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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Ummm...how'd some folks get two books, and some none? I iz not countin' rite... One each or the plank walking will ensue.....
  2. Anyone working on a current project they care to share? I know some of us are involved in the Sketchbook rounds, but do you have any large projects on tap for the winter? Painting, sewing, sketching, etc
  3. Tag you are it! The Black syren has struck yet again...*Grins*

  4. Any relation between the two?
  5. Aboard the Lucy "Nate," Preston asked quietly, "do 's a favor an' see ifin y' c'n find out jus' what th' Cap'n's steward knows about th' arms aboard ship. Say she 'as fired a small musket afore." Preston knew the young man understood. "Aye sah." The young man replied. "Live fire, sah?" "Not jus' yet. Have 'er sift powder awhile. Mebbe get Patrick t' show 'er. Make some apostles, oil the guns, y' know." Nathaniel smiled, "Aye sah, I do." "She needs t' learn how t' load 'em first." "Right sah, true enough," Nate agreed. "We'll giver a shot later t'day. Maybe give 'er a double shot o' powder an' no ball 't first." "O' course sah, no sense in wasting shot 'fore it's necessary." Nathaniel Brocke knuckled his forelock "Very well Nate. Very well indeed." Preston liked the young boy. Maybe he shouldn't have hesitated in Nathaniel's position. He had heard he was a crack musket shot, just had not seen it yet. Preston had always found those that were the best in a certain aspect of their lives always made the best teachers. He waged himself a double ration to see if he was right.
  6. 11 days into November, please sound off if you do not have a sketchbook currently.
  7. "Miss Ashcombe, if you'd b' so kind as t' straigthen th' ward room and return th' plates t' Mister Marsh, you 'c'n b'gin there." Jenny looked like a sullen school girl who forgot to clean the hog stall. "Geoffrey," Preston called atop. The powder monkey scampered down the ratlines and jumped onto the deck. "Sah." The boy knuckled his forelock. "I'm findin' Miss Ashcombe's attire t' be not wholly suited fer workin' aboard ship eh lad?" quizzed Preston. "Wha'?" Jenny tried to interrupt. "Aye sah." Geoffrey smiled wholeheartedly. "Do 's a favor lad. Find Ash some slops an' shirt from b'low. Get 'em t' her 'n th Ward Room eh? "Aye sah," returned the boy. In flash, he headed below deck. "Now Miss Ashcombe, upon proper dress, r'port t' young Mister Brocke, there," Preston pointed to a young man just finishing his meal amidships. "He 's the sergeant-at-arms fer th' Lucy. He'll teach y' about th' Lucy's own fowling piece." Ash frowned at Preston's deliberate mocking of her term. "Yes, sir," Jenny curtsied. "And Ash," Preston reminded gently, "a salute 'd b' more proper aboard ship."
  8. Here's a fun way to kill time, or when you are in need of a tavern name: Tavern Name Generator
  9. Several of the crew had stopped and listened to the ship's steward. As much as Preston patiently waited for her to finish, it took all he had to not back hand her in front of the crew. He abruptly put his hand up in signal for her to stop. Preston cleared his throat and bit his upper lip. "While this 's not a military ship, th' MEN aboard do assume a rank o' roles an' leadership. I will have t' require you to do th' same. While 'sir' 's not required o' myself, you will respect th' Cap'n an' his rank by addressing him 's such. For myself, MISTER Whitingford 'll b' fine." Preston spoke slow and deliberately to emphasize the importance. Miss Ashcombe looked as if she had been struck. "Miss Ashcombe, yer role aboard 's t' see t' th' Cap'n an' his needs. 'n some time you'll b' called 'pon t' take 'p arms. While we dinnot use a 'fowling piece' aboard, you will b' trained aboard fer th' use o' th' musket an' pistol." Peter Norman and John Kingsman snickered when they heard Preston mocking Jenny's 'fowling piece'. A wry smile curled at the edge of Preston's lips. "Is tha' clear Miss Ashcombe?" Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At anchor, bow facing E Speed: At rest Wind: Light easterly winds, light breeze, 4-6 knots, small wavlets, crests are glassy
  10. Preston huffed. "The Lucy Ash; sailin', navigation, th' wind, blades, guns, pistols, thins' tha' go boom." He folded his arms tightly against his chest and waited.
  11. No worries Cal, thanks for keeping us in the loop.
  12. Aboard the Lucy Preston looked south towards the Watch Dog. He could see activity aboard and thought about Luc and Eric. Ash joined him almost immediately at the rail. "Sir?" Ash reported. "Ash, wha' d' y' know about the Lucy," Preston questioned. He knew what he had to find out, but it pained him to figure he may already know the answer.
  13. Finished Patrick's tonight. Will try and mail it off tomorrow. Afterthought: Do some people have two books, while others have none?
