Ahoy mates. I just got word of a possible party to be held in Georgia. Braze the Pyrate is the host. Not sure if it will go down just yet, though. We are looking for possible interest. The date is not set yet but he is looking for June
16/17th depending. on when most can get together. Looking for 5 doubloons to help with the food costs. Sounds like it might be fun!!!
here is the official invite, extended to all the members of the Pub:
Ahoy Mate. I am thinking about throwing a pirate party at my place in South Georgia in June. I live on eight acres, mostly wooded so there is lots of room. I plan to show pirate movies on a big 30 foot screen outside at one end of the party, a pub with beer and food on the other end and music groups in the middle.
I have invited a few music groups and so far I have:
The Rusty Cutlass (myspace.com/rustycutlasspirateband)
Terry Lynn (myspace.com/terrylynn)
No Quarter Given (www.noquartergiven.net/)
Mad Eye Mitch (www.myspace.com/tolestar)
Cascabel the pirate will be here. Anyone that cares to make music, tell a story, put on a show as long as its pirate related is also welcome. If there is anyone that wants to vend that’s fine with me but remember we are all shipmates, keep it cheap. I can’t offer any sleeping space; I gave that to the guests from out of town. If you would like to camp, there is lots of space. As much as I hate to I would have to ask for $5 a head to off set the cost of the beer and food but again its all you can drink and eat (till its gone anyway) so that’s not so bad is it?
So let me know what you think, do you think there would be enough pirates willing to come to make it a good party?
Anyone wanting to go can contact Braze on myspace:
Braze's myspace
You can also pm myself or Cascabel if you want to go and we can forward the message on.