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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. *Takes it, gratefully..an nods thanks;)* Down the hatch! Gotta love the original Jager-like taste*grimace*
  2. Thankee, an' may ye be as well in health, as in spirits
  3. Thankee..ee..ee..*achoo! sniffle..hack..cough..ugh!*
  4. Weird, we always get snow, just before Easter, but that's normal, so I hear, fer me region..an' frankly, i could be doin more around th' cabin, but I don't feel much like it either..i totally empathize
  5. Thankee, Shipwreck John...a toast to ye *An' a hot totty fer me, seem t' hev a bit o' a cold..yecth! Flu season*
  6. Sick from flu, watchful..a bit out of sorts, really tired of coughing!
  7. I'm listening closely for the civil defense sirens, but I'm not sure if I'm hearing them or if it's the train close by...probably the train..or aircraft..<sigh>
  8. I have many fond memories of that place. Too bad, they're all far behind me. Some of them include camping out, shame they don't do that anymore!
  9. thankee both fer remembering..an' a toast t' ya both
  10. good t' see ya again...i see ye've become a legend
  11. I have no idea what to expect, if anyone remembers me, or what I walked into. I certainly did not expect to show up again after so long. So much has happened....My situation is different...my life is different...but still I remain as Hetha, true only to myself, if not to others...
  12. I'm settling in, staying busy mostly..th' more busy I stay, th' less time I hev t' think about th' misery I've had t' be subjected t' in my life...It's really not as bad now as I had anticipated, it could be much worse, but I'm in good company, wit' some very understnading an' entertaining folks..in short..adjusting..as well as can be expected..
  13. I've been relocated..physically... I'm now out in the country..far from the city, where I am used to familiar sounds and sights. I feel disoriented..discombobulated...it all happened so fast..friday, lost me home..saturday..pack an' called relatives..sunday..packed an moved out t' Nacogdoches..gotta be at least a few hundred miles away from whence me came...I don't know how I feel right now..I've been so shook up o'er th' weekend...all so new to me..trees an' nature fer miles around.. driveway..thet t' me seems t' take an hour t' get t' th' main road...not complaining, it's beautiful out 'ere..just seems like a vacation retreat..not a place o' residence as o' yet.. I've lived in th' country before..but not this country..nor this deeply into it..need water an'a boat..then things might jes be perfect! Very out o' sorts right now...lost me DSL..(grrr...) but at least I hev some limited access to the net..I'm going to be a bit unreachable, until I get settled in... An' Charity..I like ye jes th' way ye are hon..no pretense needed wit' me.. I feel like a cat thet's been stuck in dryer, then made to tumble fer an hour...
  14. Dennis The Menace
  15. "Don't Fear The Reaper"-Blue Oyster Cult "Wish You Were Here"-Pink Floyd
  16. Thankee..I'll need all th' perserverance I can muster...
  17. Since no one has posted yet, I will say t' everyone, Happy St. Erasmus Day! Hats off t' the Patron Saint, whom me pirating kitty is named afta! *My cat lives up t'th' name t' be sure..fortunately not a martyr tho..love him too much t' let any harm come t' him! He still has claws..in case he ever stumbles out doors..he's indoors othawise, I swear lightning is fierce from his sharp claws tho!*
  18. Because I need t' go an' er...ogle them...again...
  19. Those pics are great! *Now I truly am in big trouble... * (Whistles while looking at ceilin')
  20. I feel like I'm watchin' an inevitable storm about t' pass through me home..no matter what I do or decide, it will happen like it or not.... Too little, too late..... I haven't talked about it very much lately, an' hev avoided th' topic point blank too long....now changing fortune is upon me, an' Ive played too long... Am I ready? Aye, an' Nay...I'm watching th' show, because it's predictable..I know th' various outcomes, an' in me heart me ready t' embrace th' changes, like a fresh breather, but prepared physically, nay..still got lots t' sort out..pack up an' move... Hope yer fever goes down, Christine, an' feel better soon, (((hugs Christine))) I gots work t' do...but I know, weirdly enough, thet me gonna be alright..I'm..calm, in th' face o' th' storm...shall we say... Most people would be terrified..I'm not... :)
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