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Everything posted by Pew

  1. 4/11/2009, 9pm EST update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Lady Seahawke, and Callenish V Matusalem: Kate_Souris V withoutaname: pyrateleather, Ransom V Callenish Gunner: Patrick Hand V Lady Seahawke: V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill, Capt Sophia Eisley V pyrateleather: V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: Pew V Red-Handed Jill: Matusalem V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: withoutaname <edited>
  2. Preston was roused from his sleep with little regard for care or pleasantries. "Mister Pew," a rough hand shook Preston awake, "Mister Pew!" "Lay abaft! I'm awake damn you," Preston grumbled, "Wot is 't?" "Captain Lasseter called fer you above sah." "Very well." Preston rubbed his eyes and climbed out of the hammock. He waited a moment to regain his senses and for the cough to diminsh.
  3. Aboard the Watch Dog The night had quietly come to a close. Across the harbor a din could still be heard aboard some late arriving vessels. John McGinty yawned and rubbed his eyes to make out what he could about the vessel. He tried as he could to use the light from the shore to silhouette the ship to make out her number of masts or how low she was riding in the water. As best he could he guessed her to be a simple two masted schooner; morning light would have to prove him wrong. Below John in the waist, David Henry and John Clovely made their way about changing out the candle in the burnt out lanterns. A slight 'hisss' could be head across the deck and John wet his fingers and pursed out the light. David made a note to himself that several of the lanterns would need to cleaned out from the excess wax. He held the box from the chandelry on his hip as he lifted the lantern into view for John. It remained quiet on deck for sometime as the pair continued about their duty. Jean Doublet made his round near the bow passing briefly Louis Morrell. He nodded and muttered a 'hullo' in French. Louis stopped and replied in the same tongue. Jean spoke a bit more and within moments they were fully conversing in their native language. They moved to the bow and made small talk. Louis propped his foot on the rail and offered a small pipe of lit tobacco to Jean. He kindly thanked his countryman and inhaled deeply. Placing a shaded lantern on the deck, Edmund Wigg sat cross-legged and tried to whipp a few frays on the ends of the ratlines. He sat with a ball of hemp between his to bind the strands back together. Edmund tried to feed the end through the large needle, but proved to have much difficulty with the low level of light. He held his breath and tried for the third time. "Better luck wit' a camel passing through," he exhaled. The calm of the early morning was suddenly broken with the sound of a pistol shot echoing across the harbor. Jean and Louis quickly extinugished their pipe and peered into the darkness. Jim Warren made his way from the quarterdeck and stood below the mainmast. "Mister McGinty, a report." "Cannot see much sah," the young man called down, "'pears t' come from shore 'r close to it." "Aye. Very well. Keep an' eye." "Aye sah." Those on duty waited at the rail for some activity. Jim joined Jean and Louis at the bow. The crew watched and listened in the darkness for another shot. It was not heard, but a loud splash was, nearer than the shore and some three points northeast off the bow. Calls between the Lucy and the Watch Dog came frequently now as each crew now kept an ear perked.
  4. Pew

