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Everything posted by Pew
I'm a Special Ed/ English teacher in high school. I don't think I'd ever change jobs. Every day is a different 'catastophe'. Although, I did have fun in Death Investigations/ SAR with the Natural Resources Police. A body that's been underwater for months is simply fascinating.....
Favorite supplies? What medium's do you prefer? What's your 'go to' design when you're short of time? Any neat ideas/ tricks you like to use to make your entry unique?
I have a few. Making Memory books by Hand, by Feliciano and Thompson The Decorated page, by Gwen Diehn The Art of Sailor Jerry
Captain Pew is my favorite....
Preston took the mall package and opened it. A single letter was wrapped within. Preston opened it deliberately. He read it slowly and again, and then passed it to Captain Brand. "Mayhaps a Tawny sightin' sah?" The uttered name caused many on deck to change demeanor immediately. William read the letter and paused. Thinking. He tapped his finger upon the parchment. "Very doubtful Mister Whitingford, for the country is rife with injured foreigners. As much as an end to that chapter would be exceptional, we cannot go ashore bearing arms for that purpose alone." "Aye sah." Preston agreed. "Permission t' join th' Captain ashore?" "Mister Pew, while your fervor is appreciated, I cannot allow two of our ships to remain at anchor without some assemblance of higher rank. Please secure the Lucy and pass word to the 'Dog of my intentions ashore." "Very well sah," Preston replied begrudingly. Rank brought responsibility. At this moment, Preston wanted to be ashore. Damn, he thought to himself. Damn, damn, damn.
There's tea cloth in that picture?
What, no messenger seagulls? No worries.
"Yer carriage awaits Cap'n." Pew smiled. "So it has Mister Pew. I assume den Oven's death may now precipice on a plate of eggs?" William smiled back. "That 't may Cap'n. My first meal 'uld b' 'is last." Preston threw down the plate and followed Captain Brand onto the deck.
I sent Capt Eisley's to Matusalem yesterday. And Rogue Mermaid's will finally reach it's homeport today. Any pics of current work?
Aye. http://www.internethobbies.com/vrl-1524.html
September 27th & 28th: Pirate Adventure Weekend - it's a Pirate invasion! Thanks to our friends at Watermark Cruises for prizes for the Adult Pirate Costume Contest. Don't miss their annual Pirates, Rum & Reggae Cruise on Saturday evening September 27th. Visit www.watermarkjourney.com for more information. Our thanks are extended to Medieval Times, for providing prizes for both our Kids & Adult Pirate Costume Contest. For a thrilling adventure, visit them at nearby Arundel Mills. Check them out at www.medievaltimes.com or 1-888-WE-JOUST. Seafaring, pirates, and the age of exploration. This weekend we explore beyond the shores of England. Learn about life at sea. Hear stories of great adventures. Music from our very own Pyrates Royale, and that visiting crew from the shores of New York - The Crimson Pirates. Kids, don't miss Captain Jean the Pirate Queen's Pee Wee Pirate show. Pirate Costume Contest for kids and adults (kids ages 0 to 15; Adults ages 16 +) Prizes will be awarded for the best pirate costume - head to toe. The Costume contest will be held both Saturday and Sunday at 2pm on the MARKET STAGE. http://www.rennfest.com I'll be about in the old Pub tee, sans kit for the weekend.
Aboard the Lucy A slight knock was heard at the door and then it was opened. Preston, still slumped in Dorian's chair, was awoken suddenly. He grasped the pistol he laid on the table the evening prior. A figure filled the door. The sun was just set in the rising sky where it had peaked the mountains bathing the wardroom door in light. Only shadows gave Preston the choice to fire or not. His better judgement won out against his instinct. "Mister Whitingford, Miss Smith will collect my things presently. I plan to go ashore presently." Preston nearly fell out the chair trying to stand. "Aye sah. I'll fetch Ash for some victuals."
