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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Pew

    Tom Peters' Triple

    It is hoppy, but it is more of a 'sweet' hop as compared to an IPA's 'dry' hop. Make sense? :)
  2. DIBS!!!!
  3. Here's the recipe: Boil for 45 minutes: 1.4lb Alexander Sun Country Pale Malt Extract 1.5oz Syrian Aurora hops (7%AA) Boil for 15 minutes more: 4lb Alexander Sun Country Pale Malt Extract 4lb Alexander's Sun Country Wheat Malt extract 1lb clear Belgian candi sugar 8oz Malto Dextrin powder 1 oz Styrian Golding hops 2tsp yeast nutrient 1tsp Irish moss At the end of the boil: 1.5oz Strisselspalt hops Yeast: Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes or Safale T-58 Prime with 0.75 dry cup measure (or 5oz by weight) dextrose The recipe comes from Tom Peters, the owner of Monk's cafe in Philly. This beer ages very well. Set some aside for next Christmas.
  4. Aboard the Lucy Preston found Maurice oiling the muskets with Nathaniel in the armoury. The ship's master discussed his plan for the early evening and told Maurice he had the 'privilege' of being their Spanish aide-de-camp for the evening. Maurice smiled and shook his head slowly and asked who else was to join them on the Navarra. Preston smiled and told him it was a well thickened group that he had chosen. Maurice shot an eyebrow up at the odd term Preston used to describe the men. He turned abruptly when he overheard Joseph just a few steps away relating to the powder monkeys one of the many stories of his battles upon the gun deck. Under a shaded lantern, they chipped the slight rust that had begun to form on the cannon shot in the heavy humidity below deck. Joseph nodded when Preston discussed the evening's events as he had previously to the others. The gunner's mate repeated the time he was to meet in the Ward Room as Preston finished the details. Peter Norman was easily found. Following the swearing and the yelling, Preston saw Charlie Marsh and Peter arguing over the placement of several hogsheads. Peter was stripped to the waist and sweating profusely while Charlie merely had only his shirtsleeves rolled to the the forearm. The ship's master interceded and pulled Peter away. Charlie muttered something about Peter's upbringing which to Charlie's luck, Peter had not heard. Preston told the same plan to Peter as he had to those members previously. He excused Peter from Charlie's wrath and told him to get cleaned up. Ship's Master Whitingford felt the ship change direction again. With that, the Lucy slowed. Preston hurried back to the deck to see the harbor come into view. He scanned the ships at rest for the Navarra but could not see her. _____________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At sea, heading E Speed: slowing, 7 knots Wind: Moderate Northeasterly breeze, small waves 1m high, some whitecaps
  5. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Two more to add: Green Flash Brewing Co's West Coast IPA and Sierra Nevada's ESB (Early Spring Beer). Another two delicious beverages.
  6. Carry On In the days of sail, the officer of the deck kept a weather eye constantly on the slightest change in the wind so sail could be reefed or added as necessary to ensure the fastest headway. Whenever a good breeze came along, the order to 'carry on' would be given. It meant to hoist every bit of canvas the yards could carry. Today, the term means to continue with your work. Chewing the Fat Literally, eating the seaman's daily ration of tough, salt-cured pork or beef. Long before refrigeration, cured meats were tough but durable and it took a lot of chewing to make them edible. Has come to mean a friendly conversation (or talking too much, depending who's talking). Clean Slate Prior to GPS and onboard computers, courses and distances were recorded on a slate. At the end of each watch these were transcribed into the ship's log and the slate wiped clean for the next watch. Has come to mean starting anew. Close Quarters A small wooden fortress or barricade erected on the deck of a merchant ship when attacks by privateers were expected. Small openings, called loopholes, allowed the sailors to fire small weapons to protect the ship (and themselves, one would assume). Land-side, close quarters has come to mean in close contact or a small area. Loophole, from the French louvre (window), has come to mean a gap in the law.
  7. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Sam Adams is fairly run of the mill. Good though, but unremarkable for myself. We journeyed to our local imbibery and picked up a 6 pack of singles. The two we had tonight were North Coast Brewery's Old Stock Ale (12.5%, very Barleywine-esqe), and Leinenekugel's new spring 1883 Bock. Both were delicious, and worth a full compliment of 5 more of their siblings.
