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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. house of the rising sun(in New Orleans)
  2. down under (Australia)
  3. Being a southern boy, I would say Key West, first. Then the Yosimite, The Grand Canyon, and Alaska. then Cozamel, Cancun and Austrailia
  4. managemant training One Morning an Indian(hope I'm not offending any of you) walks into a coffe shop, carrying a shotgun, and bringing a male buffalo in a coffee shop. The manager looks at him kind of funny and then ask" Can I help you with someting sir?" The Indian replies "why yes you can I would like a cup of coffee", then proceeds to the first empty table. The manager brings him his coffee. The Indian enjoys his coffee taking in all of his surroundings. As soon as he finishes, he gets up cocks his shotgun and kills the buffalo and leaves. Everyone was in shock at what had just happened and could not believe this guy would slay amnimal like and then just leave it there for everyone to clean up the mess. The next morning, The Indian comes to shop again shotgun in hand and male buffaolo in tow. Surpised and still in shock from what happened the day before, the manager stops the indian at the door and says" listen fellow, you can't bring that beast in here, besides we are just finishing the mess you made yesterday. What gives you the right to do such as thatanyway? The Indian replies "why sir I am in management training." The manager asks" Do you mind explaining yourself?" The Indian says " Sure In management , you come in, you drink coffee, you shoot the bull, and you leave your mess for everone else to clean up!
  5. the best part of that movie to me was the opening scene , the line about the shot forgive me ifin I do'nt quote it exactly "well, you see, I knew that you knew so I took your balls!" tuchet, Morgan Addams!!
  6. Sounds good to me my dear, there is never no such thing as to many drinks,
  7. ~Shipwreck John walks by coming from benath a clump of coconut trees~ Did I hear someone say grill, Rymes with beer (sort of) .Staeks and beer? I'm in, when do we eat?
  8. Capton Ron, Now there is a character I'll have to add to my list. That was the first movie I bought to start my my Pirate collection, I Pirate he might not be , but alas, he does seem to the heart of one!
  9. I happin to agree with ye that Barbosa is the best "modern" pirate, though he still can nier stand up the likes of Long John
  10. Long John Silver for me! He's got the talk and the eye rollin down to a T' Go, Robert Newton!!
  11. OK Matey's John is my real name, the Shipwreck comes from a fishing experience in February of 04 when I set out for a little adventure of the The coast of Taylor County, Fl. The water is really rather shallow, mostly flats, and my "ship" is more of a dingy. A 14 ft Chenoe she be, not a good thing to have on the open water. Well to make it short, the fog came in the tide started going out and my trolling motor was about to die. I finally made in to shore, but I was almost beached four times. It is sort of a fitting name to say the least, being that I almost do something simular every time.
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