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Everything posted by Killian

  1. So who will be attending the upcoming Escondido Ren. Faire? I will be there the first weekend, and on Saturday of the second weekend.
  2. For those of you looking for the site as I was the URL is http://piratesmagazine.com/
  3. Does anyone know if the magazine has a website?
  4. I missed the gun lines, the three hour difference in time allowed me to stay up late, but getting up in the morning was a little tough. I will be back again next year though. As for the pics if you like I can host the images on my site.
  5. For those of you I met at Pennsic, I want to thank you all for making me feel welcome and comfortable. I went up only knowing one person and came home knowing that the people on this forum are all great people to know.
  6. I say yes, and would go again.
  7. More pictures of our trip can be found at http://stranglehold.kagusa.org/gallery/PGa...inner_Adventure This is including Oderlesseye's pictures.
  8. Hey Rumba did you manage to walk off with the Pirate statue as you did with items from the Stranglehold.
  9. I went and claimed another cache during my lunch hour today.
  10. Thank you for the images.
  11. That be my Captain, ships Bosun, and Quartermaster. Do you mind if I put the image on the Stranglehold website?
  12. aye, them pictures were taken by Flynn McAdams, what do you expect from a guy wearing a dress. Not sure he fully had his land legs yet by the angle of some of those pictures.
  13. We thank you for the compliment, we have a blast playing around. On another note, more pictures available on the Stranglehold site. http://stranglehold.kagusa.org/gallery/PGa...06&spgmFilters=
  14. Do friends of POTC get invites to the yahoo group?
  15. Yeah and then right after she tried to steal some of our food.
  16. Speaking of which, Felicita geocache's locked in, and are waiting to be found. And look a treasure map.
  17. New countdown http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?ye...color=%23FFFFFF
  18. You could post the link to where the pictures are, and we will just go look at em our selves. :)
  19. With the full headers of his email you can track him back to his source and report him to his ISP as harrassing you. Though the issue with this is since most providers are dynamic IP's each time the user get's on his IP is different, or so that's the way it's supposed to work.
  20. First batch of Stranglehold pictures are up and can be found at http://stranglehold.kagusa.org/gallery/ind...aire/April_2006 more to be added later.
  21. Sorry to hear that Christine, it allways saddens me when someone I know looses a loved one.
  22. Say it aint so.
  23. Aye Killian, I never knew yer full name lad....... Aye I don't normally let it be known, everyone will be wantin me to walk on water, perform miracles and turn water to rum.
  24. Aye I 'ave been quiet, but I 'ave been around, I were over in the corner with me rum.
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