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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. ^ Take out. Not a cook, no I can burn water. < leftovers at my house will last about two days. then the dogs will finish em off. V What do cook the most or what is your favorite dish to make?
  2. Here's one for the lil' swabs! you are a pirate
  3. This one isn't you-tube, but funny anyway. I thought I would share (again) Captain Crimson
  4. This be the one from me laptop
  5. I may have to send ya mine. Got it yesterday, but if I gain another pound, it won't fit
  6. I would have to say it was mostly of my own doing. As a child I became facinated with Pirates and dinosours. The fascination faded for a bit, then around the Potc 1 era....(not really much of a Potc maniac) I became more involved with it. My eventual turn on was of course this forum, and my fishing habits. As I would go fishing, I would fantasize about bieng a buccaneer in a dingy, so as the story goes , the name Shipwreck came from a fishing experience. I actually was caught out at low tide in my chenoe and almost got stuck or "shipwrecked" I managed to get in ,but on the next trip It almost happened again, so my name kind of stuck. My biggest influence would have to be Robert Newton.Treasure Island with Robert Newton is the first Pirate movie I ever owned, so it was a big influence
  7. ^ I would have to say mangos, and kiwis <just got a new piece of pirate garb today. A 3 inch belt. I should have ordered it a little larger though, I may have to go on diet. V what kind of music do you like the best?
  8. Here be my desktop. This is a pic of me and Mad Jack at the Alabama Renesaince faire last year
  9. The weekend is not set yet I don't think. he more people can go on particular weekend then that is when he will probably have it. Give him a pm....(i think he still a member here) and let him know what you think.....Shipwreck
  10. Ahoy mates. I just got word of a possible party to be held in Georgia. Braze the Pyrate is the host. Not sure if it will go down just yet, though. We are looking for possible interest. The date is not set yet but he is looking for June 16/17th depending. on when most can get together. Looking for 5 doubloons to help with the food costs. Sounds like it might be fun!!! here is the official invite, extended to all the members of the Pub: Ahoy Mate. I am thinking about throwing a pirate party at my place in South Georgia in June. I live on eight acres, mostly wooded so there is lots of room. I plan to show pirate movies on a big 30 foot screen outside at one end of the party, a pub with beer and food on the other end and music groups in the middle. I have invited a few music groups and so far I have: The Rusty Cutlass (myspace.com/rustycutlasspirateband) Terry Lynn (myspace.com/terrylynn) No Quarter Given (www.noquartergiven.net/) Mad Eye Mitch (www.myspace.com/tolestar) Cascabel the pirate will be here. Anyone that cares to make music, tell a story, put on a show as long as its pirate related is also welcome. If there is anyone that wants to vend that’s fine with me but remember we are all shipmates, keep it cheap. I can’t offer any sleeping space; I gave that to the guests from out of town. If you would like to camp, there is lots of space. As much as I hate to I would have to ask for $5 a head to off set the cost of the beer and food but again its all you can drink and eat (till its gone anyway) so that’s not so bad is it? So let me know what you think, do you think there would be enough pirates willing to come to make it a good party? Anyone wanting to go can contact Braze on myspace: Braze's myspace You can also pm myself or Cascabel if you want to go and we can forward the message on.
  11. This one's a classic... It's another thread somewhere , but worth bringing up again
  12. Excellent as always!!
  13. Welcome to the pub, Mr. Spud I too be from Georgia, as well as Captain Midnight. Pressganged or no, we still welcome you and your Chicken. It is the honors to buy all the old "sailors " a round so I will be startin off with a Guinness. Thank ye
  14. Happy Birthday Mr Porter!
  15. Good song, but I think Mary Read and Anne Bonney would disagree here is a link to a somewhat humorus but very silly series of short skits. the links is to the first episode there are 24 in all. My favorite is #16 and I like #3 pretty good too.
  16. Wecome Lass. Good Ta have ye here
  17. Can't think of aything I just got to have. I like it all, but not as much as
  18. Well now, we all love ta hear a good sea tale now and agin. I be keepin me good ear listenin for yours....Welcome Lass
  19. Welcome Lass!!
  20. Good!! Now for me, I be a Bus Pirates Fan.... before long, you will be ending all your sentences with..... Like the Sea!!
  21. hopes ya get feeling better.
  22. Restauraunt food.... A cook I aint, nor never will be. Grouper sandwich with crab cakes. Finished it off with a brownie after I returned home.....Hmmm now where did I put that Ice Cream?
  23. The Pyrates Way radio Station
  24. Welcome back
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