    Rum Samples

    I read Bilgemunky's site and decided to go into a little tasting meself. Here's the one's I've tasted so far: Saint Teresa 1796: Another grande blend. Although a bit heady in the fact that it smacks you in face and then caresses you after feeling bad for a bad first impression. While I sneered a bit initially imbibing this flavor, slowly it wound to a sweet taste; think vanilla, caramel, and brown sugar and very slight reminder of an oak and coffee blend. Not as as goode as previous flavors, but worth the try. Retail: $45.00 Pyrat XO: Delicious. Best with 3 cubes and a slice of lime. Official review: Orange and grapefruit marmalade aromas; medium-bodied with tangy flavors of citrus peel and dark honey. Finishes with spice and dried orange peel notes. My Review: Spot on. Tasty. Almost disappears in the throat. Makes you want to leave it in the mouth for a moment longer. Not a mixer, although it is recommended with the accompanying literature. Comes with a 'Hoti' icon. Patron saint of Bartenders. Excellent. Retail: $27.00 Sailor Jerry.: Your atypical rum. 92 proof. Spicy, with a hint of cherries. Strong, but very pleasant, surprisingly smooth for such a strong rum. I found it best when mixed with Lemonade, particularly Lemonade gatorade, (don't ask how that happened.) A few of these and you'll wind up on the floor of Sailor Jerry's tattoo shop, or pressganged on a ... wait a minute... Retail: $18.99 Ron Matusalem's Gran Reserve: Not what I expected. I was ready for the heavy oak infused flavor, but found Ron Matusalem's Gran Reserve to be quite light. No heavy vanilla or spice overtones, it was pefect for an after dinner apertif. Taken as usual with slice of lime and several cubes, it was delicious. After trying the others, i found myself coming back to this one for 'another try'. True to it's nature, this one will find it's way into my flask for Rennfest and other pyratical outings. Retail: $31.00 Here's a few I have yet to write-up, but will give some basics: Angostura 1919- A flavor too much of cinnamon Ron Anejo Pampero Aniversario- Very good, caramel hints DogFish Head Honey Brown Rum- Extremely sweet, one can easily taste the honey. Flor de Cana Gold (4 year)- Good. Missing something though, (maybe 8 more years).... Mount Gay Barbados Extra Old- Drinkable for an off the semi-mid shelf. Good mixer with ginger ale and a lime. Cockspur- Similar to the Flor de Cana. Not much depth, but reminds you it's a rum. Cockspur 12yr- A wholly different taste than the original. Definites warms, while soothing with a citrusy vanilla. Ron Zacapa (Solera 23 year)- the BEST rum I've ever tasted, (and most expensive). Smooth, subtle, delicious. 6oz, neat, in a small glass. Felt like Hemingway for a moment. Pyrat Pistol- Gah. Leaves alot to be desired. Oddly enough a cousin to the Pyrat XO reserve, which I found extremely tasty. Ron Matusalem Clasico (10 yr): Expecting it to be as good as the Gran Reserva, I was a bit disappointed. Very good, nonetheless I was waiting for the original feel I got when trying its older brother. Lighter than its sibling, it needed a bit of oomph. Appleton Estate 12: Very good. Dark, mysterious. Like getting lost in a sugarcane plantation at the height of a VooDoo ceremony. Like the Priestess, she too was smooth and sweet. While a twist off cap usually puts me off, the fragrant smell of caramel and oak made me dive deeper. But this time, I did not wake up in a coffin. Again, these are only my opinions... and we know what opinions are like...
  5. Aboard the Lucy Preston yawned as he made his way across the deck waiting for the coffee to do its job. Sadly, it had not. Preston was tired. He had yet to get a true night's sleep in what seemed like days. He wished to see Eric and spill a bottle with him. But his friend would have to wait. Preston sloughed below in search of an open hammock. He happened upon one near the stair. Far enough away from the early morning's revelry, yet close enough to catch some assemblance of a breeze wafting below. Clutching both sides of the hammock, he dropped like a stone into its belly. Within a few moments, he was deep in slumber. __________________________________________________________ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: Bow facing NE; tied alongside the Watch Dog Speed: At rest Wind: Calm, from the N
  6. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Found another new brew last night. Kona Brewing's Pipeline Porter. Made with real Kona coffee. Not bad but doesn't taste like a porter, more like a light stout with slightly smoky coffee overtones. Okay. Good for one or two...
  7. I'll agree with either. But to answer your question Patrick, if you mail out 10 cards and receive 10 cards, won't they weigh the same?
  8. Pew

