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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. Managed to give em the slip, I did!! Twas great ta hear ya had a wonderful Berth day Matey!!
  2. watch out for those DIPS
  3. They must be authentic, cause Captain Bogg wears em. Not really sure if they are, but it probably won't stop me from wearing them as I dress more hollywood than GOP anyway
  4. Sounds good!! that makes me hungry!!!
  5. Pizza of any kind is ALWAYS good, especially for breakfast!!! I am having doughnuts and Coffee
  6. as to Stynky's video with Braze and Cascabel, excellent! great show to all me mates!
  7. Happy Birthday Stinky!!!
  8. It was a fantastic time indeed, and I am anticipating the arrival of next season. it was great meeting each of you at the festival. I have posted some of the pics I took in the gallery!!
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