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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Me loves the smell o' gunpowder in de evening; smells like victory. Thankee Mr. Petee.
  2. ::Slidin' out the cannons, I watch as each get set and the respective cannoneer light them.:: BOOM!! ::Siren's cannon goes off and explodes a wall of water some 10 meters high:: BOOM!! ::Firethorne's cannon resounds into the treetops sheering a palm in two:: BOOM!! ::My cannon goes off and nearly hits a fisherman's hut, still splitting a palm in two:: ::The rest of the cannon fire, peppering the shoreline.:: Right!! Mr. Firethorne, Me thinks ye be owing me a rum. Right Mr. Petee?
  3. Right Sir Petee. TREE DEGREES AYE!
  4. ::Good to be back onboard, I thinks to meself. 'Tis been awhile since me last sail. Maybe the Gov'nah's daughter won't be too upset. I miss her though. 'Tis a good lady. Hopefully her Papa will forget about him catching me in me state of disdress with her. . . .::
  5. Powder, aye! Slow match, aye! Wadding, aye! Prepared to far, Mad_Jack! ::yells o'er to Firethorne:: Oi! First one to be hittin' a palm o'er ther buys the o'er a rum!
  6. ::Finally making it aboard ship, I asked the lad who sent the pinnace for me. The lad said Mr. Lasseter had told Mad_Jack to send it. Luckily for me, I had purloined some of the jailkeepers hardware. As I made my way aboard ship, I asked whereabouts I could find Mr. Lasseter's cabin and the boarding of Mad_Jack. One of the mates topside pointed me belowdecks. I found Mr. Lasseter's cabin and left outside a pair of Spanish pistolas that had been taken from the sleepeing guard. The parchment read: "Mr. Lasseter- Forever indebted to thee. -PEW" ::Heading towards the bow I find Mad_Jack's belongings. I lay the Dusack knife wrapped in a swath of my breeches, also with a note: "Good sir- Thankee for the timely rescue. Forever indebted to thee. -PEW"
  7. ::Having sprung myself from the town gaol (long story), I hastily make way back the ship to find Kendra's sails being loaded aboard. Lost again, I make haste to find Mr. Lasseter or Pirate Petee. ::
  8. Right on. I had the same tactic today. I used the Captain on my 4 masted Sea Nymph, to gain a move as well as shots in the same turn. Still got blown out of the water by my students though . . .
  9. Sea monsters?!?!?! Most excellent! I'll be looking at the MdRF for me little treasure chest, (a shoebox and ziploc bags don't look so piratey . . .)
  10. Most appreciative!! I'll send it right away. I have a friend who has an "in" at the local gaming store. Apparently he may be able to get some "rares" and "uncommons". I've just started gaming, so I couldn't tell you what is what, but if you guys know something particular you are looking for, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  11. Petee- that's my complete set right now. Pete Straw- Is the Darkhawk II a giveaway? If not, I don't have much to offer but . . . :)
  12. Aye sir. 'Twas Lobster. <<Watching a muster being posted on the door, I bid Diego goodbye and walk to the entrance of the kitchen and read: "All gunners crew meet with the master gunner at the gun emplacements on top of the fortifications for drilling." Collecting my gear for the day I head towards a day of drilling . . .>>
  13. Pirate Ships Revenge (Ghost) Treachery Silverback Greyhound Sea Nymph El Chico Spanish Ships Pescados de Plata El Duque El Leon Asesino De la Nave (Ghost) French Ships L'Hercule Le St. Michel British Ships HMS Lord Walpole HMS Gallowglass HMS Leicester Crew Musketeer (English) Explorer (English) Lynch's Noose Cannoneer (French) Musketeer (Spanish) Explorer (Pirate) Genny's Red Rampage Captain (Pirate) Unique Treasure Shipping Charts
  14. Aye me lady. 'Tis a long way from 'ere . . . .
  15. Ah good sir. I be noticing ye face be lookin' most recent to me. I b'leve we ate at the Tsunami Kate as well. Thankee good sir for the "re-"introductions. Mr. lasseter 'tis gonna be 'elpin me find me master gunner now. Good day to you sir. Perhaps, a drink later?
  16. Me be out of flints and couldn't find the fuse . . 'Tis been a rough night and a rougher mornin', me 'eads still spinnin' round 'e mizzen . . .
  17. Padre Diego? Oh Sir?! Haven't be havin' the pleasure of meetin ye. Names PEW. Ifin ye don't mind, seeinst as how I can't be findin me master as of yet, mind if I be helpin with the firewood?
  18. <<After waking under a palm, I awake to find few of the crew astir around the ship and docks. I walk over to the cannon to hopefully wake the rest of the crew. Loading powder, I find the evenings dew has moistened it. Trying to find a fuse, I become frustrated, finally cup my hands and yell:>> BOOM!! Arrrghhh. That should bring 'em scurryn' . . . Now whereabout's be I findin ye master gunner . . . . Ahoy Master Lasseter!! Ifin ye be kind be ye instructin' me on the finer points of the cannon? I cannont find the master Gunner . . .
  19. <<Hearing a knock at the door of the Inn where I'm staying, I arise to find a muster attached to the door>> "Gunners crew 1 Mad_Jack lieutenant 2 Siren 3 Firethorne 4 Mr P E W Able seamen 1 Siren lieutenant 2 Firethorne 3 Mr P E W Boarders 1 Patric Hand 2 Siren 3 Mr P E W " <<Surprised be gets me to have made the crew that has been the talk all over town. Throwing my cutlasses and dagger into a bedroll, I race down to the docks hoping to find the Ghost Dog has not set sail. >> <>Finding the first person I can, I stagger up to him and ask:>> Yarrr there, whereabouts be I a findin' the ships' Quartermaster, a Mr. Lasseter or the Bo'sun, a Mr. Badger? Me needs to be reportin' fer duty as part of the gunner's crew and as able seaman aboard ship . . .
  20. Right on. Why don't we look over our "navies" and start a "wanted" or or "trade" thread (or do it here?)
  21. Instead of pirating the Goddess's thread . . . Do you have any tip/ tricks/ ideas for a new gamer? Start small? Build a man-o-war? Lots of little fast ships? Build one nationality? Search and destroy?
  22. Great game!!! Addicting as hell. I've got my students here at school playing it as well. It's great to use it for lesson plans in History and for Math. Best part is I make the "talk like a Pirate" during the games. Absolutely hilarious. We put 2-3 large tables together and play with islands, fog banks, forts, the whole 9. It looks like a miniature naval expedition in my homeroom. We've been collecting Spanish Main, Crimson Coast, and Revolution. We've been getting alot of doubles. Anybody up for a trade, etc?
  23. Arrrrggghh. Me heard a muster was in occurance. I'd like to be volunteerin'. Lookin' at the ships registry of arms, this 'ere ghost ship 'll be more well armed than the Spanish Armada, and better outfitted than the East India Companies. Ifin ye be musterin for ye ship, who be the cook? Arrrrgh, we can't be goin' hungry on ta high seas . . .
  24. Gotcha. I was thinking "of Assisi".
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