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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. Sounds Great Hester!!! Much better than I could ever sing. The Wifie says I should always sing solo!! (In the shower where no one else can hear) As for you dear, you have a BEAUTIFUL Voice!! Thanks for sharing!! Thanks, and Cheers to thee for the idea!! Do you have an mp3 player such as Musicmatch? if so you you should be able to download Hester's song. here's a link to check it out.......Musicmatch
  2. Nice!! I want one too!!
  3. Tacos, Burritos and other Mexican fine foods from the Local Mexican restaraunt......
  4. Have you ever wondered what everyone sounded like? Now is your chance to find out. Here is what you need to do to post a sound file. you will need a windows movie maker..... you can get it here if you don't have it. Movie maker download You can make a video or a soundbite, and convert it to one of the following files: Valid video extensions are: 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, 3p, asf, avi, divx, divx, dv, dvx, flv, gif, moov, mov, mp4, mpeg4, mpg4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, qt, swf, wmv, xvid. Windows movie maker will make it a WMV file. then you will need to post it using a program that will give you a wayto post things to the internnet I use photobucket: Photobucket Once you have done that, post it with the http:// button and we can hear what you sound like. here is me:Shipwreck Sorry about the poor quality but I couldn't get my digital converter to work Stupid Converters!!!!
  5. Welcome aboard Mate
  6. Welcome aboard Mate
  7. VH1---the History of Metal
  8. I bought it and played it once....not exacly full of of fun and excitement....sort of like playing the battle scene in Port royal....only Port Royal is a little more fun. Thought it could be better if you ask me....Maybe you will have a different opinon. try this go to the Icon on your screen and right click on it . then go to the properties tab. Open it up and go the compatiblity tab. then click on the the little box where it says " run this program in the compatility for" and change it to XP or whatever system your running. that should work then :)
  9. this could be a possibity why........Kieth Richards At Least he has the right Spirit for the part
  10. This here be some of me very own shots whilst away adventuring in Hawaii. This be the Black Sand Beach near Hilo on the Big Island These two Shots be from Polihalae in Kauai
  11. Cdock Pirates is a good place if you are going to online shop. I bought mine there
  12. No one really uses the chat room much any more., at least not that I have ever seen. there is a neet one on the Florida Pirate Festival site, if you can dodge the teens. I haven't seen any much on that one in a while either. Here is the link. Pirate chat room
  13. I had a chance to visit the Godspeed While I was up in Boston. Beautiful little ship. :) Here I am at the "Helm"
  14. Varies between 30 minutes to two hours and what I am in the mood for that day.....Average around 45 minutes
  15. Ok I have to admit I haven't seen any of those versions. Disney's version seems to stick with me . I like Robert Newton's Long John
  16. No luck.....Can't remember the links and a search comes up empty
  17. Not at the moment. let me see if I can find thier webpages.
  18. Not much in the way of crews here. I am just south of you in Thomasville. Can't say as I would really have the time to start a crew but maybe one day we could meet. Closest crews around here are in Jaxsonville and Pensacola that I know of but I am not a member of either.
  19. Nice craft Mate!! Hope you have a great time puttin out to sea!!
  20. It's just keeps getting better every time I see it.
  21. Well, I don't remember exactly. It was sometime after my "Nearly lost at sea in a chenoe" episode. To occasion the "Shipwreck" Name was formed and lure of pyracy of the high seas became a more prominant fixture in my mind. There soon after a yahoo search for pirates and pirate stuff found me discovering this lovely pub.
  22. I went to the Georgia Renfaire this weekend. Had the chance to meet "THE MAN" as another pub member once described him. I met Casabel and Braze this weekend. Wonderful people. It would be nice to hang out with them again. As Far as eho I would like to meet. Hmm Well the list would be quite long as far as that goes. In my area that would be ... Paisley Kendra Hurricane Capt Jim...( i think he's from around here) Others would be.... Deigo Blackhearted Pearl Siren and a few others...Heck It would be nice to meet you all.
  23. Found this while thumbing through my mail box. thought you mightbe intrested...Capt. Cook's Endeavour may be found off Rhode Island
  24. sea Shanties!! Pumping up for my first possible renfaire event!!
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