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Everything posted by Killian

  1. I'm not going PoTC are, I was suggesting that they go the same time the Stranglehold does.
  2. You guys should go the same time the Stranglehold goes, we get a good group discount when we go.
  3. I agree what about Hippolyte de Bouchard?
  4. The following I got over on MySpace from a friend, and I want to share it with everyone, if this is true, it has me a little upset, and will be sending an email to the San Diego Maritime Museum protesting this decision. "The San Diego Maritime Museum is dropping pirates from the program and removing the pirate exhibit because they believe that this "piracy craze" is a "dying fad and they want to be ahead of the game". Is that short-sighted or what? Of course, Disney must not know what is going on. They just spent many millions to renovate rides and parts of their attractions on this "dying craze". People in pirate costumes will not be welcomed there. Why? Because there are some there who just hate the whole pirate thing saying that pirates were nothing but rapists and pillagers and evil people. But they have no problem with the Minnesota Vikings, SDSU Aztecs, and, my favorite, the USD Conquistadors. Whuh? The saddest part of this is that more people will lose their jobs and the kids who come to play pirate will be sorely disappointed and not come back. They may even be made to feel like they are doing something bad and that is totally inappropriate. And I will also spread the word far and wide that the SDMM is NOT a place for kids anymore. Go there if you want to learn some maritime history but stay away if you want to play and have fun. I am dropping the SDMM from my friends list and taking out all links from my personal website. They do not deserve my support anymore. They never supported me anyway and made things very difficult. So sad for the kids! Mister Mac" If you wish to send the SDMM an email protesting this decision you can do so at info@sdmaritime.org.
  5. Both of which be respectable professions.
  6. Aye the Bucky's are what the Stranglehold uses also.
  7. She could just elect to server on the Flying Dutchman, as do the the other sailors on the ship.
  8. Don't do it Bess, it's a waste of time.
  9. Why is the Stranglehold crew always playin' in a sandbox? (Fierce lookin' bunch... I'm sure the smaller kids wait fer ye t' leave, 'fore usin' the slide!) That be the beach of Playground Island. Hahahahaha
  10. I get a SQL error when I try to report the SPAM using that button.
  11. And here is the YouTube page for the Stranglehold http://youtube.com/profile?user=HMSStranglehold
  12. Not MySpace but RenSpace instead. http://killian.renspace.com/
  13. He was a Jungle Cruise Captain at one time.
  14. Stranglehold pics can be found at: http://www.ikvstranglehold.org/gallery/mai...g2_itemId=10491
  15. I will be, there, can't say the same for the rest of me crew. So I will be found in the Tsurara camp.
  16. I will be day tripping Corona this weekend.
  17. Funny enough I live with some people that are Gypsies for SCA, and they constantly call me a Sea Gypsy. Then I call them land pirates. Mark my words though stay away from the Gypsies, they are nothing but trouble, just ask the crew of the Stranglehold.
  18. Happy natal day lass, I hope you have a great birthday.
  19. Killian


    Me? No I have never attended Estrella, I have attended Potrero, and my crew attends Escondido Ren. Faire. Though I should attend Estrella one of these days.
  20. I think he means that it was requested by the studios to remove the pictures. I know of other sites that have asked sites to pull pictures from the upcoming movie.
  21. Killian


    I honestly don't have time to make any up for her, and get them to her for tonight. Thank you for the links though I will pass those to her.
  22. Killian


    I know there is the Find your pirate name, but it's not what I am looking for. Here is what is up, my roomate is attending a pirate themes bachelorette party and asked me for a list of nauty female pirate names, I swear I remember such a list on here, but can't find it, so does anyone have any suggestions, the more the better.
  23. You know you could also try out for the Hot Pirate Babes calendar also. I know Tiger Lee is looking for models for the 2008 calendar. http://hotpiratebabes.com/model.html
  24. You know Tiger Lee will be at the Escondido Faire, why not talk to him about it there. On a separate note, nice calendar.
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