9/22/2008 UPDATE Due to a power outage at the Pub, the sketchbooks have been on a slight hiatus. I believe all members of round three have nearly been accounted for. I will mirror this post at the Tavern. If everyone could post whose book they have currently, I can get an idea of where things stand. Hopefully, October 1st will have things back on track. PEW Capt Eisley's (to be sent this week to Matusalem) Red-handed Jill Rogue Mermaid (from Round two)
Below deck on the Lucy Preston had it in half his mind to risk the storm and go ashore. The confinement was getting to him. The tête à tête of the Steward and Captain had him easing in nefarious thoughts. If he could have shot Miss Ashcombe and thrown her overboard, he would have. The thoughts continued to pervade his mind now. Could it be on the off chance that den Oven and Miss Ashcombe were in with one another? Had she been made a part of his escape, and the poor assassin merely a ruse to take away the focus from the prison while den Oven escaped? Was Klaas murdered while the Frenchie searched the Lucy's ledgers? Had Ajayi been murdered by a hand an arms length from hers? Preston appeared among the hammocks below, soon behind William. "Goddamn fekking wommen." The words arrived before he was able to identify where they were heading. The crew were in various stages of undress displaying those casualties honored among most men. They spun about to see the Ship's Master with his palms at his temples and slowly making their way to the sides of his cheeks. He did not see Miss Smith on the far side of the vessel, resting. Charlie Goddon was the first to break the silence. "A nip sah?" Charlie handed Preston a flask with the top already removed. Several gulps were followed with an appreciative nod. "Carry on," breathed Preston. He made his way back into the storm checking on the watches one last time before he attempted rest. The Ward Room still festered with the air of uneasiness. Preston slid Dorian's chair across the floor loudly and propped himself up. He blew out the shaded lantern then propped his feet on the long table. The rain had abated except for the few henpecks upon the glass as the stern swung into the storm. The din had set Preston into an unsettled slumber. ____________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At anchor, bow facing NNE Speed: At rest Wind: Strong North-Northeasterly winds, approx. gale strength gusts, 22-30 knots, swirling
The Lucy's Wardroom Preston remained standing. He crossed his arms, now leaning against the small bookshelf at his back. He looked Ash up and down trying to discern some kind of figure beneath her cumbersome attire. Yet Jenny's uneasiness had Preston reach down his waist and adjust the pistol now biting into his belly. He made no short work of the motion making her aware that the weapon was present, should it be called for.
Aboard the Lucy "Beaten, eh?" asked Preston coarsely. "den Oven's hand? Wha' abou' th' greasy fek Tawny? Do we know who coulda taken Klaas?" Before Captain Brand could answer, Preston cut in again, even louder this time. "Where's Ajayi? Didn't he leave wit Mister Wellings?" Preston's hand clenched tighter. "Neither have been found Mister Pew. It is assumed that den Oven had come upon our men and slayed the Dutchman. With no other bodies discovered, it is impossible to say what had become of Joshua Wellings and Ajayi Abiodun." Preston thought for a moment before he spoke. "I thought we were t' track den Oven b'cause he broke from prison. I dinnit know he killed 'r men Captain." "It is possible, Preston, that his men did inflict great casualties upon our men. But possibilities do not a man hang for," William reflected a moment on his last statement, "but in some cases they may." He smirked. William "Red Wake" Brand now reached for the empty goblet. "A drink perhaps, Miss...Ashcombe is it?"
Aboard the Lucy "Nigel, change th' men on watch, and have th' officers report t' the Ward Room." The Cox'un nodded and braced the door on the Ward Room as it was nearly blown out of his hand when opened. The Captain had a few minutes to collect himself before the men returned. "Any word from Dorian?" asked William Brand of his company's quartermaster. "Nil Cap'n, weather hit 's quickly. Not a launch from shore 'as been sighted, nor one sent." Both men paused to collect themselves not truly realizing the gravity of the situation they had just endured. A sudden opening of the door caught the men off guard, to which Miss Ashcombe replied Mister Marsh would not relight the hearth and was rude to her when asked to do so. Lukewarm stew was to makes it's way to the Ward Room presently. Both men smiled. The company's Captain, the Ship's Master and the Steward of the Lucy each shivered off nature's tempest. ____________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At anchor, bow facing NE Speed: At rest Wind: Very strong Northeasterly winds, nearing gale strength, 30 knots, dead ahead
Recieved Cap't Eisley's....
Preston had been ripped from thought at hearing the voices yelling on deck of the Lucy. Quickly he made his way to the railing and offered hand to pull those rowers climbing aboard from the Watch Dog to safety. Scaling down the side of the Lucy, he passed Mister Tucker steadying the bow of the cutter. Clumsily, he made his way into the Patricia. The Ship's master yelled for a lantern to be passed down to see what he could of any more crew in the water. Mister Montgomery had climbed from the foam as had Mister Larke. Captain William Brand finally came into view as one of the furthest victims of the accident. Preston set the lantern down and laid on the gun'le of the cutter and outstretched his hand toward the Captain. "A bit late f'r a swim Cap'n," Preston called.
Mine was sent to Matusalem yesterday.
Aboard the Lucy Preston coughed. And again. And yet again. So much so he was nearly doubled over in a fit. He spit up blood and spat it on the deck to watch it quickly wash away. Charlie and his boys had double hitched the tarp so another mishap would not occur. The former mate on the Bullrush saw the Ship's master keeled over near the tiller. Goddon sent the men below and quickly went to Preston's side. "SAH?!" Preston swept his hand to the side and spat again. Charlie saw the blood and grabbed the master's arm by the elbow. They made their way to the Ward Room and Charlie kicked at the door. Miss Ashcombe was there immediately and helped Charlie usher Mister Pew out of the storm. Jenny pulled a chair out as Preston dropped into it. "Rum, Miss Ashcombe," Charlie requested. She nodded and reached for a glass, then filled it from the decanter. Preston drank heartily and was met with a refill. He sighed. "Charlie, 'ave the watches changed. Make those officers still aboard know Cap'n Brand will attend t' us shortly." "Aye sah." "Ash, fetch a plate of bread an' cheese for th' Captain an' 'ave Mister Marsh send 's up some soup t' warm th' bones..." "Yes sir."