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William Blydes

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Everything posted by William Blydes

  1. Finally got one of me, taken at the PotC2 show we did at one of the local theaters
  2. Our show went off with out a hitch as well. The theater and radio station was shocked at the program we put together and all the stuff we had. I was able to get some sails and cordage from the local tall ship. I took a few pics with my camera. The theater took tonnes. I'll be making an exchange for a copy of the video we took. The fights we put together had everyone cheering. We got some video of the fights we did in the theaters before the showing, but no pics. And for once, I got a pic of myself. I'm always taking the pic, never in them
  3. I always thought the last line was... And I'll take ye upstairs and show ya the rest!" Cause it all starts with taking something else from yer pocket....
  4. The version I've played in the Wardroom uses a box with 7 dice. Six are numbered, and one is blank. The box is 4"x3"x3" with a lid on the top. Inside the box is a shelf that you can place the dice you want to keep. The shelf is close enough to the lid that they will not move when you shake the box. Hence the extra die. If you keep the 6 dice on the shelf, at least you will hear one die being rolled around. To play, one person (usually the loser of the last round) start by shaking the box with all the dice loose. They then place the 'hand' on the shelf and anounce the the player next to them what they rolled, such as "two 3's". If the next player accepts the box, they accept what they player says as truth and chooses what dice to keep and puts the rest of the dice in the main area of the box. Rolls and places the hand on the shelf. If the next player calls, the player has to open the box and show what they rolled. If the bluff is called and the player was lying, then that player must buy the group the next round. If the player was telling the truth, then the calling player is on the hook. There are lots of ways to mess your buddies up. My favourate is to put all the dice in the main area and make up a new hand. Then announce a reasonable hand. Your buddy next to you gets pissed off, giving a tell and gets screwed You have lots of opertunity to cheat too. If you want to.
  5. I was going to recommend the same book. Fraser wrote the screen play for the 70's 3 &4 Musketeer movies and wrote the "Flashman" series of books.
  6. Whoa.... "Leave Her Johnny," by Lou Reed. That oughta be a heart string puller.
  7. At the theater ... all evening. Like I said in another thread on this, my fencing group is putting on demo/show throughout the night. Lots of stage combat.... We even get to do the introduction for each showing... of course it starts off with a fight The movie is being shown in a couple of theater... we'll be running around like crazy. Or at least I will... I'm the one attacked by two others One of the local radio stations is working with the theater for a tie in. Giving away tickets and such. They are promoting with us as a major draw... This ought to be interesting
  8. we sing alternate lyrics - landlady - 3rd line - and i take you upstairs and show you the rest parents instead of caressed embraced and sometimes forgive (but not too often) ah yes... opening a pandora's box here... we also change the lyrics on this one... we use your line... but the 2nd and 3th are has something to do with the land lady showing and doing other 'things' And then there is Black Velvett Band... or Black Rubber Band as we do it. Sang that at Stockwood faire a few years back (the last year they had it). Surprised a few people... then taught them the new lyrics A snipit: "And you thought she was do'in the band" <reply: And she was!!>
  9. Crimson Pirates, Great Big Sea (used to see them in Halifax before they were big) and of course Saint Stan Rogers. (p.s. It was American gold we were sailing for, not Spainish.... Spain is really far away from Halifax... I know.. I've sailed from that port)
  10. I've got two other event happening on the Pirate weekend....crap. Looks like I'll be the only one from the pub there opening weekend
  11. Well, he couldn't be in the first one... didn't want him to out undead the CGI undead pirates
  12. So... Am I going to see any others from the pub at Sterling this weekend?
  13. That last pic is fantastic! Captures the essence of a pirate.
  14. As an Officer, I’ve had a few newbies try some of these on me. It’s easy to tell if they are posers or not. The last time someone did something stupid to piss me off or tried to cover it up by putting me off balance, I shot back at him the ‘Holy crap!’ response with: “You have set forth a course of events that may bring about the next apocalypse!”. They just stood there and looked stunned themselves. Don’t mess with me. It’s the stupid ones that think they are clever that I cut down. The smart ones that actually are clever usually arn’t being malicious about it. These are the ones that are good for moral of the ship.
  15. I am going to try this year to attend. Hopefully on the Tall ship out of Kingston, the StLawrenceII.
  16. Well... how about timing a meeting for opening day? (saturday) 11am outside the Black Dog Pub? And again the sunday in case someone attends that day only?
  17. I read that sailors would make wide brimmed reed hats to keep the sun off their face and neck.
  18. The 17thC historical fencing group I'm with is going to be putting on demos thoughtout the opening night of the movie at the local theater. We'll have a 20'x30' area set up infront of the building with a pub scene set up. Not everyone in the group is a fighter, so there will be gambling and such too. We have developed both scripted (stage combat) and unscripted combat (in armour). Ought to wow the patrons. The best part is a couple of us get to introduce each showing of the movie With significant crowed control, two of us chase in, sword fight and stop when we notice people in the theater Play up the intro then as we leave, continue the chase.
  19. Great boots
  20. Nav is a hard one to get a hang of for sure.... I've been mostly freelance for the last while. I wasn't able to devote much time to the game recently, so being in a crew wasn't fair for that crew. I'm now in Lost Souls now. Joined lastnight in fact. My base is Turtle. I thought of opening a shop (shipyard), but it would take time away from my fighting
  21. only once were you online Phillip. When I hailed you, you were 'busy in combat' ah well... I just haven't gotten a handle on the sailing or Navigation (being a Navigator by trade, this irks me to no end). But I'm alway the last to fall when a fight doesn't go our way. Fought off 3 pirates single handed one time. Got two of them, but couldn't 'close the deal' as it were.
  22. Found a plaque that we bought and mounted behind the bar in our ship's Wardroom: "Got Rum?"
  23. That be correct. July 22/23 is pirate weekend. Unfortunately, I am already double booked on that weekend
  24. There have been a few threads on the game. Last thread on Puzzle Pirates
  25. Anyone else looking to visit the faire for opening weekend? Opening is July 1-2 weekend.
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