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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Not sure what happened. Lost track of where everyone was. Didn't get to Capt. Flints afterwards and never got directions before hand. Did get to meet up with Paisley, actually she found me sitting waiting for the last joust. Not sure if Stinky Tudor ever made it there. Last I heard was he was searching for a place to put pets. Didn't get to the Skum show (that was another problem in itself. Ok folks, we need to find another time to get together. Would be nice before the holidays.
  2. Are we talking "Shanties" or just some songs of pirates? A sea shanty (chanty) is songs that the sailors used for different types of jobs. Some shanties are a long drag or a short drag. Just a suggestion, but maybe the title should be changed since a couple of the titles are not true "shanties".
  3. Did enyone notice how close the music was to POTC????
  4. Depends on where ye be here in merryland. I wuz lucky, just some branches down an some leaves to clean up.
  5. 'appy day Darkmalkin. 'ere is ye very dark chocolate , yer marshmellies and yer rum.
  6. We will miss you Mister Lassiter. I will take pictures tho.
  7. As far as I knows, we still be going.
  8. We're keeping a close eye on it.
  9. This is your birthday song, it isn't very long...... Cheers.
  10. What a way to celebrate a birthday!!!
  11. Well, we got the Bay to worry about. Izzy will probably hit the east coast, work it's way over across the eastern shore and then hit the Chesapeake Bay. Buildings should be able to withstand , most have been standing since they moved to this site about close to 20 years now. The real major worry is MUD. There are no paved paths and some paths are gravel and stone. From the way things look, the weather looks great for Saturday. Maybe we will be lucky and the storm will hit South Carolina and go inland from there. There is also the chance that if it hits South Carolina, it still may ride up the coast. We are still a go and will be watching the weather channel closely, and praying for Izzy to bust up before she reaches us.
  12. Scupper, give me one o' those cherry thingies....
  13. Hawkyns, we'll see ya outside o' the gate.
  14. Here, here, wot' 'e said...specially those CABIN BOYS!!!!
  15. There's always Gary Oldman who always makes a great bad guy.....
  16. Just in time for me birthday!!!! Waaahhoooo!!!!
  17. I've been toying with the idea of a tatoo lately but haven't discussed it with my mate just yet. Have to see the prices first. At least I don't have to worry 'bout a wedding dress.....
  18. I s'pose you won't be needing a coat now 'eh wot?
  19. Welcome aboard you old seadawg.....
  20. I knew something would happen fer ya!! Look out, pyrate in the makin' comin' thru......
  21. Shows you wot I know....Thanks for the info!
  22. A toast to Cascabel. 'ave a 'appy birthday.
  23. I thought that the song as we know it today was written for a 1903 musical. I could be wrong.
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