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William Blydes

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Everything posted by William Blydes

  1. Unfortunately, Pirate weekend wasn't much. From what I've heard, the faire took a loss last year (bad weather, other reasons given) so the cast is reduced, no extra acts and the cast is being paid less. Most of the acts push their own shirts and CD type thing. I was there on the sunday and was very dissapointed in the pirate-atude. Lots of Jack Sparrow and many other playtons, who would be in garb anyways.... But the cast didn't have anything special for Pirate theme. The Pirate dunk show was mostly the same as every other weekend... oh well. Going back in a couple of weeks (12th Aug) with friends in tow... anyone playing on being there?
  2. Being proficient in both means you can play the range game. Get inside rifle/pistol/shotgun range (in that order) then defend with the sword
  3. I've made them out of lighter line and whip the ends. Take a small piece of nylon stocking with catnip inside and put it in the monkey fist before tightening.. ... and there you have a cat toy
  4. Have fun in Halifax (or 'slackers' as the old Navy nickname calls it) A few libation at the 'Lower Deck' or a trip to the 'Liquor Dome' will make for an enjoyable evening Some friends wanted me to make the trip for the tall ships. Just can't get away
  5. Congrats. I know it's always good to take a break once and a while and recharge ashore. Our Coastal Defence Vessels come up to Alaska every so often.
  6. Well Bunny, you are welcome to sight for this old sea dog's eyes. Normally, I'd be worried having a firecracker in my lap, but one such as you, I'd be honoured
  7. Resurrecting a thread after 4 years? That must have taken some searching. I was on the Rose years ago when she was still a training ship and making a stop over in Halifax. It appeared large in the respect of all the space it took... rigging and all. But it was small compared to the Naval vessels around it. Not the bigger distroyers, but the smaller minesweepers.
  8. Happy belated birthday! I was at sea, so I hope you will pardon me my tardyness
  9. That's damn shame.... hope she gets back sailing again.
  10. Well, I'm back at sea.... Not really a day job, more 24hr when you're on board ship. I'm on our fleet's Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel (MCDV) HMCS NANAIMO as her Operations Officer. I got out here to our west coast base just in time to be part of the crew taking the ship out of drydock and making her operational again. It's been a long process (got out here beginning Nov) and we have only been in sea trials since the 8th of Jan. It's amazing what didn't get fixed, or wasn't identified as needing work. At least we have been ashore the last couple of weekends. We go into our Work Up trials in two weeks. That's where directing staff come on board and make our lives miserable for 3 weeks. Like our own personal war for 3 weeks. Last week we completed our Sea Readiness trials. They are like a mini work ups to certify us to at least drive around. They lasted 3 days. I got around 8hrs sleep overall. OpsO is the 3rd Officer of the ship, so I and my department are very busy. I was hopeful that after our Work Ups and our full certification we would be going somewhere interesting like down south, perhaps San Diego. Maybe have a chance of meeting some of you guys. I know a couple I wanted to meet up with. But alas, nothing is scheduled Here is a pic of a couple of the ships cruising along This is the reason I've been replying little of late.
  11. maybe Barrett will be in this set
  12. The first time I saw Great Big Sea was before they went big time. They were playing the Lower Deck in Halifax. Even though the Alexander Keith's Pale Ale haze we all knew these guys were destined for greatness One of the best nights at the Lower Deck I've ever had.
  13. 77% here... It was all those naked questions But what was more strange was there was no Pirate questions...
  14. I really tried to watch, but after about 30min I was frustrated and actually stressed out. The Stepford wife husband was a complete control freak. He didn't do anything and was instructing his son to do the same. House work is 'womans' work after all.... ack!!!
  15. Hosted a big pirate party about 6 years back. My father and I just bought a place out in the country and we hadn't moved in yet. My friends and I desided to have one hell off a party. Pirate theme of course. It has a big 24'x16' deck we turned into a ship's deck. I rigged 3/4" line from a chimney that was about center of the deck. Looked like a ship when we were done. Inside we set up cammo netting and made the front entry into a secret entry... The night of the party it stormed like nothing we have seen. Sheet lightning, and torential downpour. It made the party more fun. The feeling was like we were all pirates celibrating life while nature raged. The big 6 car garage was turned into the fencing hall (prior to the drinking). By around 4 in the morning the storm passes and we all jumped around outside. Good time... good times indeed.