  8. I just sent pyrateleather's to Matusalem today. I currently have Kate's.
  9. The Black Bough Inn, Gunwharf Quay, Portsmouth, England, 6:30pm A thunderbolt cracked across the sky. Thunder rattled the glass within the lead lined panes jolting more than one officer in the small group. Smiling, Thommie Woolsworth turned away from the sea and looked to his midshipman. The junior officer had just sliced an ever so slight piece of his thumb into the apple in his palm. "Ne'ermind the flesh eh' boyo?" quipped the first rate officer. "Aye sah, 'tis but a flesh wound sah," retorted the lad. Each of the men in the large conservatory laughed as the storm brought another flash and rumble to their early evening. The innkeep was a friend of a friend and kept their cups flowing throughout the night. Thommie was not quite sure how to approach the men about the task laid before him. It was not an easy thing to simply mention that they were to protect the Crown's possessions around the world as well as spy on Spanish territories in South America. How was he to break this to a crew where they were to be at sea for the better part of several years. He moved from the window and decided to simply announce their their departure as he had their many campaigns. Lieutenant Thomas Earle Woolsworth had spent 6 years at his current position within her Majesty's Royal Navy. His position on the ship came by the captain, not the navy and he could lose his ranking once the ship was lossed, or removed. Thommie could retain his ranking once they returned to service if the new captain wished a former first Lt. to be his Executive Officer. He knew his Captain would not let him rot in an Admiralty office in some godforsaken office in London proper. The thought alone made him shiver. Thommie was aboard the H.M.S. Terra for the duration. A queer thought invaded his mind though. He had seen so many young men live, serve and die before him and the thought of leaving some of the same men sitting, drinking and living before him in a strange land miles from home made him instantly finish his drink. He began his remarks first by announcing that their Captain was to join them upon arrival from the Magistrate's office. There was some paperwork that had been mucked up by an errant clerk and the Captain himself had gone to set it right. There was rumor that a secretary, employed by the financiers of the voyage was to join aboard. This remark itself gained the guffaws of the young lads. Lt. Woolsworth raised his hands calmly and quieted the noise. He mentioned that it was Vice-Admiral James Berkeley, the 3rd Earl of Berkeley whom had personally entrusted the crew of the H.M.S. Terra with the care of said Secretary. The Captain had to see for himself.
  10. Boatswain's Pipe An unusually shaped whistle, it was used in ancient Greece and Rome to keep the stroke of galley slaves. The pipe was used in the Crusades to call English cross bowmen on deck for attack. A variety of tones can be produced, and each order had its own unique call. In time, the pipe came to be used as a badge of office by commanders. The pipe is still used, in the British and some other navies, for saluting visiting officers and other dignitaries. Booby Hatch A booby hatch is a small, covered compartment under the deck, toward the bow. Sailors were punished (perhaps by the Black Book) by confinement in the booby hatch. The term has come to mean (politically incorrectly) a mental institution, or to characterize some places I have worked. Boot Camp During the Spanish-American War, sailors wore leggings called boots, which came to mean a Navy (or Marine) recruit. These recruits trained in 'boot' camps. Brought Up Short A sailing ship underway could only be brought to an emergency standstill by dropping the anchors. Not a pleasant experience. Used today to mean a person brought to an unexpected standstill by a sudden change of fortune or circumstance. Bumboat A boat selling supplies or provisions to ships. Derived from the Dutch boomboat, a broad-beamed fishing boat. Or, possibly from bumbay, an old Suffolk word meaning quagmire. This word appeared in England in 1695 referring to scavenging boat regulations. These boats were employed to remove 'filth' from ships and also to carry fruits and vegetables for sale on board. (I didn't make that up!) By Guess and By God An early form of navigation, relying upon experience, intuition and faith. Has come to mean inspired guesswork. By the Boards Beyond the wooden boards that make up the deck and ship's planking. To throw over the side, or to pass by the side, of a vessel. To come aboard, on the other hand, means to come 'on the boards (deck)' of the vessel. (Still used today, though the wood is in short supply on most new boats.) By the boards has come to express a lost opportunity or to let something pass.
  11. Bitter End The end of the anchor line secured to a sturdy post on the deck called a bitt. The line was paid out in order to set the anchor. However, if the water was deeper than anticipated the rope would pay out to the bitter end . . . ooops. Black Book From the 1300's - a collection of maritime laws and conduct that became known as the Black Book of the Admiralty. The punishments for offenses was harsh, to say the least. Drowning, starvation, and marooning were punishments for serious offenses such as repeatedly sleeping on watch. As used today, if you're listed in someone's black book, you have offended them in some way. Luckily for you, physical punishments no longer apply. Blind Eye In 1801, during the Battle of Copenhagen, Admiral Nelson deliberately held his telescope to his blind eye, in order not to see the flag signal from the commander to stop the bombardment. He won. Turning a blind eye means to ignore intentionally.
  12. Just an interesting tidbit to add to our writing. I'll update as I can, (or if anyone wants to join in, feel free). Before the mast The position of the crew whose living quarters on board were in the forecastle (the section of a ship forward of the foremast). The term is also used more generally to describe seamen as compared with officers, in phrases such as, "he sailed before the mast." Most ships today have cabins for their crew. Between the Devil and the Deep The devil was the longest seam of the ship, thought to be the first plank on the outer hull of a wooden vessel from stem to stern. When at sea and the devil had to be caulked, the sailor hung from a rope to do so. He was suspended between the devil and the sea — a very precarious position, especially when the ship was underway.
