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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. Enough of that mushy stuff. your makin my heart weat talkin like that I be trying to figure out this here new program, Nero. says I need a capture card to make me camcorder do home movies to a disk. Keeps spittin out halfway through a burn, it does. I am abot reay to sends it down to Davey Jones. I was lookin at the Dazzle 150 as a comprible capture card. Any one of you buckos know if it be worth the doubloons they be askin fer it?
  2. Strange indeed says I. I wonder if the bossman was REALLY trying to impress the gorilla. here's another for ya. TORONTO (Reuters) - An 85-year-old Canadian man spent hours inside his impounded car in freezing temperatures after his vehicle was ticketed for illegal parking and then towed to a police compound, police said on Thursday. Police in the western city of Edmonton, Alberta, said frost had obscured the car's windows and a tow-truck driver, unaware of the elderly man sitting in the driver's seat, took the car to the police compound. The incident occurred Tuesday. "The security officer at that site along with the tow-truck driver noticed that there was some movement in the car," said Edmonton Police spokeswoman Lisa Lammi. "They accessed the vehicle and sure enough there was an elderly man inside. He was disoriented but he was not unconscious." Temperatures were close to -10 Celsius (14 Fahrenheit). According to the Edmonton bylaw office, the ticket was written two hours before the car arrived at the impound lot. The man, whose identity has not been released, was taken to hospital for observation. Lammi said police were unsure what stopped the man from driving his car away. ( could it be....CAUSE HE WAS ASLEEP?)
  3. if it must be a perchin pet, then I would be ahvin to go with a parrot. If could be any pet not necessarily a perchin' one, then I would be havin to take a turn for a German Sheppard. Don't Have one but always wanted one and you can train him to fetch and guard....Like yer treasure from yer dishonest mates.
  4. believe it......or not!
  5. Captain Ron on the tube while I am squareing away me galley
  6. Pretty good at the moment, switched the rum for some foldgers, and I'm all pumped up on caffine
  7. Saw this while piliging on the iwon site. HELSINKI (Reuters) - A Finnish commuter ferry captain has been suspended after crashing into a pier because he forgot to turn off the autopilot -- for the second time in three days. The captain was given a second chance to prove his seamanship after an accident on Tuesday when two passengers and one crew member were injured after the Suomenlinna II hit the pier at its destination, an island just outside downtown Helsinki. "He has been on this route for more than 10 years and we discussed carefully that he would be more sharp in the future. He did not manage it," Jorma Salopelto, head of Suomenlinnan Liikenne which runs the ferry, told Reuters. Having on Thursday once again forgotten that the autopilot was engaged, the hapless skipper was unable to stop the boat from running ashore, completely demolishing the pier but without causing any personal injuries. The ferry company said he had not been drinking on either occasion. It is not clear if or when he will return to his job. SYDNEY (Reuters) - A 60-year-old woman jumped on the back of a crocodile as it dragged a man from his tent in northern Australia on Monday, but was then attacked by the crocodile, which dragged her toward the ocean until it was shot dead. The 60-year-old woman and 34-year-old man suffered broken limbs, cuts and bruises in the attack by the 12.6 foot crocodile, said wildlife and rescue officials. The attack occurred around 4 a.m. as the man slept in a tent with his wife and child on the shores of Bathurst Bay, 186 miles north of Cairns in Queensland state. "The crocodile walked into the tent and dragged the man out," said Stephen Pemberthy from the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which airlifted the injured campers to hospital. "A 60-year-old woman in an adjacent tent heard the commotion and jumped on the crocodile," Pemberthy told Reuters. The crocodile let go of the man and bit the woman, pulling her toward the water before another person shot it dead. The injured campers managed to set off a rescue beacon, capturing the attention of government wildlife officials in the area who were eradicating wild pigs. The wildlife officials evacuated the campers to a nearby ranger station at Lakefield National Park and the Royal Flying Doctor Service flew them to a hospital in Cairns. The man suffered a broken leg and arm and cuts and bruises, while the woman had an arm broken in the attack.
  8. Well my name be John. No big surpise there. David Sons be my middle and last name.
  9. Studio version or Live at leeds version?
  10. And you don't get enjoy the sunsets
  11. Well it seems as if I had a fascinatiation for a while when I was a child, somewhere around the third grade and then it kind of went away. Being an advid fisherman and being a Navy Reservist, I have always had a love for the sea and other bodies of water. recently I have had the the chance to visit the Constitution in Boston and The Bounty in Jacksonville, which has kind of stirred those romance feelings for the wooden ship age and it was like being in third grade all over again. I did a search for pirates out curiosity and found the pub as well as 100's of other sites. I haven't had the privalage to attend a faire as of yet, but hopefully soon.....
  12. Thanks Charity. I am heading to my parents this morning to eat Turkey. Hope Everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and make sure you share with Charity
  13. Avenged Sevenfold-Bat Country
  14. I am looking for the thread for that goes something like " if you could be a pirate in history which one would you be"? Can anyone tell me where it be?
  15. Is it Digital? If it is and has a card you can get a 12 in 1 card reader and download them onto your PC. You should be able to find one at any electronics place. Office Depot has them ofr around 36-37 dollars.
  16. I'll be watchin it a time or two. Tis funny, it is. Mr Crabs has a true blackheart, he does. Always finding ways to make money(or get it) An' the language an ol salt to boot. Huzzah to Mr Crabs. I'll think I'll go fix a Crabby patty now. All this talk be makin me stomach growl
  17. Steak and eggs? Sounds like a great breakfast to me. Is it ready yet? I am only drinking coffee this morning
  18. A doctor and a lawyer were chatting at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?" "I give it to them," replied the lawyer," and then I send them a bill." The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try. The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills. When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.
  19. I decided that I needed a few days off but realized that I had no vacation, personal or sick leave left, so I figured the best way to get the Boss to send me home was to act a little crazy. I figured he'd think I was "burning out" and would give me some time off. I came in to work early the other day and began hanging upside down from the ceiling. Just then one of my coworkers, (a blonde I might mention) came in and asked me what I'm doing. "Shh," I said, "I'm acting crazy to get a few days off. I'm acting like a light bulb." A second later the Boss walked by and asked me what I was doing. "I'm a light bulb!" I exclaimed. "You're going crazy," he said. "Take a few days off." With that, I jumped down and started walking out. My blonde coworker started following me. The Boss stopped her and asked where she wa going...... .... ......................... > She said; "Going home, I can't work in the dark."
  20. okay here be mine porn star name: Abbigail Stanaland Romance name: David Junius pyrate name : Blue Hand David I'll stick with Shipwreck .. has a more adventurous ring to it
  21. Well now I am getting ready to head off to the ol' job. drinkin me mornin' cup o joe and listenin' to TWC. I feel refreshed as I did get plenty o' shut eye but dreading the rest of the day. I would rather be trying to catch an ol' bucket mouth
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