    Pyracy Brew Crew

    Picked a few more new ones: Shiner Commemorator 100 years Great Divide's Hercules Double IPA The Shiner is very good. A slowly disappearing aftertaste, but with enough bite that makes it worth waiting for 100 years. Think a strong Bock, but not quite a doppelbock. Double IPA is strong. It is definitely an apertif beverage. Smells of pine and orange peel, tastes of nutmeg and lemon peel. Very good.
  9. Your punishment shalt be lessen'd then...
  10. 4/6/2009, 1pm EST update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Lady Seahawke, and Callenish V Matusalem: Kate_Souris V withoutaname: pyrateleather, Ransom V Callenish Gunner: Patrick Hand V Lady Seahawke: V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V Ransom: Pew V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: Matusalem V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: withoutaname
  11. Hold onto it for now Cal...
  12. I really don't know how this became such a mess. I thought it was pretty simple. STOP MAILING BOOKS NOW. We will take April to sort out the missing books, and let people get caught up on their artwork. Some folks have two books, some have one, some have none. Is this list still accurate? BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Lady Seahawke, and Callenish V Matusalem: Kate_Souris V withoutaname: pyrateleather, Ransom V Callenish Gunner: Patrick Hand V Lady Seahawke: V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V Ransom: Pew V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: Matusalem V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: withoutaname
  13. Excellent. Cal will now mail directly to Kate. K. Another change of plans. She's back in, I assume? The list will continue as before....
  14. Thank you very much Kate for getting that sorted out. Good to hear she is okay and still able to participate.
  15. Excellent. Cal will now mail directly to Kate.
  16. My original set: In. And I second Michael for head-wrangler.
  17. I heard from withoutaname: She also mentioned that she is receiving two books at once. My question(s): Why are books being recieved/ mailed so late? Why are pub artists receving two books at once? Folks, this is not brain surgery. One book a month. Create artwork in it. Send it out at the end of the month. That's all. BTW, I still have not heard from Matusalem or Lady Seahawke. Has anyone?
  18. Mine arrived today. Thanks for the extra goodies Ransom!!
  19. Preston awoke with his forehead firmly planted on the backs of his hands. Saal had long since left the Ward Room and Ash still hadn't been seen. The Ship's master stood as he felt a nudge alongside the Lucy. He joined those men already on deck to see the crew from the Watch Dog tossing lines from the waist. A brief conversation among all board continued until Dorian excused himself and Preston followed him into the Ward Room. "I thought you'd been pressganged an' 'alfway t' Gravesend b' now," smiled Preston as the door latched behind them.
  20. Aboard the Lucy Preston was deep in slumber when the gentle rap came upon the ward room door. The ship's master nearly fell out his chair when he was awoken. He rubbed his eyes and yawned heartily on his way to answer. In mid-step, he wondered of Ash's whereabouts. He yawned again as he unlatched the door. To his surprise, young Hindrik Kalfkin was there, trembling. "Wot is it lad?" asked Preston. The young boy removed his cap and wrung it in his hands. "Ser, can I..." the boy stammered for a moment before Preston waved his hand and let him into the room. Mister Whitingford lit a shaded lantern and placed it in the center of the table. Young Saal hopped into one of the seats. He drug one of the tomes from the center of the table and leafed through it. Preston ran his palm over the rough stubble he had acquired in the last several days. "C'n I 'elp ya lad?" "I kannot sleep ser," replied the lad quietly. "Son, we're at rest. Mister Flint 'as th' marines on watch. Mister Brisb'n 'as th' watch now. We're quite safe Saal," Preston reassured the young boy. Saal closed the book slowly, hung his head, and sighed. "Mother and Father have been gone 2 yearz now." The young boy clasped his hands together and rested them on the book. He laid his head on his hands now. "I mizz them Meezter Pew." Preston placed his palms on the table and sighed. It was to be a long night.
  21. I think I have this figured out. Follow along if you can. IT WAS PROFESSOR PLUM IN THE CONSERVATORY WITH THE CANDLESTICK. Oh wait, wrong post. In looking at the list, here's what I've done: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be BLUE= Artists I have NOT heard from PEW: Lady Seahawke, and Callenish V Matusalem: Kate_Souris V withoutaname: pyrateleather V Callenish Gunner: Ransom V Lady Seahawke: Patrick hand V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V Ransom: Pew V Patrick Hand: Matusalem V Red-Handed Jill: withoutaname V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: None, as Cal's was recently sent to Pew Thank you all whom have contacted me so far. SO. Cal has not received one for several months. The arteests prior to him are Matusalem and withoutaname. So Kate's, pyrateleather's and Ransom's journals are in an east coast vortex. Part Deux: Kate did not receive one last month (which would have been RHJ's), so that leads me to believe that Lady Seahawke may have Kate's, RHJ's and possibly Capt Eisley's. With that being said, as far as I can tell there are 2-3 bottlenecks: 1) The Matusalem/ withoutaname East Coast Bi-state connection 2) Lady Seahawke's Mid-country Mafioso If you folks folks could drop me a line and let me know whose books you have, I be much appreciative. GENTEEL REMINDER: IF YOUR NAME IS IN BLUE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHOSE JOURNAL YOU HAVE. This thread has been sponsored in part by Crayola and Pyrat Rum. Respectfully, Inspector Pew
  22. Okey-dokey. Let's try this. Each artist, (some of you already have), please PM me and simply tell me whose book(s) you have. Those of you who have other means to get ahold of the artists, please do so as some have not been responding to private messages. Then I can retrace each step and figure out where the problem may be. Luckily one of my undergrad degrees is in criminalistics. "Watson, the game is afoot."
  23. Here's the original list: PEW: Annapolis, Md V Matusalem: Wanaque, NJ V withoutaname: Brooklyn, NY V Callenish Gunner: NW Pa V Lady Seahawke: Columbus, Oh V Kate_Souris: Canal Winchester, Oh V pyrateleather: Shawnee, Ks V Ransom: Gants Pass, Or V Patrick Hand: Arnold, Ca V Red-Handed Jill: San Francisco, Ca V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Orlando, Fl V Pew... It's mid-March. If you have not seen a book yet for this month, please pm me. It is integral to the project that these books are sent and received in a timely fashion. For Callenish not to receive a book since December is morally reprehensible. If you are not able to participate in the project anymore, please let us know, (or myself by pm), so that there is not a bump in the handoffs.
  24. Thanks for heading this up R. I may now have to keep a stockpile of cards ready.
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