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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Before William's tempting offer at the Tsunami Kate, I had none other than... Hot Pockets
  2. Good one, Jenny. Sausage curls...
  3. the Gibson Girl,(another hairdo, i know..cheesy;)
  4. a rooster tail (hairdo, with a clip)
  5. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ Many things, most of which may not seem important to th' rest of the town around me, but they mean much to me. < Like Jacky Tar says, proud o' my independent kids,(sorry, no current pics at the moment).. V One memory ye hev, that sticks out in your mind?
  6. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^Video games. (Will work for)And to answer CrazyChole black's earlier question:"Have you ever made someone something they just love?" Aye, when i was a jewelry and jewelry box proprietor, i made in memorium, a special box, with all the things the person who was deceased just loved about the Victorian Era, placed inside, and the box itself, was wrapped in pink crushed velvet, embroidered and stitched with ladies shoes, parasols, and complete with birth and death years. < currently brewing earl grey tea, for a sick friend who requested I do. V Microsuede, memory foam, or both?
  7. A large table, I hope, me appetite fer good food an' drink an' many a tale is lusty!
  8. Is it me tighter corset, or me ribs showing? No matter, feed me up an' roll me out, William!
  9. (Looking at me paltry pantry of pre-processed foods, and fridge full of condiments, then shutting both) Aye, staying at th' Kate, sounds lovely
  10. I hev strange an' changeable scent likings. In the morning, fresh grounds of coffee, and coriander. Afternoon: 93 Octane; smells like work(used to be a mechanic, an' Diesel is far too filthy, fer me palette) Evenings: my caramel 3-in-1 bubble bath
  11. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ No. Sort of on th' go(not a scheduled eater) < Admiring some amazing pic on th' site V Chicken or fish?
  12. Oh william, that is by far, the finest dish i hev seen in many months..
  13. all the fashion rage
  14. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ Hev only one fer now, Walter P-38 special Sold off my others fer bill payments(sucked) < Under a severe thunderstorm warning, fer several counties. V Favorite cutlass, or child, ifin ye like?
  15. Honestly, don't know...seems to hev disappeared into the foliage, ifin I do, twill hopefully not go so badly as the last one did, there fer a while... Hard to get tourneys going, with only a few participants..need a bigger rally, and more games to interest, matches and prizes..I do thankee fer helpin' me with the last one, William, setting up archery a' such;) sure missed ye while me was away..
  16. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ Snow peas,(right now), especially with water chestnuts and stir fried beef cutlets and seasonings. < Hungry for real food, after a long day at work. V Anyone else have an appetite?
  17. Of all the soaring and majestic birds of prey, that are a splendorous sight to behold, and there are many I like, I must say.. I had an interesting opportunity as a child to explore and work with,(for a short stint, during a community service project,) a peregrine falcon. The one I was lucky enough to hold, and got to fly back to me, was the sweetest in temperament. Years later I spoke with some of the falconers at the local Renn faires, and they agreed on the temperament issue. So, although i do not have one myself, i like the peregrine falcon.
  18. Honey roasted cashews
  19. Welcome to the pub, Mr. Spu.. I mean Short Ben Potato Ray, I be hevin a pint o' Guiness as well, this time, ifin ye please... Slainte! Drink up, lad, yer clear... fer th' moment!
  20. Novelist Kurt Vonnegut, dies at age 84, shortly following brain injuries suffered during a fall, in his Manhattan home. Here's the link, for those interested, or whom have ever read or enjoyed his novels: click here
  21. Red Handed Jill! Rumba! Two lovely sights fer sore an' achin' eyes, such as mine;) Good t' see ya both..again! Cheers, and Slainte! I have much rebounded,(mostly) life does throw some odd lemons, I made lemonade out of them. (Tis rather spiked, ifin I do say so m'self;)
  22. ^has a very cool spinning avatar
  23. *Ray passes a glass of Dr. Pepper to oderlesseye* *Ray also passes more DayQuil to Hetha, fer she must run off to work* Wot sort of "sea stories" do ye wish t' hear? 'Been rather unpracticed as o' late, tellin' stories, that is... Piratey ones, although my favorite, I've been rather in lack. I'll hev to think on a new one..(hmmm..let's see) How about, you start, then we could add on, sort of a game I've seen in other more readable threads...of course we could move this game to another room..ifin ye like?
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