  16. Was this issue sent to Canada? Haven't been able to find it at our Chapters or Indigo books.
  17. It’s sad to say, but I guess that FedEx commercial he did years ago was a tad prophetic. The one where he is standing over a snake telling the cameral how particularly venomous it was…. Then it bites him in the leg. He looks at the camera and says that it’s alright since serum was sent via FedEx. Someone off camera says it wasn’t there since they shipped using some other carrier. He looks at the camera, gives a “Crickey” and falls over. This was the first time I had seen Erwin. Couldn’t believe he was real. That guy was bigger than life.
  18. I'd use puppies.... but short hair ones. More meat on the bones.
  19. Not sure what I’ll be doing this year, but I can sure tell you what I’ve done in the past. Last year I was on course at our Fleet School in Quebec City (yes, it’s on a river that freezes in the winter, it was placed there for political reasons). For the week before I snuck in to class rooms at night and wrote on whiteboards about the day coming up. Some of us posted a list of terminology all around. On the day everyone played along. Even the Sr. Officers. When the Commodore starts talking like a pirate at coffee break in the morning, the more timid officers knew it was fine to play along. The year before I was at a HQ with a Vice Admiral as Commandant. A good fellow who knew how to have fun (as shown at the previous mess dinner where we all got absolutely sloshed). I emailed him a few days before. He set up a meeting for me to brief him on what it was all about. When he saw this was an official event, not just one of my crazy antics – as had happened in the past, he made it official for the HQ! Had his Chief of Staff write a memo for all Directors to follow.
  20. Anyone have pet ratties? And I do mean the little furry ones with wiskers.
  21. I agree Kass... I was tempted. The lack of having any leave remaining is the biggest problem. I'll have to plan for next season.
  22. There was a point where I thought I’d be coming down to Pirate weekend with a couple of friends from my fencing group. The friends are a couple and since the girl’s parents live close by to the faire, I thought it would be a great idea. She has been going to the faire for years. Then I found out the problems… aren’t there always? First off, this is around an 8hr drive for us, where we are. It would be a Friday to Monday trip with travel days being the Friday and Monday. Apparently, there is no way we can stay at her parents. They are very old fashioned, and don’t believe in their little girl (she is 25) having friends staying over. If they knew that the male ‘friend’ of hers was a boy friend they would be very upset. So, no cash savings for accommodations for the 3 nights we would be there (Friday night to Sunday night). But we could share a hotel, right? Noooooooo…. The boyfriend is all “You don’t realize how randy she is at faire…. We want our own room”. Right….. Well, with such authoritarian parents, it’s no wonder. She wasn’t allowed out of their site when she lived at home. They don’t have a car, so why they really want to me come along is to be the driver… oh ya.. neither drive a standard, and that’s what I have. The only deal I would get is to share gas money. Anyway…. I’ve used up all my leave, so I don’t have the time off for the travel days. And yes, I did tell them there wasn’t any incentive for me to come and they should take the bus. They weren’t very happy. Well tough I say!
  23. I just couldn't make it this year. Hopefully the St.LawrenceII will put into port next year for the event. I'll have to get my Pirate fill this weekend at the Pirate fest at Fort York. The 19+ Jolly Rogering party ought to be a blast. Got my tickets late last week.
  24. So I log'd on to play earlier this week and noticed you can now have a pet to follow you around or wander around your home. Everyone (providing you have done a certain mission along the way) gets a pet rat. From there you can go to the palace market and buy something else. Either a small cat, dog, pig, sheep or big elephant. You have the choice of colour. For a wack more cash you can get a big cat like a tiger, lion, white tiger... all very cool. Of course I desided to get my pirate a cat. The 'tabby' colour is only orange. My silver tabby Higgins (one of my RW cats) may have something to meow about that. But I did get an orange tabby and named him Magnum (my other RW tabby). What was funny was that my pirate's Magnum acts just lime my RW Magnum. He follows me around everywhere, flopping down where ever he pleases. I burst out laughing when in the middle of a particularly heated ship to ship battle with brigands a message appeared.... "Magnum says Meow". The first time I've see my Pirate's kitty say anything. Of course right when I'm the most busy does he want attention. Just like my RW Magnum Now to get a portrait of my Pirate with Magnum
  25. Wow!!! That looks like a great time.
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