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Everything posted by Killian

  1. Not a Ren Faire, but the crew of the Stranglehold will be at the Mira Mesa Street Fair, anyone that would like to come vist us, please feel free to do so, the fair will be open from 10am to 4:30pm, for more info go to http://www.miramesatowncouncil.org/mira_me...street_fair.htm Enjoy.
  2. Shiny, I got my ticket already, will be seeing the movie with a group of friends tomorrow evening.
  3. I have not heard of this one, do they have a website?
  4. An' what lovely eyes they be.
  5. How about the theme from Christine.
  6. No wonder I had never run into you at the gate at Escondido, the Stranglehold usually does gate duty from 3-4, and then we hit the Ale stand.
  7. The Stranglehold will be there as always, this is our home faire.
  8. Type O Negative's version of Cinnamon Girl
  9. Big Bad Wolf
  10. I'm with you there.
  11. Let's see the Stranglehold does a few things to interact with the crowds, we have a handful of skits we will go out into the faire and do. And we love working gate, always fun to interact with the crowd as they come in or leave.
  12. Hey!!! Oh wait, your right...
  13. Any other clues, beyond that I am stumped.
  14. It's in La Mesa, the address is 8127 La Mesa Blvd.; (619) 466-2251.
  15. Pink 5 (Star Wars fan film)
  16. Yeah I don't want to drive up there on my own, and don't think I can make it myself.
  17. For you love anytime. I love wearing to work to freak out my coworkers. I have actually thought about wearing at faire.
  18. I got plenty of sugar fer you love.
  19. Give me a time and date and I will be there.
  20. Tis a shame, any excuse to watch a beautiful women running round in a short skirt, I would be there in a heart beat.
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