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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Thank ye, everyone, Ye hev been most helpful, and kind! *blushes, then drinks more rum, thinking,"Anymore o' this, and I'll end up like M' did last night!"*
  2. <Takes a mug from Will! Thank ye, kind sir!> My mug is a bit misleading, They used a dark brown dye on my hair, but I think the rebellious natural red, still shows through somewhat. So much for trying to tame the flame, eh?
  3. We were tryin' t' figure out, Diego, if I should use m' pic in m' profile s an avatar or not? What do ye suggest?
  4. *blushes* Oh, thank ye, gents! If i should keep it, do ya think I shold use it as my avatar, or keep it under wraps in my pprofile?
  5. Thank ye very kindly miss! I should try to resize it tho. May leave it up a couple of days and let others decide if I should use it. I mean it is my real photo.
  6. Cheers and Huzzah then! Christine, miss, ye don't think I ..scared these men do ye? I mean, that's the only pic I hev in m' stash. Should I remove it?
  7. O' Course I'm a lass! Sorry, Christine if m' nick was so misleadin'! <Pours Christine a mug of her favorite> There ye go, miss!
  8. Just updated my profile, and added my mugshot. If anyone cares to look. Unfortunatley, it is my worst pic. The boneheads who photographed me, told the hairstylist, to try and dye my hair brown! Couldn't get rid of all my red tho. A natural scarlet, with some carroty-brass highlights. Yes, it's truly me...hideous..isn't it? My husband see fit to jealously guard the pic in his personal stash somewhere, even I can't find, til I forced him to dig it up..all my other pics are lost, during the move, due to water damage...sigh..and they were much better!
  9. ACDC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" in one ear, an automated phone solicitation survey in another. <I'm Hanging up now>
  10. Fascinating topic! I love discussions like these! So much detail. Ye all have certainly taken my attention away from the mundane humdrum. I always thought, as they say in a particular movie I watched,'The Animatrix,' that, "There is fiction, in your truth, and truth in your fiction." The more truth we discover behind the monikers, the dress, the periods, and the cross-culturalization, the more clues we discover, as to why it draws us. :)
  11. No offense meant, on my part, but in other forums and boards, that have asked before, I've told them, and no one seemed interested, as you have. Of course those boards and forums, weren't as interesting as this one, and piracy was not the theme or mainstay. I do find the backgrounds and histories, behind the names posted 'ere on this forum to be quite phenomenal! Very original, and full of interesting and fascinating detail! :)
  12. Not sure if anyone will end up reading this old post, but if ye must know, 'ere goes: "Hetha" Danish for 'heath dweller' or 'heathen' variants: "hedda" Teutonic for 'war' or"Hethla" the Gaelic variant, meaning 'hearth' or modern variant,"Hettie" a nickname of the former. I've carried this name around for many years, through many faires, and even in private, my close friends still call me by these variants of the name. It struck me as a fiery, sharp-tongued, witty persona, whose charm is that of a thistle! My namesake, I understand, through many years of research, into the Viking Era, had much in common with me, and the name suits. I've carried several titles attached to it, but prefer none of them. I've been known as "Jarless Hetha," "Jarless Boann," pronounced (boo-ann), "Hetha the Red," "Lady Hetha," I've also been known as "Drakkarwulf," and more unpleasant nicks, associated with my namesake, "The Castrator," among them. "Queen Hetha," was merely a title, part of a job. So, in summation, I just shortened all my titles, trimmed them off, as Vikings didn't usually have surnames, just nicknames attached later, associated with an aspect of them. I prefer Hetha or Hettie, when being addressed. How it relates to pyracy, weeelll! So glad ye ask'd m'!! Hetha, an Irish-born-Dane,in the late 9th to the early 10th century,(attendant in the 'Bravic War' circa 940 C.E.) was a well known enterpreneural shipping mogul, of her time. She inherited her father's (Jarl Connor Boann, Harald Hardrada's Irish Ambassador)estate, business and title, directly from him, and expanded her shipping empire considerably. Along with her cousin Wisna, they became the richest sea captains, hailed from the Schleisvig-Hedeby trade district. (Some insist they smuggled whole ships) Later, Hetha and Wisna, along with Webiorg,(Hetha's skialdmaer) earned reknown at the Battle of Bravalla, or 'Bravallir' ie, the 'Bravic War' for casting aside their breastplates, and exposing themselves to the enemy Swedes, so they would be insulted, that they were killed by women. Afterwards, Hetha was entreated to rule the remaining islands of the Danelaw. Her rulership, lasted longer, than Saxo states in his book, and he was incorrect about some details concerning King Oli, a petty king from Gotland.
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