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Everything posted by Killian

  1. Rummy be correct, Pirates Cove is there the entire time, it be where the Nuatical themed guilds be docked, look for it near the food vendor area.
  2. Oh Wild Wild West (Smacks himself on the head) I should have guessed. Good one stumped everyone my friend.
  3. Hahaha Why do people always say that. Grew up listening to everything.
  4. Hahahaha Mama's got a squeeze box She wears on her chest And when Daddy comes home He never gets no rest 'Cause she's playing all night And the music's all right Mama's got a squeeze box Daddy never sleeps at night
  5. I have seen the 3 shows that never aired, they are on the DVD set, but that was my tribute to Firefly since the Serenity movie came out last Friday. :) As for the da da da the only song I can think of that had that in the lyrics was a Prince song, but I don't think that is the one you had in mind.
  6. Dismemberment
  7. Scourge of the US.
  8. Funny I just listened to that album. My favorite song on that album is Planet Caravan. We sail through endless skies Stars shine like eyes The black night sighs The moon in silver trees Falls down in tears Light of the night The earth, a purple blaze Of sapphire haze In orbit always While down below the trees Bathed in cool breeze Silver starlight breaks down the night And so we pass on by the crimson eye Of great God mars As we travel the universe
  9. I too would be up for this.
  10. Pets by Porno of Pyros
  11. That's Mmmmmmmm by Crash Test Dummies How about Take my love, take my land Take me where I cannot stand I don't care, I'm still free You can't take the sky from me Take me out to the black Tell them I ain't comin' back Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me There's no place I can be Since I found Serenity But you can't take the sky from me...
  12. I live smack dab in the middle of Mira Mesa, or pretty close to the middle of Mira Mesa.
  13. How much wood
  14. Rumba, your a San Diegan? I was not aware of this.
  15. Jackie Chan
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