates... A major studio was making Pirates into a movie... It got wilder from there... a great production
  10. I'm sure glad there be another piratical comic in the works... I still miss El Cazador
  11. OK... so I was wrong on the boarding action class.... it's at the The International Swordfighting and Martial Arts Convention in Lansing Mi, Aug 5-7 ISMAC Boarding Action flyer
  12. The SCA is still coming to grips with having fencers in their ranks. There was a backsword experiment (slashing attacks), but there were problems with authorization. So for now it's just thrusting attacks. The group I'm with (Cavalier Society) studies the period manuals. We are working our way though translating Degrassi. The weapons we use are from Darkwood Armory We practice sometimes with the SCA fencers but we try to keep to ourselves. They have some calibration problems. The charging and jabbing the sword and dagger like a sewing machine gets a bit repetitive. Side stepping with a parry of the dagger then a poke to the head pisses them off. If you can, I'd really recommend getting to the Western Martial Arts Workshop, this year in Wisconsin. I've been to it before, and it's an increadible place to learn historical fencing. There was to be a 'boarding action' class using a local 200ft paddle wheeler.
  13. M' hat's off to you William. That be some fine, fine work. Any ship honour'd to fly your work would strike the most dreadful fear in any a victim.
  14. I agree... Even the Pirate crew is mostly gone. Had a discussion with Raleigh on Navigation.... I've sailed out of Halifax.... Halifax is really far from Spain (they change Barrett's Privateer) At least the mud show now has shade... A roof has been built over the viewing area
  15. I na be sure if be able to this year. I've been talking to the St.LawrenceII about helping out. Been getting envolved with the ship since I was at a charity dinner last year (Master and Commander theme at a Military mess - had a couple people envolved with the production speak). When they found out who I was and my training they really wanted me to help out. I'm a Naval Officer who just got back from being a Navigator on one of our ships. Pirate Days is the same time as a big sailing regatta in Kingston I'm doing SAR for
  16. They have great product. I bought a pair of black leather swashbucklers last year. Got them customized with a wider heel for fencing (more stable). I walk around in them all day and they feel great. With the upgraded sole, the are rock solid for fencing in.
  17. Did ye find an anchorage to stay in port another day? Will ye be having any other port visits to the shire this season?
  18. Stan is a Canadian Icon. He was tragically killed in an aircraft crash. The story is told that the night before his flight he stayed in the camp area of the festival he played at. He moved from campfire to campfire with his guitar. He didn't sleep all night. The Privateer's Warehouse in Halifax has self proclaimed themselves as Barrett's base of operations and requires every singing act (5nights a week) to sing Barrett's some time in the performance. The 'Lower Deck' pub is done up like the lower deck of a tall ship. No pub night sing along is complete without a half dozzen Stan Rogers songs.
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