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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Aye. 'Tis true, yet I've found that waking on the beach with that rising sun glowing on the face of a lovely lass is more beautiful than the setting . . .
  2. 'Tis beautiful, good Mr. William. A thousand rums to ye cabin door!!
  3. Glorious place ye gots 'ere . . . 13 me's lucky number . . . An I'm 'aving a good day. 'Ave a good weekend Mr. William.
  4. Spanking. . . . (Damnit me round fired early . . . )
  5. Many thanks to thee. I'll keep me good eye out fer ya doffers . . .
  6. Thirsty. Me gots me rigging to unfurl fer ta' weekend sail . .
  7. Ugh. Soup again?? Spoon.
  8. Something of the above me lady? Givin' thee self away my lady in the other chart room. Ya makes it easy for a pyrate of me sort . . .
  9. Pew

    Md RennFest

    Which campground be that good Mr. Corsair? 'Tis but a blunderbuss shot from me deck. . .
  10. Me thinks its the first time me'n ev'r seen a Pirate blush . . .
  11. Me uses what me can, in true pirate fashion . . . (Actually had the disc stuck in my CD player for a couple of days, so I know that one quite well . . .)
  12. Me likes ya Mad Jack Bar.
  13. Me likes the sounds of the island riddims: Steel Pulse, Wingless Angels, Peter Tosh. Me floats back to the islands wif me crew and a tot of rum, instead of 'ere at low tide wid a mug of the coca bean . . . :)
  14. Guinness, (me needs some hair o' dog) . . .
  15. #4= Board game movie w/ Robin Williams . . .. Arrrrgggghhhh . . I can't think of it. #5= A fish called Wanda Bonus Quotes= (Two of me personal fav's) Airplane and Buckaroo Banzai From Airplane: "Do you like Gladiator movies Billy? Have you ever seen a grown man naked?" Too funny . . . .
  16. No guesses? White Zombie La Sexorcisto "Black Sunshine"
  17. "Ya move like a jellyfish, rhythm is nothing, ya go with the flow, ya don't stop."
  18. All Along the Watchtower, Good Mr. Hendrix
  19. Pew

    Md RennFest

    September 25, 26: Pirate Invasion! Arrgghh, matey. 'Tis the annual pirate weekend! Mark yer charts hence! 'Tis a while off, aye, but who'lst will I be toastin' with that weekend?
  20. Arrrggghh . . . I be setting sail with me wench for the Banks of the Carolinas looking for some good grog shops. Me knowest of a few (of me favorites) Quagmires, Outer Banks Brewing Station, Howard's Pub on OI. Knowest of any more worthy of a young pyrate and his lass (you should see her flintlocks ) . . .
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