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Everything posted by Pew

  1. You've outdone yourself once again good sir! :) (Sorry for the unexpected departure, had to keep the rabble-rousers under taps) . ..
  2. As long as I'm 'ere, I'll be stayin' fer lunch. Good Mr. Diego will be joinin' me as well, (don't let 'im pay, this lunch be on me, scallywag that he is . . . . ) Steak and Kidney pies? A Guinness for Mr. Diego and a Newcastle fer me (if'n ye be avin' any). Coupla shots o' Jameson also Sir. :)
  3. As an intern with the Md Natural Resources Police on the SAR Dive team, we had the dubious honor of fishing out jumpers who swan dive off the Chesapeake Bay bridge who then resurface after 4-5 months underwater. One particular fellow had been in the Bay for approx 5-6 months. As we lowered the Stokes basket and put him in, he began to "drain" through the wire mesh as he was lifted to the boat. Worst call ever. (Or maybe it was the guy who been run over by a propeller . . . ) Anyways, it was the worst I'd seen.
  4. Delicious!! Thank you good Sir. :)
  5. Breakfast available? Jamaican Coffee, and Eggs Benedict perhaps . . .? :) Thank you Mr. William.
  6. Good Guess. Think WWII.
  7. Morning . . . . 'ello . . . . Anyone? . . . .Open for breakfast yet?
  8. <<writing notes to self: "move to the West Coast">>
  9. 'ows about: ""The Statue of Liberty is kaput" Hmmm, well that's disconcerting. "
  10. Wait for it . . . . She's coming about . . . . 'ere comes the broadsides . . . . . Because "so they can forget the group three damn dog night ever existed".
  11. Aye. Poor Quint. As fer yers: Austin Powers: Spy who Shagged Me Best line in tha movie: "How do you get into those pants?" "Well you can start by buying me a drink." Aye.
  12. Nary a guess?
  13. Good sir Diego thinks so . . . How's this: "the mornin' signorina we'll go walkin' When the mountains help the sun come into sight And by the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger While I buy a wedding ring for your finger" . . .one of my favorites. :)
  14. I forgot who was up, but I'll give ya an easy one their 30th Anniversary: " If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's too many captains on this island. Ten thousand dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing. "
  15. The Black Spot
  16. Classic. Three Dog Night, "Never been to Spain".
  17. Boss Mustang?
  18. Excellent!! PM sent.
  19. Offshore bank accounts
  20. me tender . . .
  21. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?
  22. Mine? "Captain Jack Roberts Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Two things complete your pirate persona: style and swagger. Maybe a little too much swagger sometimes -- but who really cares? Arr!" How ye doin? 'aven't found a truer quiz yet . . .
  23. Hawn . . . (stunning, I know . . .)
  24. After a few bottles of Guinness last night I thought: "I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me, than a pre-frontal labotomy" . . . . And then I stopped thinking . . .
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