  13. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    So Magners=Bulmers? Huh. Sure enough: = Excellent. As far as ciders go, I'm partial to Strongbow. But they serve Hardcore at our local Rennfest. We usually mix Hardcore and Mackeson XXX.
  14. The proposed route, to follow that of Anson.
  15. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Try the Tres' Pistoles then...
  16. Aboard the Lucy Preston ducked while on the last step and rested his hand on one of the heavy timbers spanning the ship. He inhaled deeply. The ships's master held tight as several deep coughs racked his body. He took his hand and covered his mouth as best he could. The heavy taste of iron was fresh in his mouth and reminded him he was was not completely well. The slight sting of sweat beaded upon his brow and he wiped it off quickly using his bare forearm. He moved quickly to the galley in search of a stiff tot to soothe his throat. Finding some of those on larboard watch just finishing small plates of victuals left over from the morning, Preston asked Charlie and Andries for a word. He briefly discussed the evening's plan and asked them to meet in the ward room by two bells of the second dog watch. They both nodded. Preston added that whatever finery they could produce to wear to the Navarra may ease the ilk of her Captain. Both men agreed again and smiled. The ships' master continued about below deck, among those crew in repose or managing their daily duty in his search for Peter, Joseph and Maurice. _____________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At sea, heading ESE Speed: slowing, 9 knots Wind: Moderate Northeasterly breeze, small waves 1m high, some whitecaps
  17. Thanks for the downtime. I was getting carpal tunnel there for awhile...
  18. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Just finished a bottle of Sam Adams Chocolate Bock.... WOW.
  19. Aboard the Lucy Preston walked among those on deck trying to find the men he selected for their trip to the Navarra. The first bell of the first dog watch had just rung, and instinctively Preston looked to the west and watched the sun rapidly heading for the horizon. Christopher Tucker had his men aloft adjusting sail as the tiller pulled to turn east-south-east. Preston smiled and headed below.
  20. Thanks for sacrificing your life in efforts to keep this thing rolling... You are the official recipient of this month's 'BOOYAH' award.
  21. Preston thought for a moment and then nodded. "Aye Nigel, just lee o' th' Navarra. And, Mister Roche?" Nigel and Alder agreed. Many names had gone 'round the table but none were settled upon. It was then that Preston decided upon his crew. "I'll 'ave Mister Roche, Charlie Goddon, Joseph Aretinson, Peter Norman, and Dreis." Preston said without emotion. Of course the odd mix of names drew odd expressions from the officers. All of sudden Christopher Tucker let out a belly laugh, "You planning on some fisticuffs there with th' Spaniards Pew?" "No, but th' presence 'n case won't hurt." All the men around the table laughed. This eased Preston's cloud that hung around his head. While he was pleased with command of the Lucy, the circumstances tainted her journey. In agreement, the men were dismissed to go about their duties in preparation to lay anchor. Preston thanked Ash for her attendance to the men and excused himself. He was to see each man individually who were to accompany him to the Navarra. _____________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: At sea, heading SW Speed: 13 knots Wind: Moderate Northeasterly breeze, small waves 1m high, some whitecaps
  22. Sent one out to Matusalem this afternoon. So does everyone have at least one (or one on the way?) Let's try and get the January round straight so that each artist has one book.
  23. Aboard the Lucy, the Ward Room A simple company of men was developed to accompany Preston to the Navarra. The discussion of seaman traveled around the table. Preston spent the time in thought. He knew who he wanted. Charlie Goddon, an honest man. A warrior both in words and action. He reminded Preston a bit of Eric. Jospeh Aretinson. Yea, chosen by den Oven himself to serve aboard the Maastricht, he was a brutish man true more to his craft than the folly of politics. Peter Norman, one of Goddon's men from the Bullrush; a brawler through and through. Dreis Weer, one of a few men that he knew containing the wherewithal demonstrating a true soldier-sailor. It was these four men Preston wanted. They could easily handle any situation that may become upended. Preston wanted to make a statement that while the Captain was ashore, or unavailable, he was clearly in charge of the Lucy and her actions. Damnit, he thought. He hated 'cleaning' up others messes. While circumstances dictated that it was not truly anyone's fault from the Lucy or the Watch Dog for their delay in departure, he was the one to meet with the Navarra's Captain. Ash filled the tankards once more. "Gentlemen," Preston spoke quielty," do we 'ave anyone aboard t' speak t' th' Spaniards?"
  24. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Two this evening: Geary's Pale Ale Leinenkugel's Red lager
  25. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Where would one perchance in purchasing said Bridgeport's Hop Czar Triple Hopped Imperial IPA?
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