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Everything posted by Pew

  1. 'Ows about just the 'ead of the doll? Me needs me target practice . . .
  2. Sir William? Sorry 'bout the biscuit, but ya gotta bolt everything down around here if ya don't want it walkin' off. That biscuit ne'er had a chance . . . Might the Captain's Table be open again for lunch? 'Ello Merc Wench. How's a bout a Red Bull and Belvedere to give you wiiiiings. :)
  3. Wow. Coming up on the 374th anniversary. There's got to be a celebration in there somewhere's. I like the last line in the article "Baltimore became important only as a rotten borough . . ." Funny how history comes around.
  4. Thankee mate. I now must clean off me screen . . .
  5. So this farmer has three daughters and they're sitting around one Friday evening. There's a knock at the door. The farmer get up and answers it. There's a well-dressed young man at the door. "Good evening Sir. My name's Freddy, I'm here for Betty, we're going for spaghetti, is she ready?" So Betty gets her jacket and goes out to dinner. A little while later there's another knock with another young man at the door. "Hello Sir. My name's Joe, I'm here for Flo, we're going to the show, is she ready to go?" So Flo and her date go out. Later in the evening, there's yet another knock at the door. "Good evening Sir, My names Chuck-" So the farmer took out his gun and shot him . . .
  6. Aye. I gots me team and co-workers talkin' like a pirate. Even gave some of the less fortunate pirate-names. Nice to here a coupla' "Arrrggghhhhs" throughout the halls.
  7. <<handwritten note left on back of parchment coaster:>> "Mornin' Sir William. Thankee kindly for yesterday's feast. I 'ave taken a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit and a tall cuppa mochachino. I'll be back later this mornin' ta check on lunch specials. Grammercy. -P.E.W."
  8. Aye!! Always room for another at this 'ere Captain's table.
  9. 'Tis a feast fit for Kings!! Grammercy good sir William. And I have not seen the ladies about lately . . .
  10. Another round of drinks on me!
  11. Good day all! Sorry I'm late, I was followin' DaggezEber. I'd love me a plate of yer pasta and a pint of Guinness. :)
  12. Fast Times at Ridgemont High?
  13. Iron Butterfly: "In the Garden of Eden" - Known as InnaGaddadaVida? Classic Rock?
  14. Comfortably Numb?
  15. Aye? Now serving baby? "The other, other white meat"-Fat Bastard Come to think of it, how 'bouts a baby greens salad, with baby carrots and baby corn. And maybe visualize whirled peas . . . .
  16. <<shaking Diego awake in his 'ammock topsides>> Oi!! 'Tis your turn . . .
  17. Stripes One of the 5 movies I owned while in college. "When my brothers and I played cowboys and Indians, I was always the Chinese railroad worker."
  18. If there are no others on the board . . . Here's my quote: "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions."
  19. 'Tis that a tip cup Mr. William? <<scribbles on parchment for Mr. William: 1 bagel, 1 cup Mocha java. Thankee for breakfast on the run.>>
  20. The Matrix.
  21. Nay good sir. 'Tis the quality and customer service. Should the Tsunami Kate not be open, (since I'm an early riser), I'll leave ye a note of what I findin' in the kitchen for breakfast. Put it on me tab . . .
  22. 'Tis a great post. I've grown up on the water for the last 33 years. Had numerous vessels under my "command" in that time. I've spent some time doing SAR and Investigations through our local marine police, hence the "Captain". The initials are from my grandfather who taught me how to sail off Cape Cod. Our last name comes from the Sheriff who oversaw King Richard's lands as he fought in the Crusades, the "warden of the woods". As I have researched my family, I have also found that our name is actually a derivation of the "Wydard Knight", a portrature in the Bayeux tapestry.
  23. Grammercy, Grammercy. I hope this will cover breakfast and lunch . . .
  24. A snail slides up to the front door of a house, where a man promptly opens it and flicks the snail across the yard. 3 years later the snail makes it back to the door, knocks, and says "what the hell was that for?"
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