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Everything posted by Killian

  1. Motion of the Ocean
  2. Neither are the gypsies we were surrounded by last fair.
  3. You should get placed in Pirates cove. :)
  4. Aye, it be good ta be seein yer crew again. No more maroonin though. An 'ere I 'ave a stack of black spots left over from the last time fer you mate.
  5. Speaking of Pirates on Discovery, wasn't one or two shown?
  6. Thanx for sharing this mate, I had almost given up hope that it would be aired.
  7. You mean we can eat more than turkey burgers and edamame?
  8. I would love to be ableto make it up for the class the that is a bit difficult for me to do right now. But I will send him a message.
  9. Hey I know Davenriche, he and I were in Tournament Productions togther. How the hell is he doing, I haven't seen him in a few years.
  10. Hmmm it appears Ragetti has two eyes, maybe he finally got his glass eye.
  11. I was thinking the same thing. As for joinging the group send the invite again, and then everyone should klick on it, it will then ask them if they want to join. I had to register first and then I clicked on the link in the email and was able to join the group.
  12. Some omembers of the crew of the Stranglehold are planning on traveling to see this on Saturday May 6th, if we can get a group of 15 or more we can get a group discount the normal price for this is $48.95 per person for anyone over 12 and $31.95 for kids 3 - 11. I am not sure what the group price will be but we are looking to see if any of our Southern California friends would like to join us, if you would like to please send me a PM so we can get a proper count.
  13. Below is the example of what you need to do, though you need to have them hosted on the net somewhere. You can always usage ImageShack for free, or if you like send them to me I will put them on my site, and give you the link. [img=http://link.to.image]
  14. I wish I could remember mine, I know I dream, but for the most part by the time I wake up, I remember nothing to but a vague memory of what I was dreaming about.
  15. As some one that has seen how several different camps have been setup, I have to agree, for the poles there is nothing easier than a lodge pole with a nail in one end.
  16. Well a "White Wash" has been a around for many years, so I don't see why not, though I personally think it would still be an off white. Though I am by no means an expert.
  17. Hey OE where did you find the Crimson Voodoo, that stuff is good?
  18. The Stranglehold has a few clothing items, and other props from the movie as well.
  19. Not all. I see a long coat in one of those pictures which my Captain now wears.
  20. Here's hoping they never will I will drink to that.
  21. Not saying I haven't been lead into bad situations, but in the long run it was best for me, and I wouldn't change anything that has happened to me.
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