  14. Aboard the Lucy Preston stood at the starboard rail as Captain Brand's launch gradually became just another boat in the harbor. He lingered for a second more and returned to the ward room of the Lucy. The heavy canvas separating Jenny Ashcombe from the goings-on in the ward room was slung somewhat to the side. Preston had heard movement behind the heavy curtain and caught a brief sight of flesh. He waited a moment longer and saw it again. It appeared to be a shoulder in the midst of some rapid addition of clothing. It wasn't the skin that garnished the Master's attention, but the dagger length scar that drew it's way across her back. Preston leaned against the bulkhead and crossed his arms. "Ash," he interrupted. The movement behind the curtain suddenly stopped. "Aye Mister Pew?" "Join me on deck, ifin y' please." "Aye sir, right away." Preston paused again only to see a more flurried flailing resume in the small corner of the ward room. The ship's master shook his head. ____________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At anchor, bow facing E Speed: At rest Wind: Light easterly winds, light breeze, 4-6 knots, small wavlets, crests are glassy
  15. I'm addicted! I've been pouring through antique shoppes here on the shore. i have yet to find a ....errr... find like that... :)
  16. Sent RHJ's to Matusalem today.
  17. And not enough teachers willing to take the time to go that extra distance to help the kids that are interested... especially if it means staying after school... I am actually so furious that this was even said. Anywho. Preface: I respect each of your opinions. Body: I have been teaching for 16 years. No Child Left Behind does not work. The use of standardized tests does nothing to promote achievement. Teachers are now 'teaching to the test' instead of focusing on the curriculum. In our school, if a student fails, it is not because they did not show to class, turn in assignments, do homework, or study for tests, it is the Teacher's fault because they did not help the student. At some point therer has to be some responsibility on the part of the parents for their sons and daughters not succeeding. I'm sorry, but this generation is the laziest, learned helplessness group of teens, I have ever seen. They know if they fail, Mom and Dad can bitch enough to get their grade changed REGARDLESS of their effort put forth within class. Education is fawked right now. I take specific exception to Sterling's point. I am a special educator and spend time after school to work with kids that are not on my caseload, nor in my class, nor receive SpEd services, but honestly want to improve. Most of us do care. But why should we stay after to help a student who has acted up in class or refused to do work because NOW they want to succeed. Sorry, but it's school, you are supposed to work in class. I actually had a student say to me today, "I hate his class, he makes me work in there." Seriously??? It's school, that's what you are supposed to do....
  18. Bleech, Pyrate Pistol. Try Pyrate Reserve XO. It doesn't taste like paint thinner....
  19. Gah??!?! No Jameson?
  20. Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva + Brindley's Gold Vanilla + Bailey's Irish Creme Smooth and subtle....
  21. No craziness here. I do this to relax. No worries folks, just keep 'em floating around. The bump in the Pub server caused things to be a wee bit off for a bit. 'S all good. I have Red Handed Jill's and Patrick's currently. 10/21 update: Pew= RHJ's and Patrick's Patrick Hand= Kate_Souris Red Handed Jill= Pyrateleather Pyrateleather= ____________________ Ransom= Callenish Gunner and Lady Cassandra's Matusalem= ______________________ Withoutaname=____________________ Lady Cassandra Seahawke=__________ Capt Sophia Eisley=_________________ Kate_Souris=Withoutaname Callenish Gunner=___________________ Remember, if you have an issue and your book might go out late, don't fret, jus' PM the pyrate in front o' ye t' let them know it may be a wee bit late... OR, If you haven't seen a book in a while, PM the pyrate ye may be recieving it from to find the whereabouts... Who did I get mine from? Who do I send the PM to? Glad you asked: PEW: Annapolis, Md Matusalem: Wanaque, NJ withoutaname: Brooklyn, NY Callenish Gunner: NW Pa Lady Seahawke: Columbus, Oh Kate_Souris: Columbus, Oh pyrateleather: Shawnee, Ks Ransom: Grants Pass, Or Patrick Hand: Arnold, Ca Red-Handed Jill: San Francisco, Ca Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Orlando, Fl
  22. Recieved Patrick's by way of Capt Eisley, Wednesday.
  23. He was...
  24. I currently have a milk crate full of inks, pencils, stamps, pens, etc, and a 12-pack box full of papers:construction, etc. What do you guys have to keep it all together and somewhat organized?
  25. Aboard the Watch Dog Eric Franklin rose to the sound of hammering aboard the Watch Dog. He made his way to the origination of the noise and found Luc at work in the armoury. "Meester Fonklin, many cratezz have zee broken in zee storm." "Aye Luc, that they 'ave." Eric looked around the small room and saw that many had toppled upending their contents and some downright split in two. "I'll send on o' the lads in for a bit eh?" "Very well Meester Franklin." Eric placed his hand on the frame and called for a few of the boys to come for and help with the organization of the arms and restacking the crates that Luc was repairing. He went back into the cabin and wondered how Preston fared through the storm. He wondered if Preston Ellery Whitingford ever found out or realied that he had found the letter from his father. Preston hadn't brought up the matter at their last meeting, so no reason for him to. "Enh" he breathed loudly. He procured the key and opened both armoury ledgers to compare. He read some dogeared notes to himself as he added in his head... "Jack St. Anthony's arms, placed in storage with his sailor's trunk." Eric looked over to the corner where it sat for time before realizing it had a new home in the 'Dog's wardroom. He continued. "Th' Padre's weapons were sold before th' mast 1 blunderbuss - Nicholas Johnson 3 small knives - Robert Thatcher I cutlass - John McGinty I boarding Axe - Owen Monahan 1 pistol - unknown I Spanish snaphaunce pistol - Ciaran I pistol - Andrew Smyth" Someone had written some other notes on a well folded piece of parchment tucked in between the pages. The writing did not match Preston's. "Captain William's weapons were taken into the armory when he died and sold before the mast. Pirate Phil never returned to reclaim his weapons after his disappearance, so his weapons were sold before the mast. Recipients unknown." Preston's writing continued below those notes. "Paul Mooney, extra knife by way of th' death of Lawrence Dinwiddle. Syren and John McGinty, one pistol each for sighting th' Heron an' th' Maastricht."
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