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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. 97436 -Same Name as here Shipwreck John.
  2. Welcome
  3. I recently got into a roleplaying game that I thought people of the pub would like to try. here is the link Rule the seas. Check it out. you can join my gang IMT or oppose us. join or fight, which will you do?
  4. Libertalia by Running Wild
  5. My new desktop Background
  6. Agreed. Those Mangroves did look nasty, and even though there is a lot controversy around his authenticity, he has some good points and the show is exciting to watch. Red handed Jill said: I will go for that too. Shows you what a "normal" person should do if he should find himself in a situation while having an outdoor adventure. I would agree that his advice makes more since as I find myself being more capable of pulling off what he does to get out of a situation instead putting myself in a situation that may cause myself even more harm than I am already in. Referring to the same episode as Will but a little earlier in the broadcast, You wouldn't catch me going in to cavern unless it is the only way out, especially when there is plenty of daylight out.
  7. Listening to Pirate Radio on live 365
  8. Welcome James. Great photos.
  9. Welcome to the Pub Black Anne!!
  10. Welcome aboard Dutch. Most of the normal crew is off at PIP. Wish I was there with em but the trade kept me at the home port. You'll find good company here mate
  11. Saw it last night. Twas a real tricky bit. I don't think I'd be wantin to do that just for fun.
  12. Sonds good Lady Seahawke. I just might be dropping by to sample the goods I had a fried grouper sandwich with french fries from a local dive called George and Louie's. Right tasty too I might add!!!
  13. Guess you can't be full of Bologna if someone took it from your sandwich!
  14. here is mine Shipwreck
  15. Welcome back Luv! always good to see yer smilin face around!!
  16. Glad you liked it
  17. Cograts Lily!! I just found this on another site. A Pirate's Life enjoy!
  18. MMM! Sounds good make enough for all of us
  19. Listening to Metallica "Sanitarium" and drinking bud, cause I ran out of Guinness
  20. Metallica- Fade to Black
  21. Look ! a new episode
  22. Mourning Yesterday
  23. That's what it looked liked to me too. My sister sent that to me. I looked to see if was tampered with bu I couldn't tell. looked authentic to me> here is the story that goes with it. A family was on holiday in Australia for a week. When the husband, the wife and their 15 year old son decided to go scuba diving. The husband was in the navy and has had some scuba experience. His son wanted a pic of his m0m and dad in all their gear so got the under water camera ready to go. When it came time to take the picture, the dad realized that his son look like he was panicking. So he gave the 'OK' hand sign to see if he was alright. The son took the pic and swam to the surface and back to the boat as quick as he could. So his mom and dad followed to see if he was OK. When they caught up to him he was scrambling onto the boat. He was panicking. When the parents asked what is wrong, he said 'there was a shark behind you' The dad thought he was joking but the skipper of the boat said it was true. But they didn't believe him. As soon as they got back to the hotel they put the picture onto the laptop and this is what they saw.
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